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6931: Hepatitis
... only found in West Africa and Asia where it has become epidemic like paportions and cases reported in the U.S. are very rare. The reason the virus is so common is because in third world countries the water system is very poor. People are drinking and bathing in the same waters that are being contaminated with human feces. (American Liver Foundation June 1993 pg. 3). Hepatitis E is in a ... attention as soon as symptoms appear. Hep. E is the rarest of all the different Hepatitis virus in the U.S. This is one of the viruses that is also very common in the third world countries. This is because of the neglect of medical attention and poor water systems. It has been discovered that the Hepatitis G virus is now in reality. The reason for the skip of the letter ... just getting bigger and people are going to have to do something about these problems. Works Cited Fackelmann, Kathleen. "The Hepatitis G Enigma." Science News Apr 13, 1996: 238- 239. UMI Company. CD-ROM. Unknown New York State Dept. of Health. Hepatitis A. [Online] Available gopher: hepa.txt at mole.health.state.ny.us, 11-13-96 New York State Dept. of Health. Hepatitis C. [Online] Available gopher: hepa.txt ...
6932: Death of a Salesman: Linda
... the subject by suggesting that the problem was with the car’s steering and not with his mind. “Oh. Maybe it’s the steering again.” “Maybe it’s your glasses. You never went for your new glasses.” By repeatedly doing this throughout the play Linda keeps Willy from facing the truth about himself. Linda also continues to give Willy undeserved compliments, agreeing with him on his looks and ambition. This aids Willy in building himself up into a great man. For example, when Willy plans to see Howard Wagner about getting a job in New York instead of traveling, the reader knows that this is impossible, yet Linda encourages him and falsely joins in his excitement. Later, Willy becomes discouraged to hear that it wasn’t possible. A build-up ... be the cause of Willy’s suicide at the end of the play. Linda not only affects Willy, but also Biff and Happy. Willy repeatedly tells his sons that in order to succeed in the world, they needed to be well-liked. He also taught them that in the business world, a person could start off from the bottom and make it to the top in no time. Linda was ...
6933: How Can Drug Trafficking Be Co
... contributors to the problems of the drug war. Not only does Columbia sell cocaine to the United States, it also sells marijuana. Columbia is responsible for over eighty percent of the cocaine distribution around the world. In Columbia cocaine production is the leading export and moneymaker of the economy. It even passes the production and export of coffee.(Melville, pg. 10) A major reason for this production and selling of drugs in Columbia is the Columbian Drug Cartel. The cartel is a world-wide organization that makes and sells drugs to make a profit. The reason they are so powerful in Columbia, besides the fact that it brings so much money into the economy, is that the cartel ... from exporting about four hundred tons of cocaine they smuggle into the U.S. Honduras is another country that was and is a major drug exporter to the United States. Drug trafficking is not a new thing to the people of Honduras. It has been going on since 1932 when Tiburcio Carias Andino ruled Honduras. This country was in a bad depression so they needed a way to get out ...
6934: Nutrition And Health
... Whitney pp.646). As the 20th century draws to a close medical science s concerns differ significantly from those of earlier years. According to the Background on Adult Nutrition from the FamilyHaven site: prior to World War II, Americans main nutritional problems stemmed from lack of sufficient food or variety of foods. Nutrition scientists of that era focused on defining essential nutrients, primarily vitamins, in order to outline the minimum food ... studies have shown that certain conditions and behaviors are linked to certain diseases. Today, there is a growing awareness that the food you eat affects your health and your whole life. However, according to a new Gallop survey, Americans today recognize that they do not need to sacrifice taste to eat right. Rather, they can enjoy their favorite foods in a way that combines the basic tenets of a healthy diet ... found foods without nutrition labels or labels without enough useful information. The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 brought sweeping changes to the regulations that define what is required on the food labels. The new requirements were designed so that the labels would provide consumers with useful information about the food they eat, and especially about how individual foods fit into their daily diets. Labels are valuable only if ...
6935: Voices By Dacia Maraini - Book
... little blood on the floor when he discovers that she is lying on the ground dead after being stabbed several times (18). This is the first clue that Angela is cornered in her own little world. She has little blood, which is regarded as the seat of emotions, and her lack of such nourishment suggests that perhaps she was never nurtured. Furthermore, her cause of death, internal hemorrhage, suggests that those ... adolescence, when at the young age of eight her father dies leaving an empty gap in her life that couldn t ever be filled (189). Shortly thereafter her mother remarries, and her bondage evolves. Her new family life is the main source of her isolation. It is, as though her family remained cocooned inside its own cultural and linguistic bunker (6). Similar to many, her family was like a minefield (39). The most explosive is Angela s new father who sexually abuses her (214-215). He loved her without respecting her . . . and treated her as if she belonged to him (213). He felt as though he were taming her (233). He obviously ...
6936: The Development of Ancient Systems of Writing in Iraq and Egypt
... some confusion as the reader could not be certain what the writer was using the symbol for. A solution to this problem was the introduction of a method to indicate what the symbol represented. These new symbols were called determinative. For example, the Sumerians placed a symbol in front of, or sometimes behind, the word sign to give the reader an indication of how to interpret it. The sign for plow ... also adopted the script, using 30 signs, which basicly corresponds to the West Semitic linear alphabet. With each of these languages the original Sumerian script was adopted in such a way as to write the new language in the easiest phonetic form possible, hence the reduction in the number of signs almost down to the number of signs in an alphabet. The use of cuneiform eventually died out around 100AD, with ... great writing system of the Ancient Middle East appeared, the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. From the Greek ta hieroglyphica, meaning 'the sacred carved (letters)' comes our word hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics are probably the most artistic scripts in the world, consisting of actual drawings or carvings of things from the real world and written continuously in either columns or in a horizontal line. This script was read from right to left, or sometimes from ...
6937: Bill Gates: Biography
... computing have been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively involved in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft, and plays an important role in the technical development of new products. A significant portion of his time is devoted to meeting with customers and staying in contact with Microsoft employees around the world through e-mail. Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft's mission is to continually advance and improve software technology and to make it easier, more cost-effective and more enjoyable for people to use computers. The company ... The Road Ahead, his vision of where information technology will take society. Co-authored by Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft's chief technology officer, and Peter Rinearson, The Road Ahead held the No. 1 spot on the New York Times' bestseller list for seven weeks. Published in the U.S. by Viking, the book was on the NYT list for a total of 18 weeks. Published in more than 20 countries, the ...
6938: Views From The Bridge
... Oedipus was lied to, and he was an innocent victim that had no choice of his future. In the beginning of his life everything was going great, but then when finding out the truth his world came crashing down. In conclusion the play of A View from the Bridge was a modern day version of the play Oedipus the King. The comparison that was the most significant was the metaphorical blindness ... can relate to some of these problems that were faced by these characters. In our society today people go through the same problems with their families. Works Cited Miller, Arthur. A View from the Bridge. New York: Penguin Books. 1970. Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Translations. Paul Roche. World Masterpiece. Ed.Eileen Thompson, et al. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991. 429-473
6939: Importance of the Renaissance Period for European Overseas Exploration
Importance of the Renaissance Period for European Overseas Exploration The purpose of this essay is to explain why the Renaissance must have occurred in order for Europe to begin overseas exploration. During the Renaissance, many new ideas formed, and many old ideas were reborn. Some of these ideas that affected overseas exploration for Europe are technological advancements in cartography, printing, and navigational devices for ships. The word Renaissance means “rebirth of ... many Arabic thoughts were reborn, such as mathematics, geometry, and algebra. So were sciences such as chemistry and astronomy. Many of these ideas led to technological advancements in Europe like the Astrolabe, Sextant, and even new forms of shipbuilding such as the caravel, invented in 1470. In 1454, Johannes Gutenburg perfected the printing press. This led to the fast spread of ideas and thoughts. The printing press was used as a ... for everyone in the group. Throughout the Renaissance, there was a general idea of Humanism. humanism is the belief that people should seek their own guidance and fulfillment in life through gaining knowledge of the world. Many cartographers were inspired by this belief and therefore began to learn more about the world through both navigation and map-making. This Renaissance was important for European overseas exploration in the sense that ...
6940: The Relation Between Abuse Neg
... be taken into account when there is a delinquent act performed. This is not an excuse that should be used for all delinquent acts though. Parents need to realize, they brought this child into the world and now it is there duty to raise them with proper values and morals. The child needs to be looked after, making sure there is no unnecessary harm being done to him/her. I believe ... went through the book titled The Child Abuse-Delinquency Connection, which talked about the victim of abuse and his view. At first he thought all families were like his, he had no idea of the world beyond home and school. He started to get a clue that what was going on at home was not normal at the age of eight. He didn't really understand it, but sensed that other ... Processes." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. 35(1) 71-100. Cohn, A.W. (1996). "Juvenile Focus." Federal Probation. 60(4) 55-58. Goleman, D. (1995). "Early Violence Leaves Its Mark on the Brain." New York Times. C1, C10. Peters, R., Mcmahon, R., (1996). Preventing Childhood Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Delinquency. Sage Publications: London. Sandberg, D, N. (1989). The Child Abuse-Delinquency Connection. Lexington Publications. Siegal, L., Senna, J. ( ...

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