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6601: Which Is Better, To Have Rules
... living like savages, for example Roger, and those who liked the idea of leadership, having a leader and following his instructions like Piggy. This, in my opinion, is a small-scale resemblance of the real world. If there was no law enforcement, or in Lord of the Flies, adults, people would be just like that. Society would collapse into chaos. The children, although they aren t mature, they behave exactly as ... the Flies, Golding shows what humans really are like. If there is a system of law and order, there will always be the people who want to break free from that, the rebels of the world. In the real world people who resemble the likes of Jack would be the extremists, the left wing people who follow political parties like the Communists. I theory Communism works but in reality, I believe it is not ...
6602: The Glass Menagerie: The Tragic Effects of the Past
The Glass Menagerie: The Tragic Effects of the Past In The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams creates a world in which the characters are disillusioned by the present. Amanda, Tom, and Laura achieve this disillusionment by resorting to separate worlds where they can find sanctuary. Each character develops their own world, far away from reality. Amanda frees herself from the harsh realities of life by constantly reminding herself of the past. To begin with, she continuously repeats the story of the "one Sunday afternoon in Blue ... her husband (1222). Amanda obsesses with the past, and at the same time damaging the children psychologically. Constant allusions to the past have psychologically affected Tom and Laura, trapping them into Amanda$BCT(J lost world. Tom and Laura fail to survive in the present because they are always trying to live through the past. However, the past no longer exists, causing them distress in their journey through life. Tom ...
6603: Frankenstein
... companion. Knowing that his first creation was evil should the doctor make a second? With the knowledge at hand, to Dr. Frankenstein, it is not at all morally correct to bring another monster into the world. Looking at this probelm with his family in mind, the doctor begins his work on the second monster. The first monster threatened Frankenstein and even his family. The monster angrily said to Frankenstein, "I can ... there is a chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe envoking fear into townfolk. The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the world. The monsters can potentially take over whatever they please. "A race of devils would be propegated,"(pg. 163) thinks Frankenstein to himself in his study. The monsters, if powerful enough, could possibly take over Europe. Frankenstein realizes that he can not possibly doom the world to benefit himself. "Shall I, in coold blood, set loose upon the earth a daemon.."(pg. 162) argues Frankenstein with his creation. It is not morally right for one person to unleash such a ...
6604: The Modern Men's Movement
... has garnered a rather loyal following through the 1980's and 1990's. It focuses not on men's rights, but functions more as a male bonding experience that educates and enlightens men about their new roles. “Created in the mid 1980's, the Mythopoetic men's movement emanates from the works of Robert Bly. His view is that the men's role has lost direction. The men's gatherings are to reconstruct a valid male initiation and role model.” (Schocke) This male movement has been cautiously encouraged by women's groups. Most realize the new pressures being exerted on men by the changes in society and recognize a male movement as a means to finding the new balance. "I believe that 'we', I.e. men and women, need a "men's movement" in the sense of men that have come to understand the evils of patriarchy ... These are men who are ...
6605: William Lyon Makcenzie
... November of 1832, a dispatch was sent to sedate the assembly’s vendetta against Mackenzie. But the Tories had expelled him a third time, earlier that month, only to see him re-elected, again. A new theatre of operations for Mackenzie appeared with the incorporation of York as Toronto on March 6, 1834. Both Tories and Reformers presented slates of candidates in its first election on March 27. Mackenzie was appointed ... Second Riding of York, and the Reformers a majority in the assembly. In November, sure his seat gave him a platform from which to seek reform, Mackenzie ceased publication of the Colonial Advocate. When the new Reform-dominated house met, it quickly erased all records of Mackenzie’s previous expulsions. In July of 1836, Mackenzie wept as his got news of his defeat on the election. He rushed into print a new paper, known as the Constitution although he had foresworn journalism forever in 1834. It’s first edition was supposed to appear, symbolically, on July 4. In his new paper, Mackenzie write only constitutional change. ...
6606: American Foreign Policy In Wwi
... key factors in the defining and shaping of our country throughout its history, and they continue to influence our nation on the global spectrum as we enter the 21st century. The U.S. involvement in World Wars I and II did not occur immediately following the beginning of the wars. Rather, in WWI, President Wilson, who had built his re-election campaign around the slogan, he kept us out of war ... the U.S. into the war were not primarily to seek revenge on Germany. Wilson s more important goal was to preserve democracy within the U.S. and restore manifest destiny to a war-torn world. Furthermore, the U.S. foreign policy of economic expansion contributed to the U.S. involvement in WWI due to the fact that tensions were built around both global trade and trade routes used prior to ... and the inhumane treatment of Jews, were of grave concern for the U.S. as millions of innocent lives were being taken. So, once again it was our responsibility to show the rest of the world how to live in social harmony with one another, playing the role of global policeman, intervening in foreign crisis in hopes of restoring global and protecting our own domestic tranquility. U.S. involvement in ...
6607: Subject: Giovanni & Lusanna-by Gene Brucker
... husband to court, because he has married another woman. The story is a factual account of what transpired during this court case and the remainder of Giovanni¦s life. There are several similarities between their world and ours, but for the most part we live in a totally different environment. Our standards of living have greatly improved, but more than that our society has grown more tolerant toward the people who ... claimed by Lusanna that Giovanni had promised to marry her in the event of her husband¦s death. Her husband soon died a questionable death that left open the possibility of poison. Unlike today¦s world divorce was unheard of, and unacceptable. Giovanni then refused to marry her in a public wedding because his social status would be greatly hurt to marry some one in the working class of Florence. This ... his face. People who were said to earn money in a dirty fashion often had blood or paint thrown on their steps. These kinds of things are just not normal or permitted in today¦s world. It is true that they do sometimes occur, but the responsible party often ends up looking worse that the person they were trying to hurt. Lusanna was said to have had several lovers. She ...
6608: Child Exploitation
... think of first when you think of child exploitation? Most likely you think about sweatshops. But in what other ways are children exploited? Kids are used, abused, bruised and broken in numerous ways around the world from slavery to prostitution. In the UAE, for example, children are taken as infants from their homes in Bangladesh to be used as camel jockeys. When they are too heavy, they are turned loose to die in the desert. Plus, while they are being held captive, they are caged, beaten and starved. Now where are these child rights organizations that are fighting for kids in sweatshops? How can the world sit back and condone such behavior? Children are dying for the sake of a sport and the world does nothing. As if the idea has not been beaten into our heads enough, but these children that are dying are our future. Organizations have been formed to make sure that we know this, ...
6609: Descartes Sixth Meditation
... things exist with certainly. In this meditation he develops his Dualist argument; by making a distinction between mind and body; although he also reveals their rather significant relationship. Primarily he considers existence of the external world and whether our experience hold knowledge of this world or whether this knowledge is merely an illusion. He makes it quite clear how misleading some of external sensations can be. We are never sufficiently aware of subjectivity of our own thought and senses. The ... only thing we directly experience is the nature of our own ideas and we do not realise how our own appreciation of certain concepts may be very different from the objective character of the external world. Descartes takes a look at memory, imagination, hallucination, dreams, predictions, etc. which he calls our (sensory awareness) as these are part of the way we perceive the external world, he doubts at first that ...
6610: The Gap Between The Rich And T
By: Tiberian Sunn E-mail: tiberian_sunn@hotmail.com The gap between rich and poor in the world today. In the world of 1995, there are still huge differeces between rich and poor, developed and less developed countries. But why? Who is to blame? What can we do about it? Many things have been tried out to ... problems in developing countries. It makes more sense to dig wells for people who walk for miles every day to get their daily water supply, than to support officials with BMWs and grand houses. The World Bank was established, and a large amound of capital was poured in, despite of the fact that the Third World lacked the level of infrastructure, the economic and social background, and the skilled personnel ...

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