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7001: Nuclear Energy
... crossed the atlantic to Canada was Hans von Halban, who along with Dr. Lew Kowarski had escaped from the Institute Du Radium in Paris one step ahead of the invading german army. They took the world supply of 200 Kg of heavy water with them to Canada. Having pioneered the chain reaction using uranium and heavy water, the scientists applied their knowledge and their heavy water to the new Canadian nuclear industry. On September 5th, 1945 near Ottawa the team started up the first operating nuclear reactor outside the USA. Of course, the output was minuscule, but the significance was immense; the principal of ... or 'Fission'. When the nucleus of an uranium atom is stuck by a neutron travelling at the right speed, it splits into fragments which separate rapidly and generate heat. It also gives off a few, new neutrons. In order to sustain a continuous nuclear reaction, the speed of these neutrons must be slowed down, or moderated. CANDU reactors use heavy water (Deuterium Oxide is called heavy water because it is ...
7002: The Awakening: A Woman’s Fight for Independence
... little chores. The biggest step she made was her decision to move away from her mansion and into the “pigeon house”, a little cottage around corner. After this move she was free to explore her new profound freedom and desires. She succumbed to the passion in her heart and had a meaningless affair with Arobin, a known heartbreaker. She was in control of this new relationship and she loved feeling in control. True, she felt nothing beyond lust for the man but she was able to do as she wished. Her love for Robert Lebrun was truly her biggest obstacle ... her duties to her husband and children. That was the end of Edna Pontellier. She feels alone, with no one who would understand to confide into. Rather than be forced to live in such a world of tyranny and succumb once again to the mechanical lifestyle she had lived for so long, she chooses death. In death, there are no expectations, no one to impress or be “proper” for, and ...
7003: The Future of Religion
The Future of Religion The Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Koran are arguably the most influential texts of the past two millennia. The human race has made many advances socially, politically, scientifically, and technologically since the times when these texts originated and ... and religion. One reason why followers believe in a religion is because that particular religion gives its believers comfort that everything will be for the best (even after death), because everything that happens in this world is an expression of the intentions of a higher being. This comfort comes from the belief that if you worship this higher being you will be protected from the evils of this world (or the afterlife). "And God said to him, I am God, the Ruler of all: be fertile, and have increase; a nation, truly a group of nations, will come from you, and kings will ...
7004: Fidel Castro: How One Man With A Cigar Dominated American Foreign Policy
... Policy In 1959, a rebel, Fidel Castro, overthrew the reign of Fulgencia Batista in Cuba; a small island 90 miles off the Florida coast. There have been many coups and changes of government in the world since then. Few if any have had the effect on Americans and American foreign policy as this one. In 1952, Sergeant Fulgencia Batista staged a successful bloodless coup in Cuba . Batista never really had any ... cases of Americans victimized by the continuing abuses of the INRA. The American posture of moderation was beginning to become, in the face of Castro's insulting and aggressive behavior, a political liability. (16) The new American policy, not announced as such, but implicit in the the actions of the United States government was one of overthrowing Castro by all means available to the U.S. short of open employment of ... the break in relations he ordered full scale mobilization of his armed forces to repel an invasion from the United States, which he correctly asserted was imminent. For at this time the Washington administration, under new President-elect Kennedy was gearing up for the Cuban exile invasion of Cuba. The fact that this secret was ill kept led to increased arms being shipped to Cuba by Russia in late 1960. ...
7005: Controlling Computers With Neu
... connecting themselves to glowing head probes. By doing this the space traveler’s thoughts and feelings are directly conveyed to the alien computer over a neural link. In the science-fiction movie The Matrix, the world is run by machines that use humans as batteries so sustain themselves. A group of humans brake the grip of the machines and begin to wage a war on their metallic oppressors. These people are ... the information on Earth into their brain. Thus, humanity would be in a state of peace as everyone would have equal information. In the future, individuals who have lost limbs will be able to obtain new ones. The only difference is, they will be able to control these bionic limbs as if they were born with them. Also, they may be able to feel sensation on these limbs. This idea is ... Convicted felons just released from jail can be implanted with tracking devices. Then they could be monitored by the police via satellite. The negativity of this technology could be grave. It could give way to new types of international terrorism. Imagine that terrorists would be able to detinate bombs from thousands of miles away with only a mere thought. Governments could use the technology to control humans, thus forming a ...
7006: Jungle and The Rain Forest
... Amazon basin of South America, in the Congo basin and other lowland equatorial regions of Africa, and on both the mainland and the islands off Southeast Asia, where they are especially abundant on Sumatra and New Guinea. Small areas are found in Central America and along the Queensland coast of Australia. Temperate rain forests, growing in higher-latitude regions having wet, maritime climates, are less extensive than those of the tropics but include some of the most valuable timber in the world. Notable forests in this category are those on the northwest coast of North America, in southern Chile, in Tasmania, and in parts of southeastern Australia and New Zealand. These forests contain trees that may exceed in height those of tropical rain forests, but there is less diversity of species. Conifers such as REDWOOD and Sitka spruce tend to predominate in North ...
7007: Taoism
... inseparable parts of the great whole, and we are as old, and as young as the heavens and the earth”(Creel,1970Pg.2). I think that it means the Tao came before all of the world and heaven that we know of. And the Tao is like the feelings of love we sometimes feel. The love can get so strong but others don’t realize it. There is nothing big enough ... people never die and super-humans. Even though he himself did not believe in immortality. Some people now were in the pursuit of immortality. Some of them had Taoist beliefs but they added a few new ideas to the religion. These people started a new religion was called Neo-Taoism. The Philosophical Taoist’s beliefs stayed unchanged. Neo-Taoism is different from Philosophical Taoism in many ways. The Neo-Taoist’s expressed their beliefs and ideas in many different ...
7008: Dylan Thomas
... they moved to Laugharne, Wales. Their first child, Llewlyn Edouard Thomas was born in January 1939. The Map of Love, soon to be the title of a major film, was published in August and The World I Breathe was released in December.(Bookshelf 98) In April of 1940 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog was published and in September Dylan began working for Strand Films, Inc. He remained with Strand through the conclusion of the Second World War. His second child Aeronwy, Byrn Thomas was born in March of 1943. Deaths and Entrances was released in 1946. Three years later his child, Colm Garan Hart Thomas, was born. In 1952 his final ... did a series lecture tours in the United States and wrote Under Milkwood, his famous play for voices.(Bookshelf 98) During his fourth lecture tour of the United States in 1953, he collapsed in his New York hotel. He was but a few days past his 39th birthday. He died on Noovenber 9th, 1953 at St. Vincents Hospital, New York. His alcoholism was legendary and no doubt played a significant ...
7009: Ode To The West Wind
... to have an effect on the reader. The various cycles of death and rebirth are examined with reference to the Maenads who were fabled to have destroyed Orpheus’s body and spread it around the world. This is the underlying theme to the poem with Shelley alluding to the breaking of Christ’s body on the cross and how that was essential for humanity to reach salvation. The onslaught of Autumn is the ‘Destroyer’ in one sense but also the ‘Preserver’ as it forms an intricate part of the cycle of life and death. Without the death of Jesus Christ the world would not have been saved and so for life to exist so too must death. Referred to as an "unseen presence"(l.2) the wind is naked to the human eye. However the physical manifestation ... Shelley’s poetry and leads him to be one of the most despairing poets of his time. Bibliography Leighton, Angela Shelley and the Sublime, London, 1984 O’Neill, Michael Shelley, London, 1993 Ridenour, George Shelley, New Jersey, 1965 Solve, Melvin Shelley: His theory of Poetry, New York, 1964 Strong, Archibald Three Studies in Shelley, London, 1921
7010: Fahrenheit 451: Change
Fahrenheit 451: Change What is change? Webster's Second Collegiate Dictionary, defines change as to cause to become different; alter; transform; convert. Many things, people, and world events are able to change. Peace may be present for years and shattered by a disagreement over religion, or shift of political power. Technology changes the lives of people and how the interact and work in the world. People also change. Many do not see any wrongdoing internally, and remain the way they are. However, there might be outside factors that help them realize what is wrong with them or the lifestyle they ... he "talked the meaning of things." He wanted to know what was in the books. He wanted to see the meaning in the words and writing. Faber's comment on books gave way to a new stream of questions in Montag. Montag began wondering about books. He asked himself, "Are books really that bad? Why are books bad if Faber feels that books are what I missing from the society? ...

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