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6791: The Rodney King Case
... refused to exit the car and was physically assisted in doing so. The events that unfolded next between the police officers and King were seen over and over again by millions of people around the world. If not for the video recording of this incident by a concerned citizen, this whole incident could have been considered a job well done. Now, because of the action of the Los Angeles police that ... Garner believes that if not for the videotaping of this “incident” it might never have been made public. Garner also points out that this tape, which was seen by millions of people all over the world, “became the crucial piece of evidence that the state of California used to charge the four LAPD officers with criminal assault” (447). Colin Evans writes due to all the attention this case was receiving, the ... Angeles Riots.” Great Events From History. rev. ed. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Pasadena: Salem P, 1997. 1259-60. Evans, Colin. “Los Angeles Police Officers’ Trials: 1992 & 1993.” Great American Trials. Ed. Edward W. Knappman. Detroit: New England P, 1994. 824-28. Garner, Karen. “King, Rodney, case and aftermath.” American Justice. Ed. Joseph M. Bessette. Pasadena: Salem P, 1996. 447-49. Mydans, Seth. “Los Angeles Policemen Acquitted in Tape Beating.” New ...
6792: The Cause and Effects of Acid Mine Drainage
... known to be naturally tolerant to heavy metals.(Kelly 1988)" LAWS AND REGULATIONS Recently, many laws and regulations have been passed to help treat and control the acid mine drainage. The EPA has helped establish new limits and regulations such as no net acidity of drainage (pH between 6-9), average total iron content of discharge must be less than 3 mg/L, and the average total manganese content less than ... that the costs of the construction of the wetlands are made up within one year due to the money saved on chemicals. CONCLUSION In conclusion, acid rock drainage is a big problem all throughout the world due to alot of industrialization and mining. This is not only a serious problem around the world, it touches home here, especially here in Appalachia, but it seems to be under or getting under control with all the new regulations and standards the EPA is setting. Low pH and a high ...
6793: Risks And Responsibilities Of
... open to a potential lawsuit filed against them for negligence. There is a requirement for the coach or instructor to take protective measures. Failure to do so will result in a lawsuit. In Roth versus New York (1942), all necessary measures were taken and a bather drowned after walking into deep water. There was nothing to stop this happening. The state was found to be liable. Bucher and Krotee explain that ... staff member will call the police, fire or rescue squad as necessary. The emergency number is usually 911 but may vary from area to area. If the pool a which you coach is in a new area, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are fully aware of the number to call in the event of an emergency. The required first aid should be continued be given to the ... and CPR. The Certified Pool Operator (1997) blames the individuals for their careless behavior. According to the article, pools are becoming safer. The main reasons for injuries today are victim s carelessness. In a perfect world no one would need to know rescue techniques. Everyone would be careful, and safety would not be a problem. But ours is not a perfect world. Because of dangerous situations, careless or carefree people, ...
6794: Metallica
... in a bus accident on tour. The band was shook up and didn't play in concert for years. Not only did the death of Cliff startle them, but they also had to acquire a new bass player. Jason Newstead was chosen of many other people who tried out for the band. Those people included Les Claypool of the band Primus. Newstead grew up in Niles, Michigan where he and his ... to L.A. Jason Newstead came from a band named Flotsam and Jetsam named after a chapter in J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy Lord of the Rings. Metallica has played many concerts, shows, and world tours over the years. They gained popularity from playing concerts improving their talents. On tour they have played with many bands including Van Halen, Danzig, Motorhead, and Guns and Roses. They have played all over the world for many purposes. They are going on tour headlining Lollapalloza to support their new CD entitled Load which comes out June 4th. And they have appeared in Metal Mania a metal many times. Opinion ...
6795: Analysis of Frost's "Desert Places" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"
... Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" Robert Frost takes our imaginations to a journey through wintertime with his two poems "Desert Places" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening". Frost comes from a New England background and these two poems reflect the beautiful scenery that is present in that part of the country. Even though these poems both have winter settings they contain very different tones. One has a ... do not need anyone else. "I have in me so much nearer home/ To scare myself with my own desert places". The speaker was starting to realize that he had shut himself off to the world. He recognized that this winter place was like his life. He had let depression and loneliness creep into his life and totally take over like the snow had crept up on the plain and silently ... can be positive or negative it just depends on the state of the mind. Loneliness can be very depressing or it can be a time to collect your thoughts without the pressures of the outside world crashing down. Winter is the perfect season to reflect upon when expressing solitude. Winter can make everything seem dead. It can be a very depressing time of year. Snow covers everything living and the ...
6796: Bulletproof Vests
... vest is a protective covering worn to protect the torso against bullets. Body armor fell into disguise in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, partly because it was ineffective against bullets. Modern body armor reappeared during World War I as a means of protecting the torso from shell fragments, but the armor was too heavy to justify the protection. World War II stimulated the development of lighter body armor that consisted of overlapping plates of steel, aluminum, or bonded fiberglass attached within a nylon garment that covered both the front and back of the wearer ... permit relatively free movement by the wearer while affording him adequate protection against fragments from artillery shells, mortar shells, and anti-aircraft shells. They could not stop armor piercing bullets however. In the 1960's new types of vests were developed whose plates were made of composite layers of steel or a very hard ceramic, boron carbide. However, the discovery that numerous layers of nylon fabric could dissipate the energy ...
6797: Islam 3
... and all that is contained in it not stone idols or fire, not heavenly bodies such as the sun and moon, not animals, not angels, and not other men, including prophets. Islam is not a new religion but the continuation and culmination of preceding monotheistic religion the same truth revealed by God to every prophet. Islam means submission to the will of God. Islam is not as it is represented in ... entire day. Although it is preferable for men to pray together in a mosque, a Muslim may pray almost anywhere, such as in the field, office, factory or university. In fact, visitors to the Muslim world are struck by the centrality of prayers in daily life. Zakah One of the most important principles of Islam is that all things belong to God and that human beings in trust therefore hold wealth. The word zakah means both purification and growth. Our possessions are purified by setting aside a proportion for those in need, and like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and encourages new growth. Each Muslim calculates his or her own zakah individually. For most purposes this involves the payment each year of two and a half percent of the capital in excess of one's basic ...
6798: Antaeus
In the story "Antaeus," by Borden Deal, the main character T.J has three capabilities that make him different from his friends. First of all, T.J. is a very intelligent boy. His new city companions did not maintain the wisdom T.J. has about the world and how to deal with people around. T. J. is also a receptive boy, a soft-spoken person who feels an attachment to the land. Finally, T.J. is a tenacious boy who sticks to ... plugging alone on his own…” He really wanted to finish the garden. After the garden had been destroyed, his desire was to get back to the country where he came from, and build a whole new life there. Growing crops was his life. He lives on it. He wasp determined to bring back the country feeling to the city. If he could not have that, he would go back to ...
6799: Sophocles - Antigone
... that she is speaking out of fear. We all know what s right and wrong but we don t always have the courage to do what our heart tells us. All the convincing in the world could not change Antigone s mind. She has a strong passion for giving her brother a respectful burial. Antigone stands up for her family but also her beliefs. Antigone is not concerned with the edict ... Mimi 5 Works Cited David Bender, Bruno Leone, Scott Barbour, Bonnie Szumski, Don Nardo, eds. Readings of Sophocles. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Sir Richard C. Jebb, E. S. Shuckburgh, abs. Introduction. Antigone. By Shuckburgh. New York: Press Syndicate of the U of Cambridge, 1987 Sophocles. Antigone. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York: W.W. Norton & Compay, Inc., 1995. 632-667
6800: The Atom
... its ground state. Then, sensationally, with the simple formula, R=2pi^2me^4/h^3, Bolar produced Rydberg's constant, calculation it within 7 percent of its experimentally measured value. "There is nothing in the world which impresses a physicist more," an American physicist comments, "than a numerical agreement between experiment and theory, and I do not think that there can ever have been a numerical agreement more impressive than this ... mechanistic physics was therefore imprecise; though a good approximation that worked for large-scale events, it failed to account for atomic subtleties. Bohr was happy to force this confrontation between the old physics and the new. He felt that it would be fruitful for physics. because original work is inherently rebellious, his paper was not only an examination of the physical world but also a political document. It proposed, in a sense, to begin a reform movement in physics: to limit claims and clear up epistemological fallacies. Mechanistic physics had become authoritarian. It had outreached itself ...

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