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Search results 6801 - 6810 of 22819 matching essays
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6801: Aztec Civilization
... 400, and a pouch represented 400 times 20, or 8000. The capitol of the Aztec Empire was Tenochtitlan, which was built where modern-day Mexico City is. It was given the nickname Venice of the New World, because it had many canals. During the acme of the Aztec civilization, the population of this great city numbered more than 200,000. This made it one of the most populated cities in the ancient world. The city was connected to the mainland by 3 causeways, which, when flooded, served as protective dikes. In the city aqueducts, which was probably the first type of indoor plumbing, brought fresh water into ...
6802: The Scarlet Letter - Puritan Society
... is an equal, or even that she is above him. This is possibly one of the reasons that Puritans won't accept these emotional displays- because the society is so socially oriented. Hester, assuming a new position of power, gives a heartfelt, moving speech. The eloquence of her words cannot be overemphasized, and a more powerful statement had yet to be made in the book. Hester's speech turns out to ... such an event occur. Finally, the forest brings out the natural appearance and natural personality of the people who use it correctly. When Hester takes off her cap and unloosens her hair, we see a new person. We see the real Hester, who has been hidden this whole time under a shield of shame. Her eyes grow radiant and a flush comes to her cheek. We recognize her as the Hester ... true thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. It was here that thoughts and ideas flowed as endlessly as the babbling brook, and emotion was as wild as the forest itself. There are no restraints in the natural world, because it is just that, natural. No intrusion from people means no disturbance in the natural order, and therefore serves to bring its inhabitants away from their world, and into this older one. I ...
6803: Edna's Suicide
... would you have Edna do? Would you have her reconcile with her husband? Have Robert stay with her and they be lovers? Have her divorce her husband and marry Robert? Have her move away from New Orleans and live alone? Have her do this, but with a chosen lover? These options are just some of the paths Edna could have followed. Try to fit your ending into one of these categories ... the start of her circle: all the learning and struggling would be for naught. She would once again be a man's possession. Before rejecting the idea that marriage is equivalent to ownership in the world of the novel, remember how Robert speaks to her about their future together. He does not see her living an awakened life with him; he sees her leading the traditional life of a wife with him. The final option is the most difficult to reject. It would be nice to imagine her living and painting alone in a small house somewhere far away from New Orleans. This is not a real option: to see why, think back to the text. Who lives their life this way in the novel? Mademoiselle Reisz does. Is that life shown to be exemplary? ...
6804: Ancient Egyptian Mathematics
... of arithmetic that involved fractions, as well as some elementary problems in algebra (Berggren). The science of mathematics was further advanced in Egypt in the fourth millennium BC than it was anywhere else in the world at this time. The Egyptian calendar was introduced about 4241 BC. Their year consisted of 12 months of 30 days each with 5 festival days at the end of the year. These festival days were dedicated to the gods Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys (Gillings 235). Osiris was the god of nature and vegetation and was instrumental in civilizing the world. Isis was Osiris's wife and their son was Horus. Seth was Osiris's evil brother and Nephthys was Seth's sister (Weigel 19). The Egyptians divided their year into 3 seasons that were 4 ... Encarta 97 Encyclopedia. 1993-1996. CD- ROM. Dauben, Joseph Warren and Berggren, J. Lennart. "Algebra." Computer Software. Microsoft, Encarta 97 Encyclopedia. 1993-1996. CD- ROM. Gillings, Richard J. Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1972. Smith, D. E. History of Mathematics. Vol. 1. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1951. Weigel Jr., James. Cliff Notes on Mythology. Lincoln, Nebraska: Cliffs Notes, Inc., 1991.
6805: Imperialism
... order to increase its own wealth and power. Imperialism during the period following the Age of Exploration, when European countries acquired colonies to support mercantilism, can be called “old imperialism.” In the nineteenth century, a new era of imperialism began, this time spurred on by the Industrial Revolution. Some reasons for imperialism were political, economic, and social. These are some political reasons. Feelings of nationalism itensified throughout Europe during the nineteenth ... places to send surplus population. And social causes also led to imperialism. Many people believed the word of Rudyard Kipling, who said it was the white mans burden to educate the people of the underdeveloped world, spread the customs of what they perceived was a superior western culture, and to convert people to Christianity, since it was believed that the souls of the non- believers would not be saved. The new era of imperialism brought about important and farreaching effects. Through the creation of global empires, the imperial powers helped spread the Industrial Revolution and the capitalist system around the world. Christianity, western European languages, ...
6806: The Scarlet Letter: Chapter by Chapter Review and Analysis
... find Prynne's prison term to be over and she is released back into society. In this chapter it is explained to us why Prynne doesn't just go off to another part in the world where she wouldn't be constricted to wearing the scarlet letter. On page 74, my highlighted text reads “Her sin, her ignominy, were the roots which she had struck into the soil.” I can compare ... never follow him and under another name continue to do God's work. But the reverend says “I am powerless to go!” Then the reverend said he could never venture out alone into the wide world at which Prynne said and I quote, “Who was talking about being alone?” I think they will now do what I would have done from the start- “run like hell,” which reminds me of a ... shatters/ And the hammers batter down the door/ You better run.” CHAPTER 18- A Flood of Sunshine- Here Dimmesdale decides to go with Prynne out of this Puritan city where they dwell to pursue a new life. Dimmesdale questions in ecstasy on page 185 why they hadn't done this sooner and Prynne takes the scarlet letter off and flings it close to the brook. I pity the man that ...
6807: Drew Barrymore
... parties ‘till 3." Soon Drew started smoking, sneaking sips of her older friends’ drinks, and experimenting with drugs. As her drug use and drinking grew more addicting, she could hardly hide it from the outside world. Drew first started using cocaine when she was 13 years old, at the time she didn’t think she would become addicted to the drug. But she was mistaken, before long she found herself using ... only 12 days in the hospital and proved she was satisfied with the program. She left the hospital early, due to a prior commitment for a shoot in Nevada. This shoot had to travel to New York City, where, after more than 2 months of sobriety; Drew craved for cocaine and immediately fell back into her terrible habits. Her mother hired two private agents to track down Drew, they found her ... her recovery her top priority, and she was forced to admit she had hit rock bottom. After 3 months stay she had made much progress and was discharged. Barrymore was threatened to tell her story world wide by doing this it influenced her to want to help other troubled young adults. She wrote in the "People" article, "These days, its pretty hard being a kid." When Drew returned to acting, ...
6808: Herman Melville
... Timeline 3---------------------------------------Accomplishments 4---------------------------------------Significance 5---------------------------------------Influences 6---------------------------------------Quotes 7---------------------------------------Your Thoughts 8---------------------------------------Poem Discriptors Herman melville was smart, wise, highly opinionated, couragous, and a good influence. Timeline 1819 August 1: Herman Melville born in New York City. 1830 Family moves to Albany, N.Y. 1832 father dies. 1839 First proffessional work appears in newspaper. 1840 Travels in the midwest and gets the experience to write The confidence man. 1841 Sails ... sails to europe and the holy land where he gathers materials for tyhe long poem clarel. 1857 Publishes the confidence man. 1857-60 lectures in the north and the midwest. 1863 the melvilles move to new york city. 1864 gathers material for the civil war poems. 1866 publishes battle pieces. Gets job in customs. 1867 Malcom melville dies from a suicidal gunshot to the head. 1876 publishes clarel. 1885 retires from ... really appreciated until the 1920's. Poem herman melville, a man unappreciated. yet years later after his death, his renassiance began. herman, a whaler, wrote some real classic novels. He had traveled all around the world just for hhis stories. His stories which is loved throughout the world.
6809: US History
... of good will coincided with the report Margaret Thatcher, Britian¡¯s Prime Minister, received from the Deputy High Commissioner in Bridgetown, Barbados, who had visited Grenada, that the British citizens were safe and that the new regime was cooperating in making arrangement for those who wished to leave(Thatcher 330). The same cooperation was being offer to the U.S., contradicting the President¡¯s statement, which was made long after notification ... of respect for international laws and brought disdain from many other countries. We invaded a commonwealth of our ally¡¯s. Comparisons have been made to our actions being similar to that of the Soviets. The world saw the U.S. stoop to the tactics of its enemies. The New York Times said ¡°The cost is the loss of the high moral ground, a demonstration to the world that America has no more respect for laws and borders, for the codes of civilization, than ...
6810: Slavery In America
Slavery in America stems well back to when the New World was first discovered and was led by the country to start the African Slave Trade- Portugal. The African Slave Trade was first exploited for use on plantations in what is now called the Caribbean, and ... languages combined, called Creole. This language now varies from island to island. They also kept their culture, which accounts for calypso music and the instruments used in these songs. Slavery was common all over the world until 1794 when France signed the Act of the National Convention abolishing slavery. It would take America about a hundred years to do the same. George Washington was America's hero. He was America' ...

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