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7011: The Future of NASA
... years from now, NASA's space program will not be so far advanced that people will be able to beam around the Universe or travel through time. However, unless something goes terribly wrong with the world, it is expected to advance tremendously. New, high-tech designs for rockets will make them more environmentally safe. Rockets will also be recycled and reused. Systems retrieving parts of rockets that are today, left behind in space, will be created. Astronauts will ... solar-powered energy sources will also be available. Space Internet may be created, so that astronomers and anyone else that happens to be in space can upload pictures and chat with the rest of the world while they are actually in outer space. In general, there is a bright future in store for NASA, with new and advanced technology waiting around the bend of the twenty-first century.
7012: The Roman Catholic Church
... see the Roman Catholic Religion will continue to grow and prosper. It is a well-established religion that has been around for many years. It can be found in many different places all over the world and has many followers. Jesus Christ is the focal symbol of the Roman Catholics. Without Jesus Christ the religion could not exist, he holds the religion together and is the master symbol. This group also ... practice this religion because it helps them spiritually. It is a religion that fulfills them both emotionally and physically. The Catholic Church uses social encapsulation to work with potential converts and helping them with their new life styles. After the conversion there are different social activities that will help the recent convert through the transition. Some of these activities that the church offers are bible study, retreats, and prayer. The parish ... is the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is very important and is referenced at all times and the readings during the mass contain passages to the bible. There is now The New Testament and The Old Testament. In the sermons many things are talked about. It talks about different things Jesus Christ has done for the people and also about things that have happened in the ...
7013: ‘A White Heron’ by Sarah Orne Jewett
... the very first scene in this story, we get a revealing insight into Sylvia’s character. She is a young child, probably nine years old. She has been living on her grandmother’s farm in New England for the past year. We learn early in the story that Sylvia seems to have a natural connection with animals. “ Besides, Sylvia had all the time there was, and very little use to make ... she is so love-stuck with him that she can only follow. Later that night, Sylvia would remember a pine tree she had seen many times before. “ Now she thought of the tree with a new excitement, for why, if one climbed it at break of day, could not one see all the world, and easily discover form whence the white heron flew, and mark the place, and find the hidden nest?” “What a spirit of adventure, what wild ambition! What fancied triumph and delight and glory for ...
7014: British Imperialism In Africa
The motives of Britain's imperialist activities in Africa from 1869 to 1912 were strategic and defensive. While other motives did exist, such as to colonize, to search for new markets and materials, to attain revenge and world prestige, to convert natives to Christianity, and to spread the English style of orderly government, the main motives evident in many events of the period showed attempts to safeguard the country and protect former land ... of the Suez Canal had already become a cardinal point of British policy." (Faber 57) The first showdown over the route to the east between Britain and France occurred in Egypt. French pride over a new Egyptian canal, built in 1869, was soaring. It was abruptly grounded in 1875, however, by a surreptitious British purchase of the majority share in the Suez Canal. A dubious balance of power was achieved ...
7015: Windows 95 the O/S of the Future
Windows 95 the O/S of the Future The way of the computing world is changing at a neck breaking pace. People are looking for computers to be easy to use, and to make life easier for them. The computer manufactures and software developers have started to tailor computers and programs to fit the needs of the new “computer age”. Graphical Interface Software (GUI) began to make computing easier and people who never dreamed of owning computers began to buy them. Macintosh was one of the first GUI computers to hit the market ... fit the IBM compatible standards, Microsoft saw the need to replace DOS (Disk Operating System) with something easier to use. That is when they developed Windows, which covered the difficult to use DOS with a new face that made computing easier. The first Windows was a start in the right direction. In an effort to make computing meet the needs of the public, Microsoft developed Windows 95. Windows 95 has ...
7016: Mining In Canada
... produced. The Canadian government and the mining companies have very good plans and controls toward this problem, while ensuring the smooth running of the industries, and also helping to create strong economy and employment. The world of today could not exist without mineral products. Canada produces about 60 minerals and ranks first among producing countries1. As well, Canada is the largest exporter of minerals, with more than 20 per cent of production shipped to world markets2. In a typical year, the mining industry is responsible for almost 20 per cent of Canada's total export earnings3 (See Appendix A). As for the employment rate, over 70 per cent of the ... can be produced from drill hole data. Computers are also being used to develop plans for mine expansion, develop mining schedules for yearly, quarterly and in some cases, weekly operations. At the operating stage, this new technology is everywhere6. Both in research and operational applications, automated mine monitoring systems now determine immediate information on the status of equipment in underground or remote locations. Canada produces its 60 mineral products from ...
7017: Ending Of Apartheid In South A
... which I think played the most important part in the ending of apartheid was releasing ANC leader Nelson Mandela in 1990. Not only did it symbolise a fresh start for the country, but also a new found uniformity of its people. At the time, this move by the government was quite unexpected, but in retrospect, an inevitability. The prime minister of South Africa in 1989 was PW. Botha, however after having ... with segregation but his first speech announced plans to legalise the ANC, PAC and SACP and also that political prisoners would be released. He said he wanted to work with political groups to form a new constitution for South Africa. Although De Klerk’s decision was a great step forward for blacks, there were many possible reasons for his drastic change in government. A journalist in Cape Town at the time ... of the appauling conditions in black township schools. Classes were over-crowded, there were no facilities and most importantly the pupils were being taught in Afrikaan. The language was not spoken anywhere else in the world, and they felt that they were simply being prepared as slaves for the whites. The horrifying incident caused uproar in many other townships which lasted for months. Although the government claimed the riots were ...
7018: The Natural 3
... those from the story. Roy Hobbs plays the Arthur figure. Roy is a country boy, innocent of the temptations of the urban jungle that is already taking over American life in the period between the world wars. His ability as a baseball player is as innate as his essential goodness. Like a king over a country, he is born with the power to rule over the baseball field. Yet his father ... car, whether he has read Homer. The authors are not just drawing on the Matter of Britain for their archetypes. The manager and co-owner of the team Roy eventually rises to prominence with, the New York Knights may be called Pop Fisher. He may warn Roy, momentarily changing role models, that he should not begin a relationship with the most beautiful woman in the baseball world, because she is bad luck. Max Mercy, the sports columnist whom we first meet as guardian to the Whammer, seems to represent the morally equivocal elements of Merlin. Shaping events through his cartoons and ...
7019: Modems
... years, modem users have gone from data transfer rates of 300bps to 1,200 bps to 2,400 bps to 9,600 bps to 14.4Kbps to 28.8Kbps to, and to 33.6Kbps. Now new modem standards are emerging, reaching speeds of up to 56Kbps. Unlike the 33.6Kbps modems being sold today, 56Kbps is a significant improvement over 28.8Kbps modems. Viewing complex graphics or downloading sound files improves ... 000 bits-per-second over regular phone lines. ISDN has a couple of advantages. It uses the same pair wire found in regular phone lines, so the phone company won't necessarily have to run new wires into your house or business. A single physical ISDN line offers two 64Kbps phone lines called channels that can be used for voice and data. Unfortunately, ISDN isn't cheap. Installation fees can run ... system digital network). The draw back to this system is that it's too expensive, requires a relatively elaborate installation and configuration and, in the end, doesn't necessarily speed up your access to the World Wide Web. The price for the 21" dish, PC card and software is about $499 U.S. retail. Then there is a $49.95 U.S. one-time activation fee. The monthly charges start ...
7020: The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy or Single-gunman?
The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy or Single-gunman? Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany during World War II, once said, "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it." Although this may sound ludicrous, we can see many example of this in the world's history. One example would have to be the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination. For over thirty years the people of the United States were led to believe that a single gunman shot and killed Kennedy ... of President John F. Kennedy: A Reassessment of Original Testimony and Evidence." 2. Harris, Robert. "The Single Bullet Theory: A Question of Probability." 3. Newman, John. "Oswald and the CIA." Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc. New York: 1995. 4. Summers, Anthony. "Conspiracy." McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York: 1981. 5. "JFK" Directed by Oliver Stone. Warner Bros., Inc. 1991.

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