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Search results 6711 - 6720 of 22819 matching essays
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6711: Televised Violence is Here to Stay
... complain by saying the violence only teaches their children how to kill and to get away with it (Leonard 92). Television is the most credible and believable source of information on the reality of the world. It teaches that the world is a violent and untrustworthy place (Bennett 168). It reports on how the world really works. Televised violence cultivates dominant assumptions about how conflict and power work in the world. Violence is an important fact of life (Howitt 17). It is very much part of the human condition. ...
6712: There Are Too Many People… Wil
... to eat healthy food and drink pure water? To breathe clean air and avoid pesticide poisoning? Most people would say everyone has a right to all of these things, but in some areas of the world these rights are not being met. Overpopulation is becoming a bigger concern as the growth rate continues to skyrocket. Overpopulation is sometimes misunderstood or mistaken with other issues. Overpopulation does not deal with crowding, but ... not as well off. These other countries are either in severe poverty or their cities are becoming overcrowded. Although the U.S. is not in trouble at this time, when you look at the whole world you may see a different picture. Eventually the rest of the world will also have an effect on us. The impact we have on the environment has to do with three factors. The first is the number of people. The more people there are the more ...
6713: Ethics/Child Labor
... by, or could be done by, adults. Child labor is where the children are exploited and also is when they are worked in conditions that are hazardous. 1 Child labor is a problem throughout the world, and especially in developing countries. Child labor is most common in rural areas where the capacity to enforce minimum age requirements for schooling and work is lacking. The children work for many reasons, the most ... and the parents don’t even know where they are. Governments are also unwilling, or unable to stop child labor because it often can be a large part of the countries economy, especially in third world countries. So the countries will turn a blind eye to the practice, that way the companies will stay. Labor that is cheap is an easy way to make money, but it is not always best for the country as a whole. Child labor is one reason why third world countries stay third world countries. For most countries children are seen as the future. So with this in mind, child labor does nothing but destroy the future. By keeping the majority of the children ...
6714: Hopes And Dreams
... situation we live in now, we forgot the meaning of peace, and we remain with poverty, racism and war. Now open your eyes and look around you. Don't shut your self from the real world and glance at the rich and famous. They are nothing but the minority, look at what is surrounding you. Go ahead and take a walk down an inner city street if you dare, where the homeless sprawl across sidewalks and children roam the streets like wild dogs. The real world is lying right under there feet. We are starting to believe that the poor will always be with us, its something we must learn to live with. So we build more prisons and hire more ... is not there fault that they were born penniless, but it is our fault for abandoning them from our lives and pushing them away from living a happy life. We were all born into this world and hold a right to enjoy it. So I hope that in the future we will learn how to wash a child's tear, and help the elderly to survive with no worries and ...
6715: The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
... state.com/infomania) The plan for the government and citizens was in the least a radical one. All of the political beliefs and practices of Republicanism were attempted to be established for each of the new territories. Republicanism was still a new idea at the time and it would be tested in the new territories. The Ordinance provided for the creation of not less than 3 and no more than 5 separate states. It also outlined its plan for the advancement of education, the maintenance of civil liberties ...
6716: Prevention of HIV Transmittance to Babies
... was for the results that several clinical trials of zidovudine cut the risk for mother to child transmission of human immune deficiency virus (HIV) by two thirds. Although, this year, it is the basis for new federal recommendations that all pregnant women should receive HIV testing and counseling. But, these findings have been cause of protests by several activist groups. Activists fear that conservative legislators and policy makers will use the ... Public Health Services published guidelines for HIV pregnant women in the Federal Register. Which coincidentally was published on the same day as the National Conference in Washington, DC for "HIV infection in women: Setting a New Agenda." The conference included activists, physicians and HIV positive women who used the meeting as a forum to voice their concerns about how best to balance women's own medical needs with those of their infants. Other concerns of activists that were voiced were that they don't want laws, policies or medical care imposed on women merely as "vectors" who may transmit HIV to their infants. The new guidelines recommend that all pregnant women should receive HIV counseling and testing. These guidelines are aimed at helping pregnant women know their HIV status early so that medical care, including zidovudine (Retrovir, known as ...
6717: Pascals Wager
... is a price to be paid. If one's life is permanent than the belief in God may lose the only one chance of luxury. Of course, Pascal is assuming that the majority of the world has a "tainted" view and is self-indulgent. Pascal did not claim this wager to determine if God exists. He merely, is explaining that in the situation we as society are in, it is the ... it is not an evil person who sends its followers to hell regardless of their love for it. After all, he did leave us on the earth with so much suffering and death in the world. Believing in God may in fact cause people to be harmed and unhappy for eternity.(Flew,1960 pg. 70) Moreover, Pascal also states that even if one does not believe in God than he should ... not for the same reasons as Pascal. I believe that it is better to believe in God to give people hope and have something for them to look forward to. I could not imagine a world where God did not exist. There would be too much evil and greed in the world. I also believe God is what keeps people in line, or helps them to stay on track regardless ...
6718: The Son Of Sam And Terror Of N
By: Lauren E-mail: Lauren636@aol.com The Son of Sam and Terror of New York "At one a.m. on July twenty-ninth a man was cruising in the Bronx when he spotted two young women sitting in a parked blue Oldsmobile. He swung around a corner and abandoned ... the thigh. She screamed and fell forward, landing on the car horn. The man dashed back to his car and drove away"(True Crime 1992, 164) This was the start of a terrifying year for New York. A demon was among the city. This demon possessed the mind of a twenty-three-year-old pudgy Jewish man. The demon was a six thousand-year-old spirit, which communicated to him through ... that he wasn't going to die for any cause during combat because he was stationed in non-fighting zones. When he couldn't find a patriotic cause to die for he clung to his new found religion. He became enthralled in his faith going to services staying there sometimes all day. But this too grew old like many things did for him. He went in search of his biological ...
6719: Training
... Chapter 7 which covers training. Some of the things that I will be writing about will be 1) what are some characteristics of a good trainer? 2) Why would a manager need to train a new employee who already has experience? 3) What is wrong with evaluating trainee performance with a system that uses terms such as "unacceptable", "poor", "acceptable", "good", and "excellent"? 4) What steps should you take to prepare ... This means that a smaller amount of people are going to need to know how to do a lot more different things than they already know how to do. And to do all of these new jobs they are all going to have to be trained in some manner or another. Then they are going to have to be able to train others on how to do these new positions. Management executives are now pushing for more effective training, by budgeting for it and asking for progress reports. These companies that are really serious about training spent about 30% of their training budget ...
6720: Fort Pillow Attack
... Booth, and his second in command shortly after that. These losses created a complete breakdown of order and leadership among the Union troops within the fort. (251) During the morning engagement, the gun boat the New Era was continually attempting to shell the Confederate forces from the Mississippi, but with minimal success. The Union forces fought back heartily until around one o¦clock in the afternoon, when both sides slowed down. Around that time the New Era steamed out of range to cool its weapons. It had fired a total of 282 rounds, and its supplies were almost totally exhausted. During this hiatus in the firing, while Confederate troops waited for ... this point most of the Union officers in the fort had been killed, and the remaining troops fled the fort toward the river where they had provisions waiting . There was also a plan for the New Era to shell the Confederate troops in the fort with canister, but the shelling never happened(. Confederate troops were waiting at the bottom of the fort to prevent access to the supplies by the ...

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