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6731: Colgate Palmolive
... Colgate has a wide variety of products sold around the globe including, Colgate Toothpastes, Speed Stick Deodorants, Ajax Surface Cleaner, and Hill's Science Diet foods for house pets. Colgate was founded in 1806 in New York City on Dutch Street by William Colgate as a starch, soap and candle business. Colgate produced soaps and perfumes or the next 67 years and then in 1873, they introduced their first toothpastes, which ... Then 13 years later, they introduced the first dental creme packaged in collapsible tubes similar to those used today. After 104 years of being in business on Dutch Street, the largest tenancy on record in New York City the entire Colgate organization moved to Jersey City. In 1928 Colgate made its greatest merger of all time with the Palmolive-Peet Company and in 1953 took on its present name of Colgate ... Co., which was easily purchased without resist for $670 million in cash, Colgate-Palmolive held 16% of the deodorant market with their Speed Stick and Lady Speed Stick deodorants, which are now the leading in world wide sales of deodorants. They also now own products under the Baby Magic name such Skin Bracer and Baby Magic Foot. Powder. In 1976 , Colgate-Palmolive acquired Hills Pet Products Inc. Since the foundation ...
6732: Immigration and Its Effect on the Economy of the U.S
... America's biggest import is people" and determined that "at a time when attention is directed to the general decline in American exceptionalism, American immigration continues to flow at a rate unknown elsewhere in the world" [Oxford Analytica 1986, 20]. Unlike earlier mass immigration periods to the United States the present day wave of immigration to the U.S. show "no sign of imminent decline" [Bouvier 1991, 18]. "In today's world setting, international migration is a discretionary action that is regulated by the specific actions of the governments of individual nation-states." There is no international obligation for any nation to allow others to enter or ... those needed to encourage citizen workers to invest in preparing for vocations that are expanding and those needed to ensure that governmental bodies provide the human-resource-development programs needed to prepare citizens for the new type of jobs that are emerging." ( pg.44 ). We may need to reconsider " an immigration policy that annually encourages or tolerates the mass entry of immigrants with only minimal regard to their human capital ...
6733: The Red Badge Of Courage 2
... man named Henry Fleming. The novel concerns only two days in his life and he is a boy when the novel begins, a man when the novel ends. He enlists in the 304th Regiment of New York Volounteers against his mother's wishes, and spends many boring months in training. He is sent into battle finally. The battle of Chancellorville is the agreed upon location where the book probably takes place ... in ten days. He had never been in battle and critics through the United States and England could not believe that he had never seen war. His sources were teachers athis small private school in New York State. The book's genius is now regarded as an American masterpiece of psychological writing. Unfortunately, it seems he was probably haunted by the experience of this book and ultimately went to join the ... keeps the other one for himself. The novel ends with Henry moving along in a group of very weary soldier, away from the violence of battle. He smiles to himself, "For he saw that the world was a world for him. His mind turns to images of tranquil skies, fresh meadows and cool brooks." The battle is over, and ironically the men are ordered back to the spot where they ...
6734: Reproduction: A-Courting to Nature!
... lake. Poor goose. Will she mate with the gander of her dreams? Or will she trail him for years, laying infertile egg clutches as proof of her faithfulness? Either outcome is possible in an animal world marked daily by scenes of courtship, spurning and love triumphant. And take note: these are not the imaginings of some Disney screen-16 writer. Decades ago Konrad Lorenz, a famed Austrian naturalist, made detailed studies ... the evolution of males and females during prehistoric epochs when environmental change was making life difficult for single-sex species such as bacteria and algae. Generally, these reproduced by splitting into identical copies of themselves. New generations were thus no better than old ones at surviving in an altered world. With the emergence of the sexes, however, youngsters acquired the qualities of two parents. This meant that they were different from both - different and perhaps better at coping with tough problems of survival. At ...
6735: Jim Morrison and Susan Sontag
... in Melbourne Florida to parents Steve and Clara Morrison(Hopkins, Sugerman 5). A few months after the birth of Jim Morrison, Jim's father Steve and his mine layer were sent off to fight in World War Two. For the next three years Jim's mother Clara, was forced to raise Jim with only the help of sympathizing relatives who believed in ideas such as "Children should be seen and not ... many existentialist authors, musicians and artists. A second event in Jim Morrison's life, that may have been a reason for Jim becoming a existentialist occurred while Steve Morrison, Jim's father, was driving through New Mexico when "They [The Morrison Family] came upon an overturned truck, and saw injured and dying Pueblo Indians lying where they had been thrown on the asphalt" (Hopkins, Sugerman 6). After seeing the Indians, Jim ... philosophies including the ideal of The Superman and how to become an existentialist. By the time Jim Morrison turned 23 he had become an existentialist and it was because of his psychological views of the world that inspired Jim's lyrics in his poems and music. The first of example of Jim involving existentialism in his lyrics comes from the song "An American Prayer" where Jim says "Grant us one ...
6736: Saint Francis of Assisi
... of Santa Maria degli Angeli. He held mass there for the outcasts that were not allowed in the other churche! s. one day, during mass, Francis heard a voice telling him to go into the world and to possess nothing, but do good everywhere. Doing just that, Francis found himself preaching in Assisi later in the year. He gathered about him twelve disciples who became the brothers of the First Order ... to anyone who was considered unfortunate. He treated them with love and respect and mercy. Francis also epitomized the sixth beatitude: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. After assuming his new lifestyle, Francis said, "Henceforth, I desire to say only 'Our Father who art in Heaven'" (Robinson). From that point on, the only thing that occupied Francis' heart was doing God's will. Francis is described ... downright sincerity and artless simplicity. ... His dearest desire so long as he lived was ever to seek among wise and simple, perfect and imperfect, the means to walk in the way of truth. The whole world was to him one luminous ladder, mounting upon the rungs of which he approached and beheld God." (Robinson). Francis was a man of pure heart, a man devoted to God, or love. The seventh ...
6737: Homosexual Education
... Provincetown, Massachusetts, the school board has voted to begin teaching preschoolers about homosexual lifestyles. They also want to back hiring preferences for sexual minorities ( Clinton's homosexual agenda 2). There is also a school in New York City that have told their students they must come to an assembly for two days in a row to talk about how normal homosexuality is, and how indecent, undemocratic, and homophobic it is to ... for me to accept this type of teaching in the public school. When it comes to learning about homosexual lifestyles, I believe a child should be aware that these types of people are in the world, but I would never condone the matter. I would also never discriminate against homosexuals. Children should never hear their teacher say good page 1 of 4 things or bad things about homosexuality. At school, they ... children about homosexuality. Most parents try to explain this issue to their children in a neutral way, but occasionally they have to deal with their own complicated reaction to this lifestyle (The Study Group of New York 252). If I were a parent with a child in the public school system, I would feel as if it were my obligation to find out exactly what is included in the sex ...
6738: American Dream (death Of A Sal
... is not. Success is afforded or denied to a person if they qualify. In Death of a Salesman, I believe Willy Loman was not successful in anything he did because he lived in his own world. A big indicator to one's success is their performance on the job. If a person is doing well, generally, they are successful. In the beginning of the play Willy Loman comments on how he was "vital to New England". This is a great example of how Willy's distortion compromised his obtainment of success. In all reality he was not "vital to New England", but a hindrance to his company. This is one reason why Willy Loman never obtained the American Dream. Another indicator to success is wealth. Although you cannot attribute happiness to wealth, you can ...
6739: Talk Show Trash
... I was almost sick. One man actually told his fiancee the he had sex with one of her male cousins. Another told of his experiences of picking up male gay prostitutes in the streets of New York City on many occasions. Now my question is that is any of this even necessary for people to watch, or the embarrassment of the individuals and those mentioned in the show. The next trash ... sexual lovers who wanted to confess of them being H.I.V. positive. I mean the emotions on this show were unreal, but why do this to a person on national television where the whole world gets to watch their reactions. Most of the people involved were having unprotected sex so their risk of having the disease is a reality. The excuse of most of these people, which made me sick ... I was almost sick. One man actually told his fiancee the he had sex with one of her male cousins. Another told of his experiences of picking up male gay prostitutes in the streets of New York City on many occasions. Now my question is that is any of this even necessary for people to watch, or the embarrassment of the individuals and those mentioned in the show. The next ...
6740: Atlantis
... known for its thinkers and builders. The level of technology in Atlantis was kind of like the technology level five-hundred years ago. The Atlanteans designed the compass which they used to help navigate the world. The developments that they made in astronomy were some of the best developments ever discovered in the field. They created the lens, which they used on telescopes and for eyeglasses. They may have been the ... peaks of Atlantis. This concludes my report of Atlantis. This report should have been informative and intriguing. I feel that you should now have a clearer picture of Atlantis in your head. Bibliography Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. (1993). “Atlantis”. Vol. 3. USA: Funk & Wagnalls Corp. Groiler Multimedia Encyclopedia. (1996). Ver. 7.0.2. Groiler Inc. Sykes, Egerton (Ed.). (1949). Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. New York: Gramercy Pub. Co.

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