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Search results 6751 - 6760 of 22819 matching essays
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6751: Acid Rain 7
Acid Rain INTRODUCTION: Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die in our waters. As well it causes harm to our own race as well, because we eat these fish, drink this water and eat these plants. It is ... of the lake. Scientists now see acid, aluminum and shortages of calcium as the three determining factors in the extinction of fish. As well there is the problem of chlorine. In many parts of the world it is commonly found in the soil. If it enters the fish's environment it can be deadly. It affects many of the fish's organisms and causes it to die. As well it interferes ... at the pH of 5.9 they were totally wiped out. Within a year the minnow died because it could no longer reproduce it's self. At this time the pH was of 5.8. New trout were failing to be produced because many smaller organisms that served as food to it had been wiped out earlier. With not enough food the older fish did not have the energy to ...
6752: A Time To Step Down
... Down When the President of the United States is sworn into office on his inaugural day in January, he is sworn to faithfully execute the supreme laws of the land, our constitution. We elect a new President every four years to run our nation, represent the country, and uphold the constitution of the United States. The President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world and therefore we place trust in him. When the people find out that their elected President lies to them, a bond is broken. That bond is impossible to replace and therefore the president must be ... brought against him. Nixon did the right thing by stepping down and letting the country move on. Richard Nixon saved himself the embarrassment of impeachment hearings and the country more humiliation. Today, once again, a new scandal has broken out in the White House and that is the Monica Lewinsky affair. The story broke out on January 7th and the public was shocked. Many people did not know what to ...
6753: Should Unmarried Couples Live Together?
... peoples fear of divorce has lead them to see cohabitation as a “trial marriage” that will serve as protection from a marriage that will result in a divorce. People for cohabitation compare it to a new car, clothes or shoes. They ask the question, if you were going to buy a new car and you see that it looks good and has nice features but you do not know how well it drives are you going to test drive it before buying it? or, do you try ... we are committed to each other, we love each other so we do not need to sleep together to prove our love for each other; or, I love you more than anything else in this world and I am committed to you, but not for a lifetime; or, I love you, but not enough to want you to be my wife; or I love you, but not enough to show ...
6754: Wired Hands - A Brief Look at Robotics
Wired Hands - A Brief Look at Robotics NEWSCIENCE Two years ago, the Chrysler corporation completely gutted its Windsor, Ontario, car assembly plant and within six weeks had installed an entirely new factory inside the building. It was a marvel of engineering. When it came time to go to work, a whole new work force marched onto the assembly line. There on opening day was a crew of 150 industrial robots. Industrial robots don't look anything like the androids from sci-fi books and movies. They don ... ailments and locate valuable ore deposits. Still other computer programs play and win at chess, checkers and go. As a results, robots are undoubtedly getting "smarter". The Diffracto company in Windsor is one of the world's leading designers and makers of machine vision. A robot outfitted with Diffracto "eyes" can find a part, distinguish it from another part and even examine it for flaws. Diffracto is now working on ...
6755: Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas The novels of 19th century French author Alexandre Dumas continue to intrigue millions of readers around the world, 150 years after their creation. One of his works, The Three Musketeers, have inspired more than 100 of the 200 films based on Dumas's works. Few people know, however, that the author was the ... ambitions. Though the general died young, leaving his son without an inheritance, Dumas overcame poverty, the lack of formal education, and the constant wear and tear of 19th-century racism to become one of the world's most popular writers. Fortunately, considering his heritage, Dumas never mentioned encountering any racial discrimination. He was accepted by the highest classes of society and received honors from kings and queens. And of course, from his father s experience, he wanted no war and was a liberal. During the hectic days of the revolution of 1830, in which he participated with enthusiasm, he nonetheless managed to work on new plays and works. By the time Dumas was 35, he had laid the foundations of drama, helped stage a Romantic revolution in theater, and helped create a new kind of Romantic novel. In his ...
6756: Effects Of Graffiti 2
... down there and everything was covered over. Just to spite the people who painted over our graffiti we drew even more than was there before. Not only did we put up more graffiti, but the new graffiti was worse in nature than the previous stuff. We felt the need to prove that the bridge was our "turf." The beliefs of why people do graffiti that I just described are not only ... to stop the graffiti from taking place. You have to continue to remove it, and you must remove it within 48 hours. This is the number one reason that graffiti is so widespread throughout the world and history. Not very many people have the commitment that is required to fight graffiti and so it is allowed to go unchecked throughout the world. Another neat anti-graffiti plan I have heard of is my favorite of all plans. It basically is a way of defeating the graffiti artist through graffiti itself. The plan was named Operation Clean ...
6757: The TV Generation
... Generation Everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him. It is the moment when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him, and afterward when you say to this person "the world today" or "life" or "reality" he will assume that you mean this moment, even if it is fifty years in the past. My generation is greatly influenced by the media, specifically television. Television becomes my reality by bringing into my life the happenings of the outside world. Our generation is often called the MTV generation. We are often stereotyped with the idea that all we do is sit around and watch TV. Sure, we probably do watch more television than our parents did as teenagers but we have to remember, TV was generally new to their generation. They only had a couple of channels to choose from while we sit in front of a television with 53 channels and a remote to control them with. We have the ...
6758: America The Great
America the Great ? After the Spanish-American War, America became a super power of the world. That title has stuck since then. However, different political leaders have caused this country to become unworthy of such a title. Most of these leaders were democrats, such as JFK and Bill Clinton. History has ... bombers. Saddam's cowardice saved his life at one point, he had a child by him to prevent his assassination. Saddam and Iraq were soon beaten into submission. America, though, has not always been so brave and powerful. While JFK was in office he involved our country in a war with Cuba. This war, however, was short lived. The Bay of Pigs, as it was named, was a single battle, when ... from Libya, but the retaliation was short-lived. Mr. Clinton's threats to Iraq have been brushed of as worthless. He has to spend more time preparing for trial than he can on riding the world of terrorists. President Clinton and other democrats have tarnished our title of superpower. America has a reputation of being brave people who finish what they start. In many wars, once America entered the war ...
6759: Criticism Of Alexander Pope
... to as the leading 18th century English poet, and as the greatest of all English verse satirists. His father and mother being Roman Catholics were prohibited from living within ten miles of London due to new acts of Parliament in the late 1600's. Between 1696 and 1700 Pope was tutored at home by a priest, and then enrolled in two Catholic schools, but was mainly self-educated. Due to his ... Latin, Greek French and Italian at a very young age he was already writing verses and at the age of sixteen didn't know that his later writings would be published as his "Pastorals."(The New Enc. Britannica; Vol. 9,605) In 1700 the Pope family moved to Whithill house at Binfield in Winsor Forest, up till then Pope was a healthy child until 5 years after their move he was ... first stanza he expresses in words the limitations of life and how limits control man. As the poem continues Pope refers to God as the highest being on earth and his description on how the world is made. "See Worlds on Worlds compose one Universe, Observe how System into System runs May tell, why Heav'n has made us as we are." (Waingrew, Eighteenth English Lit, 636) While reading the ...
6760: Michael Collins
... to have him show symptoms of mild dyspepsia when he has 19 British agents murdered on Bloody Sunday. As an introduction into the causes and history of one of the longest-festering wounds in the world today, Michael Collins might be a landmark, but its scale is more broad than epic. A `greater truth'? As a film, Michael Collins is a triumphant achievement, a powerful, exhilarating yet tragic portrait of one ... internees on the 22 December, 1916. On returning home Collins quickly found employment as secretary of the Irish National Aid and Volunteer Dependants Fund. He used his position to revitalise the Volunteer movement and attract new recruits to the IRB. But it was Sinn Fein, and not the IRB, which had gained most from the fallout of the Rising, despite the fact that Griffith had been opposed to it. Initially suspicious ... now in effective control of the republican organisations and they set about preparing Sinn Fein for the forthcoming General Election. This came when Lloyd George called a snap election following the end of the First World War. The elections were a triumph for Sinn Fein. They won 73 seats, compared with 6 for the IPP. Michael Collins was elected unopposed for the South Cork constituency. On 21 January 1919, Sinn ...

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