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6681: Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page
... the most creative and influential musicians of the 20th century, Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page pioneered the explosive popularity of the electric guitar. Their innovative style of combining fuzz, feedback and controlled distortion created a new musical form. The unique musical language that was created by Hendrix and Page influenced a whole host of modern musicians. Music wouldn’t be where it’s at today without these two remarkable masters of ... could make more money as a session guitarist; a year later he changed his mind and joined the band. In mid-1968 the quartet split over artistic differences and Page went on to form the New Yardbirds, a hard rock group that fulfilled the remaining obligations of the Yardbirds. The New Yardbirds quickly changed their name to Led Zeppelin and went on to become the most popular hard rock group of the 1970s, selling tens of millions of albums worldwide before breaking up in late ...
6682: Quintana Roo
... as other leading tourism countries were turning to a more environmentally based “ecotourism” (Daltabuit and Pi-Sunyer 43). The discovery of these untapped regions gave the Mexican tourism industry the resources necessary to attract this new tourism market. In 2001, “The Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo (FONATUR)” announced the allocation of 500 million pesos to continue the development of ecologically based tourism in the Quintana Roo region (Latin Am 17 ... reoccurring problems. Ecotourism can be defined as, “sustainable nature-based recreation and tourism” (Lindber and McKercher 65). Before these public and private national, and multi-national agencies, and corporations invaded this area springing up these “new” ecotourist attractions, the country, for the most part, had relied upon mass development of an area. Until this point, this type of rapid development was usually at the hands of outside investors, and national agencies ... were not sustainable. Mass tourism areas caused great harm to the natural environment and to the local communities. When the Quintana Roo region was in the planning process, the goal for the development of this new tourism product was to eliminate the problems of sustainability that Mexico had been dealing with in the overdeveloped beach resorts. The government officials involved in the planning process knew they had many great natural ...
6683: Succeeding Through Others
... accomplish to what many people can accomplish. By involving other people through effective delegation, we have the potential to get more things accomplished in our area of control. In addition, we are likely to get new ideas and approaches to solve problems by involving others. Second, delegation frees up our time to get the most important things accomplished. Many of the tasks that supervisors and managers do can be completed by ... best teacher is promoted to become the principal. The best cook tries to open his or her own restaurant. The best worker, engineer, or computer specialist is made the supervisor. If the worker in the new position does not learn new supervisory and management skills, the tragedy is often double. This means, the company loses their best worker and, at the same time, sets up a supervisor for failure. Dr. Lawrence J. Peter and Raymond ...
6684: Ring World
Ringworld By Larry Niven This story has four main characters, they have been chosen by a race called the puppeteers to investigate a gigantic artifact. Nessus, Louis Wu, Teela Brown, and Speaker-to-Animals are the ones chosen ...
6685: An Agricultural Movement
... like the alligators of Lake Apopka. (14). Adding more chemicals to an already stressed environment like this will cause the extinction of the animals in such an area. Biotechnology and genetic engineering will not add new chemicals to an already chemically altered environment. In fact, biotechnology could eliminate the need for such chemicals entirely. By implementing the pests’ natural enemies, such as bacteria, fungi, and other predatory or parasitic organisms, to ... grubs that eat the grass roots. (Adams 16). These bacteria will not harm humans or animals these lawns, something the chemicals cannot guarantee. Biotechnology also makes better, safer, and less expensive products for farmers. A new biological pest controller costs $1 to $2 million and may only need three months to test, as compared to a new chemical pest controller costing $40 to $70 million and must be tested for five to seven years to be marketable. (Adams 17). Biotechnology does not come without some controversy. Questions arise like: Would the ...
6686: Communication Over The Internet, and The Effects It Will Have On Our Economy
... net connection and be able to view to and hear. -There are also applications such as the internet phone which enables the user to talk with other people, this works almost like a conventional telephone. · New technologies and what to expect in the near future. There have been many new breakthroughs in communication s recently, we are unfolding new ideas and new and faster ways in communication. Fiber optic technology is probably the next major wave in technology. Fiber optic communication over the internet will mean that it will be a lot easier ...
6687: Transcendentalism: The Philosophy of the Mind
... and the other practical (Frost 42). Transcendentalists think there is a dimension of depth in everything that exists. They also think the spirit is what controls your physical side (Halverson 431). Some transcendentalists say the world has no beginning in time, everything takes place according to the laws of nature. The same people think there is not necessarily an absolute Being who causes the world to be (Frost 42). Transcendentalists think nature is a product of the mind, and without the mind nature would not exist (Santayana 42). These ideas come from the Romantic traditions which originated in England. The ... Their belief of man is that man is part of the universe of objects and things. His knowledge is confined to ideas. He is able to reason, and he can form ideas of the outer world of God, freedom, and immortality (Frost 53). Immanuel Kant said, "Always act in such a way that the maxim determining your conduct might as well become a universal law; act as though you can ...
6688: Augustine's "Confessions"
... God is an omnipotent, perfect God. He is good. Theists accept this, and embrace it, for how else can they worship God and give their lives to Him unless He is good? However, n this world evil is constantly seen all around us. Because God is the author of all things in this world, and he is good, theists must then ask themselves what evil is and where it came from. Augustine sets up an argument I his Confessions that attempts to define evil, and in doing so he ... To begin with, God is the author of everything. Augustine says, “nothing that exists could exist without you [God]” (1.2). God is the creator and source of all things. Again “ . . . when He made the world He did not go away and leave it. By Him it was created and in Him exists” (4.12). Nothing in this world exists apart from God. Also, God is in control of everything ...
6689: Aborigines
... to aid themselves. In the middle of the pyramid is social system. The social system refers to the way they organize their society, and which roles everyone plays. At the top of the pyramid is world view. World view is they way the culture sees the world. This include their beliefs on creation and how they relate to the world. First I ll start at the bottom of the pyramid. The Aborigines like everyone else, have and use technology. Some of ...
6690: George Carlin
... Gave the Government the Power to Regulate What We Hear on the Radio The FCC v. Pacifica Foundation: GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS ON RADIO BROADCASTING In 1978 a radio station owned by Pacifica Foundation Broadcasting out of New York City was doing a program on contemporary attitudes toward the use of language. This broadcast occurred on a mid-afternoon weekday. Immediately before the broadcast the station announced a disclaimer telling listeners that the ... s authority to regulate broadcasts had been challenged once again. Howard Stern, self proclaimed "king of all media" and morning show "loudmouth" has given the FCC plenty of headaches. In 1987, the FCC introduced a new regulation to broadcasters. The regulation stated that "broadcasters could not say anything patently indecent or offensive to your community."(Stern, 1994) Before this broadcasters only had to worry about the "seven dirty words". This new rule seemed to lack a specific meaning. The broadcasting of indecent material was clearly stated and understood since the Pacifica case. To say broadcasters could not say anything "offensive to your community" just reinforced ...

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