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Search results 6691 - 6700 of 22819 matching essays
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6691: Frankenstein - Morality
... companion. Knowing that his first creation was evil should the doctor make a second? With the knowledge at hand, to Dr.Frankenstein, it is not at all morally correct to bring another monster into the world. Looking at this probelm with his family in mind, the doctor begins his work on the second monster. The first monster threatened Frankenstein and even his family. The monster angrily said to Frankenstein, "I can ... there is a chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe envoking fear into townfolk. The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the world. The monsters can potentially take over whatever they please. "A race of devils would be propegated,"(pg. 163) thinks Frankenstein to himself in his study. The monsters, if powerful enough, could possibly take over Europe. Frankenstein realizes that he can not possibly doom the world to benefit himself. "Shall I, in coold blood, set loose upon the earth a daemon.."(pg. 162) argues Frankenstein with his creation. It is not morally right for one person to unleash such a ...
6692: Separation Of Church and State
... The court case of Engel versus Vitale went all the way to the Supreme Court whose verdict came to be an overruling of the district court. This case dealt with the public school district of New Hyde Park, New York. The problem in this case was that school officials were allowing a school prayer at the beginning of the day. A main political issue within public schools involves the First Amendment, how the school ... was a case about whether prayer should or should not be allowed in public schools. The argument is drawn from the First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment. The Board of Directors of the school district of New Hyde, New York held firm to the prayer they wanted to say at the beginning of school which follows: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee, and we beg thy blessing upon us, ...
6693: Recommendation For Recycling Water in Florida
... the water treatment plant and sent out with the other potable water. At the present time the water leaving the waste water plant is simply used for irrigation or dumped into drying ponds. With this new technology this wasted water can be used for drinking water, saving both our resources and money that is presently being spent pumping water out of the ground. This has already been in use in for some time in New York. We have observed excellent results with this scenario in the Westbury plant we inspected. We expect to achieve equally successful results in the Moon Lake plant as well. This should alleviate the water shortage ... water within the WRCAs, unless the use of reclaimed water is not economically, environmentally, or technically feasible. Florida's antidegredation policy, which is contained in permitting and surface water quality rules, applies to all proposed new or expanding surface water discharges. It requires demonstration that the proposed water discharge is clearly in the public interest. As part of the public interest test, the applicant must evaluate the feasibility of reuse. ...
6694: Hopes And Dreams
... situation we live in now, we forgot the meaning of peace, and we remain with poverty, racism and war. Now open your eyes and look around you. Don't shut your self from the real world and glance at the rich and famous. They are nothing but the minority, look at what is surrounding you. Go ahead and take a walk down an inner city street if you dare, where the homeless sprawl across sidewalks and children roam the streets like wild dogs. The real world is lying right under there feet. We are starting to believe that the poor will always be with us, its something we must learn to live with. So we build more prisons and hire more ... is not there fault that they were born penniless, but it is our fault for abandoning them from our lives and pushing them away from living a happy life. We were all born into this world and hold a right to enjoy it. So I hope that in the future we will learn how to wash a child's tear, and help the elderly to survive with no worries and ...
6695: Frankenstein: Morality
... companion. Knowing that his first creation was evil should the doctor make a second? With the knowledge at hand, to Dr.Frankenstein, it is not at all morally correct to bring another monster into the world. Looking at this probelm with his family in mind, the doctor begins his work on the second monster. The first monster threatened Frankenstein and even his family. The monster angrily said to Frankenstein, "I can ... there is a chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe envoking fear into townfolk. The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the world. The monsters can potentially take over whatever they please. "A race of devils would be propegated,"(pg. 163) thinks Frankenstein to himself in his study. The monsters, if powerful enough, could possibly take over Europe. Frankenstein realizes that he can not possibly doom the world to benefit himself. "Shall I, in coold blood, set loose upon the earth a daemon.."(pg. 162) argues Frankenstein with his creation. It is not morally right for one person to unleash such a ...
6696: Analysis of Niccolς Machiavelli's The Prince
... of twenty-five, King Charles VIII of France had driven the ruling Medici family out of the city of Florence, the last resisting Italian principality. The Florentines would not stand for this; they ousted the new ruler out of the city and founded the Florentine republic. Machiavelli soon started work as clerk under Adriani, head of the Second Chancery. Four years past by and in 1498, Machiavelli became Chief Secretary of ... began writing The Prince and his other lesser known work The Discourses in 1513. In 1515, he wrote a comedy, La Mandragola, a satire on seduction. The Medici family consulted Machiavelli in 1519 on a new Florentine constitution. In 1520, he wrote The Life of Castruccio Castracani, a narrative essay on the life of man, who founded the state of Lucca in Tuscany, in the fourteenth century. Machiavelli published seven books ... of The Prince explicate the four types of princedoms and the methods in which they are acquired. Chapter I states that all governments are either republics or princedoms. From there, all princedoms are hereditary, mixed, new, or ecclesiastical. Then, Machiavelli goes on to say that hereditary princedoms are easily maintained, granted that the prince not diverge from his ancestors policies. Mixed princedoms arise when hereditary princedoms acquire new territories. These ...
6697: Corruption in the NYPD
Corruption in the NYPD Frank Serpico, the New York police officer who testified in 1971 at Knapp Commission investigating corruption in the NYPD, resurrects his decades old criticism of NYPD by saying that " we need good role models, and they have to start ... Twenty six years after Knapp Commission, Serpico told a city council hearing on police misconduct that most of the problems in NYPD lay with the leadership of the NYPD. While most aspects of policing in New York has changed, the existence of corruption has remained unchanged. The Mollen commission report in 1993, included testimony of corrupt police officers about their involvement with illegal drug trafficking, brutality, and other crimes with other ... the police department ; the organizational hierarchy , the police culture, and the interaction with the public influence the level of corruption and brutality in the community, and as long as the NYPD and the city of New York refuse to look into the leadership of the department and the role it plays in ignoring and in many ways encouraging misconduct by the individual officer. Michael Armstrong, who was the chief council ...
6698: Obituary On George Washington
... ended in Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, when the British General Cornwallis surrendered. In 1783 a peace treaty with England was signed. Some of General Washington's officers wanted him to seize power and run the new nation, but he refused. Instead he resigned as Commander in Chief, disbanded the Army, and went home to Mount Vernon to live the rest of his life as a private citizen. The 13 new states did not work well together. Soon each state sent delegates to a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia to solve the problem. General Washington went and was asked to lead over the Convention. After weeks of long debates and many votes, the delegates worked out their differences. They wrote a new constitution for the nation with a democratic government. When the time came to elect a leader for the new government, George Washington was the unanimous choice. In New York City on April 30, 1789, ...
6699: 1929 Stock Market Crash
... overseas to sell overnight for the Tuesday morning opening. (1929…) On Tuesday morning, out-of-town banks and corporations sent in $150 million of call loans, and Wall Street was in a panic before the New York Stock Exchange opened. (1929…) On Thursday, October 24th, 1929, people began to sell their stocks as fast as they could. Sell orders flooded the market exchanges. (1929…) This day became known as Black Thursday. (Black Thursday…) On a normal day, only 750-800 members of the New York Stock Exchange started the exchange. (1929…) There were 1100 members on the floor for the morning opening. (1929…) Furthermore, the exchange directed all employees to be on the floor since there were numerous margin ... October 29th, and November 13 over 30 billion dollars disappeared from the American economy. (1929…) It took nearly 25 years for many of the stocks to recover. (1929…) By mid November, the value of the New York Stock Exchange listings had dropped over 40%, a loss of $26 billion. (1929-1931) At one point in the crash tickers were 68 minutes behind. (1929-1931) An average of about $50,000, ...
6700: William Lyon Mackenzie
... November of 1832, a dispatch was sent to sedate the assembly s vendetta against Mackenzie. But the Tories had expelled him a third time, earlier that month, only to see him re-elected, again. A new theatre of operations for Mackenzie appeared with the incorporation of York as Toronto on March 6, 1834. Both Tories and Reformers presented slates of candidates in its first election on March 27. Mackenzie was appointed ... Second Riding of York, and the Reformers a majority in the assembly. In November, sure his seat gave him a platform from which to seek reform, Mackenzie ceased publication of the Colonial Advocate. When the new Reform-dominated house met, it quickly erased all records of Mackenzie s previous expulsions. In July of 1836, Mackenzie wept as his got news of his defeat on the election. He rushed into print a new paper, known as the Constitution although he had foresworn journalism forever in 1834. It s first edition was supposed to appear, symbolically, on July 4. In his new paper, Mackenzie write only constitutional change. ...

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