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6571: Mark Twain 5
... humor of the time, such as George W. Harris's Sut Lovingood yarns and other works of the so-called Southwestern Humorists. From 1853 to 1857, Twain visited and periodically worked as a printer in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati, corresponding with his brother's newspapers under various pseudonyms. After a visit to New Orleans in 1857, he learned the difficult art of steamboat piloting, an occupation that he followed until the Civil War closed the river, and that furnished the background for "Old Times on the Mississippi" (1875 ... and during summers in Elmira, he produced Roughing It (1872) an account of his Western years, The Gilded Age (1873, with Charles Dudley Warner) a satire of get-rich-quick schemes and political chicanery, the New Pieces for Sketches, New and Old (1875), and Tom Sawyer (1875) his classic tale of boyhood. A European sojourn in 1878-79 inspired A Tramp Abroad (1880), soon followed by The Prince and the ...
6572: Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil in the Flesh
Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil in the Flesh Shepaug Valley High School Modern World While reading A Guide In Expository Writing For the Study Of History, By Charles Olivea, I was learning how to write a thesis. "The concept may be written as a single word or as a ... examples of these are: optimism, freedom, truth, faith..." continuing on to say,"USE A THESAURUS!!" So I typed evil into the thesaurus and found a plethora of suitable words for the most horrid man the world as we know it has ever seen. So rather than use"a single word"... Hateful, detestable, abominable, appalling, disgusting, frightful, ghastly, odious, repulsive, revolting, degenerate, immoral, putrid, manipulative, shocking, and most definitely perverse. As defined ... cannot even begin to be expressed in words. This evil and hatred was the seed of all slaughter, rape, and injustice in the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler, a man responsible for creating enough tears to form new oceans, and for causing enough bloodshed to turn those oceans dark red, was pure evil in the flesh. A man so wretched I question if even my"all-merciful" God could forgive him. Hitler ...
6573: Aboriginal Beliefs
The Aborigines had, and still have, a complex belief in creation, spirits and culture, that gives a definite distinctiveness from any other religion in the world. Thousands of years ago, Australian Aboriginal people were living in accordance with their dreamtime beliefs- today, a majority of the Aboriginal community profess allegiance to Christianity, and only 3% still adhere to traditional beliefs. These ... variants to these beliefs and practises throughout the many Aboriginal tribal areas, but all Aboriginal people have developed an intimate relationship between themselves and their environment. They see themselves as spiritually bound to the natural world. The basis of Aboriginal religion revolves around their sacred mythology known as The Dreamtime . The Dreamtime specifically refers to the period of time when the creators made the territory of a tribe and all it ... system, culture and the community they d grown up with. These stories had an enormous impact on their thinking and were responsible in many ways for them being the oldest surviving race in the entire world. These forms of Aboriginal tradition were often sacred, because they were associated with the Dreamtime beliefs and Aboriginal spirituality. Also, some of these are sacred in the sense of being exclusive only to initiated ...
6574: Hemingway's A Farewell To Arms
... the Italian army by jumping off one of the ships the army was traveling on and running away from the army. This symbolism was the water that he jumped into was a symbolism of the new, clean life that he was going to live from now on. At this time, Henry goes off and finds his wife to be. The plot in A Farewell to Arms was always active. They were ... was up. Ever since the front page Henry was traveling around to different towns so it was not boring for the reader. That made it very interesting for the reader because it was always a new town coming up so they were being introduced in the new characters quite often. As the story goes on, the reader is not introducing as many new people, but they are still traveling around quite a bit. Hemingway has a way with arranging the plots ...
6575: Confusion in the Japanese Economy: Four Problem Areas
... in the Japanese Economy: Four Problem Areas I sense a major paradox surrounding Japan lately. If you look at GDP, or the per capita national income, Japan is one of the richest countries in the world. Trade surpluses are at record levels, foreign exchange reserves are the highest in the world, and Japan is the biggest creditor nation in the world. However, apart from 1995-96, business conditions have been continuously bad since 1991. In 1997, real growth was 0.9%. In the OECD forecast, which came out in March of this year, real growth ...
6576: The Influence That Hsi Yu Chi
... Tang Dynasty Monk realize that his book would father one of the most well known works of Chinese literature. Eleven centuries later, another edition of 'His Yu Chi' was written. When it was released, the new 'Hsi Yu Chi' was considered as a disgrace to the community of writers. This ludicrous work which lacked philosophical depth and profundity was not only a satire of the Chinese Imperial System and Chinese bureaucracy ... Western Readers. Professor Yu has done a marvelous job translating the long book (one hundred chapters). The Journey To The West (which is want I will refer to it as from now on) portrays the world as one which is inhabited by demons, monsters, dragons, fairies, magic and various deities from Chinese Mythology and pushes the real hero of The Journey Hsuan Tsang into a corner and introduces a new hero, a monkey named Sun Wu K'ung, who is a disciple of the Tang Monk. Hsuan Tsangs other disciples are Chu Wu Neng, who is pig-man and Sha Wu Ching who is ...
6577: A Separate Peace Analysis
... ever since the beginning of time. In A Separate Peace by John Knowels, the value of dealing with your feelings and dealing with your enemies is shown by Gene Forester, a student in Devon during World War 2 dealing with few human enemies, but his emotions create a nemesis far greater than any human enemy. "I never killed anybody," Gene had commented later in his adulthood, "And I never developed an ... tree, he was still sore at Finny and when he was about to jump, Gene shook the limb, Finny Lost balance, fell and shattered his leg. Never to play sports again. Now Gene had a new enemy: Guilt. Gene knows that he has broken Finny's leg, it is all his fault, his best friend can never play sports again because of him. All his fault. This is really eating at ... so he doesn't let him say anything else about the tree incident. Now well into the winter session, Brinker, a friend of Genes, comes into his room and Gene gets nervous thinking that Brinker new that he had caused Finny's accident, because of that Gene suggested they go to the butt room, a drab room where smoking was allowed only to be confronted by a bunch of "the ...
6578: Anne Stevenson
... son. Stevenson describes the mixed feelings many mothers have upon the delivery of their first born. The final release from pregnancy and birthing pains, coupled with the excitement of bringing a live creature into this world, at first seem a victory to the new parent. The author goes on to confute the event as a victory. Using words such as "antagonist" (5), "bruise" (6), and "scary"(13), she shows the darker side of childbirth. The mother has felt her ... are helpless in one sense, yet they command the care of their parents. Stevenson describes the intrinsic helplessness of infants with the words "Blind"(9) and "Hungry"(14). Yet, this poem does not refer to new born babes alone. Birthing pains do not cease with the delivery of a child. The conflict described in this poem is felt by parents of adult children as well. All parents give of their ...
6579: Robinson Crusoe
... own determination to live, he learns how to make things on his own. With nothing but his bare hands and a couple of hatchets, he starts out building a shelter for himself. From acquiring these new skills, he adds onto his house and learns to form his own tools. Out of new experiences with these tools and his vivid imagination, he now has the ability to build anything that he wishes for. Later, he builds a table, chair, shelves, a summer home, canoe, and a boat. Robinson ... he will ever do it. When Crusoe first steps on the island, he knows nothing of it. He doesn't have a map or a compass, so it is up to him to explore this new world. He starts out on foot, cautiously searching and discovering the land. When he learns to build a boat, he then has the ability to see the whole island. He also builds a summer ...
6580: I Know WhyThe Caged Bird Sings
... book because I started reading it more I began to like it better and I was more into the book. § My favorite part of the book was when Maya started to open up to the world again and began by doing so by talking to Mrs. Bertha Flowers. § I was confused by why Margaret and Bailey were sent back to stamps after the incident, with Marguerite being raped, with Mr. Freeman ... they would have. Also, that racism was a lot different and harder to deal with then. § While I was reading I pictured a young African-American girl who was raped and decided to shut the world out of her life but to later grow and let the world back in her life and start to be happy again. § The most important thing about this book is that it tells about how rape to a young child can affect their life. § I'd ...

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