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Search results 6831 - 6840 of 22819 matching essays
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6831: Global Warming
... ago (-4.6, Fig. 1), humans had generated population mini-explosions all around the planet. Deevey's data for population size since 500 years ago have been replaced with more recent estimates taken from The World Almanac, (1992 - 1995) including population projections out to 2025. A vertical dashed-line has been placed at 1995. Filled symbols for the known values are to the left of it and open symbols on and ... Jr., "Global Warming Unchecked", Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington, 1993 Broecker, W., Science, 189:460, 1975 Deevey, E. S., Scientific American, 203:195, 1960 Gibbons, A. , Science, 262:27, 1993 Gribbin, J. , "Hothouse Earth", Grove Weidenfeld, New York, 1990 Kerr, R. A., Science, 266:544, 1994 Khalil, M. A. K. and R. A. Rasmussen, J. Geophys. Res., 97:4651, 1992 "The World Almanac", Pharos, New York, 1992 - 1995 Meyers, N. Science 269:358, 1995 Overpeck, J. T. Science, 271:1820, 1996 Post Script After this document was written (about a 2 years ago), two books came ...
6832: American Revolution 2
... non-British imports of sugar and molasses and increased the duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies. Bitter protest by the colonies lowered the duties considerably, thus lowered their agitation. But once again, new resentments were born by the Stamp Act and Quartering Act of 1765. The Stamp Act was intended to generate revenues that would help pay for the cost of maintaining a permanent force of British troops ... the Navigation Acts, and such things as the nonimportation agreement played vital roles in converting this custom. The Navigation Acts limited trade to Britain and cut off the colonists trade with all parts of the world. The laws prohibited the colonist to trade or sell to all countries besides England, even if trade with other parts of the world were far more profitable or beneficial. Parliament in 1774 passed a series of laws that the colonists called the Intolerable Acts. These measures curtailed the powers of the Massachusetts assembly and local town meetings, ...
6833: Slavery In America
Slavery in America stems well back to when the new world was first discovered and was led by the country to start the African Slave Trade-Portugal. The African Slave Trade was first exploited for plantations in the Caribbean, and eventually reached the southern coasts of ... that was a mixture of all the African languages combined,called Creole. They also kept their culture which accounts for calypso music and the instruments used in these songs. Slavery was common all over the world until 1794 when France signed the Act of the National Convention abolishing slavery. It would take America about a hundred years to do the same. George Washington, America's first president, was also a ...
6834: Arcadia As A Postmodern Text
... concurrent props used sets of both eras, the characters overlapping at the end, parallel characters in both eras and textual references. Its ambiguous ending and satirical style also combine to make it a very fresh, new play. The play begins with a humorous introduction into the student-tutor relationship between Thomasina Coverly and Septimus Hodge. Stoppard immediately sets the tension between cerebral and passion themes by Thomasina’s curiosity, “tell me ... romantic and classical and female intuition with male dogmatism. The play, takes on a number of different meanings when looked at from different perspectives; some would claim that it is satire on academia and the world of researchers such as Bernard, others would say that was more about history and the fallacies of studying primary evidence. The play utilizes many theories concerning science and philosophies on life, and so many might ... physical universe that suggest our existence has order (can be determined), human nature in it’s perversity defies neat definition. That while we may be able to make order out of the chaos of our world, our own lives remain unpredictable, but interesting. In the same way, he does not make any neat conclusions about any of the theories presented and leaves it to the reader to make sense of ...
6835: Landfills - Fact Is More Ominous Than Fiction
... such a monstrous mound of garbage is the largest thing ever produced by human hands. Unhappily, this is not the case. The Fresh Kills Landfill, located on Staten Island, is the largest landfill in the world. It sports an elevation of 155 feet, an estimated mass of 100 million tons, and a volume of 2.9 billion cubic feet. In total acreage, it is equal to 16,000 baseball diamonds [Miller ... At that height, the mound will constitute a hazard to air traffic at Newark airport [Rathje 3-4]. Fresh Kills (Kills is from the Dutch word for creek) was originally a tidal marsh. In 1948, New York City planner Robert Moses developed a highly praised project to deposit municipal garbage in the swamp until the level of the land was above sea level. A study of the area predicted the marsh ... at once practical and idealistic" [Rathje 4]. One must appreciate the irony in the fact that Robert Moses was, in his day, considered a leading conservationist. His major accomplishments include asphalt parking lots throughout the New York metro area, paved roads in and out of city parks, and development of Jones Beach, now the most polluted, dirty, overcrowded piece of shoreline in the Northeast. In Stewart Udall's book The ...
6836: Isdn For Small Business
... Stalling, Van Slyke 199-200) Intention of ISDN The ISDN was developed to be a worldwide public telecommunications network to replace existing public telecommunications networks and deliver a wide variety of services. Most of the world's existing telephone network is already digital between the telephone exchanges. The only part that typically is not digital is the section that runs from the local exchange to your house or office. ISDN makes ... The switch type simply refers to the brand of equipment and software revision level that the telephone company uses to provide you with ISDN service. There are only a few types of switches in the world and usually just one in countries other than the United States. (Daum) You will need this in order to have your equipment connect to the telephone company's equipment. The second type of information is ... access to a corporate LAN, ISDN is a good high speed option available for most people. Over the next several years, the bandwidth bottleneck for residential and small business users face will be alleviated with new technologies such as Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) which works over regular telephone wires and cable modems which work over coaxial cable television wiring. Both of these services will offer multiple megabits per second, ...
6837: Using Bicycles As An Alternative To Automobiles
... far away, while bikes are easy to lock and can be locked close to any destination. Personal economics are also important. Cars are expensive to own and operate. On top of the high prices for new cars, one must also pay for insurance, fuel, and maintenance. Not only is the price of a new bicycle much lower, they cost almost nothing to operate. Still with all of these benefits, many people choose not to consider a bicycle as a viable form for transportation. People feel that it is to ... wealth is probably the greatest contributor to this problem. Americans generally feel that a car is a necessity and not a luxury. We are also spoiled with some of the lowest gasoline prices in the world. Some suggest an increase in gasoline taxes to drive people towards the use of alternative modes of transportation. Surveys shows that it would influence more people to not drive as frequently. But economists feel ...
6838: Bright Shining Lie
... is also Vietnam's story; it offers clear reasons for the conflict, and why it was such a disaster for all those involved. Vann arrived in Vietnam on March 23, 1962 as part of the new U.S. Military Assistance Command Vietnam. He became a chief advisor to an ARVN infantry division. His duty was to advise his Vietnamese counter part, but he officially had no power over any ARVN troops ... Vietnam developing his connections and reputation. However no real action was taken until 1968, after the Tet Offensive showed just how ineffective the war of attrition was. When Nixion took office he was looking for new ideas. John's ideas were looked at, and partially adopted. He called for the U.S. to take complete control of South Vietnam in order to make ARVN troops more effective. This idea was doomed ... straight. The reporters who knew him often described him as their bible because of his understanding of the situation. This above all is a work of history, it covers Vann's childhood, the Korean War, World War II, and even a little bit of World War I. Sheehan uses the information from all these sources to clearly spell out why things occurred and the reasons why people behaved the way ...
6839: The Life of Edvard Munch
... else seem unimportant." After this review was read by many people, they slowly began to change their minds about the style and ways of Edvard Munch. Munch was gaining momentum as an artist in the world of art. He was awarded the Norwegian government's state travel grant. This enabled him to stay in France for lengthy periods of time over three years, in which he learned all of the different modern trends of this new time of European art. On holiday in Norway at the costal resort of Asgardstrand in 1891, Munch painted what later became the first of a series of paintings. They were "contemplating Nature's unfolding of ... 1912 Munch was given a prominent place where he worked among pioneers of modern art at the large Sonderbund exhibition in Cologne. In 1916 Munch purchased the property Ekely outside of Oslo. This was his new inspiration to paint landscapes, people in harmony with nature, and horses. These images were portrayed in strong clear colors. "Through fresh and spontaneous brush strokes he conveyed a sensuous tribute to the sun, air, ...
6840: Teenagers
... separate categories ranging from the radical, moderate, and conservative. The "radical" teenager may be best described as one going to all extremes to try and prove something that nobody else can really understand. Punks, stoners, new- wavers, skaters, surfers, and other similar people fall into this category. The "moderate" sub-species of the teenager may best be described as the classic teenager, or really a teenager who epitomizes most of the ... slightly vague as it can range from teenagers such as "jocks" to "brains". The last of these categories, the "conservative" teenager describes the class of teenagers who follow the rules and teachings of the adult world without a complaint or rejection. One will most likely find a "conservative" teen in the front of the classroom trying to get as close to the teacher's desk as possible. One will find that ... person accepted just about everything taught by their parents as they had no reason not to believe in their parents, and also knew no better. As these teens begin to think, they find logic in new and different beliefs and find many old beliefs obsolete. Teens could be a major advantage to the human race if it were not for their tragic flaw in which they think that they have ...

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