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6491: Yugoslavia-a Land Torn Apart
... so densely that it is probably impossible to separate them and make everybody happy. It was a witness to two bloody Balkan wars that took place in 1912 and that contributed to the outbreak of World War I. The conflict seems intrinsic to the region, with painful fragmentation after the fall of the Hapsburg empire and further discord during and after World War II. In fact, there was hardly any time when there was little or no conflict. The events that started the most recent escalation of conflict took place in 1991. The first republic to express ... was humiliated by Slovenian militia forces. From there, it spread to Croatia, who resented the Serb domination in government and the economy. All the previous conflicts, from Serbian-led atrocities committed at the end of World War II that surfaced in the 1980s to Croatian support of the former Ottoman lands in Yugoslavia that came to the fore in the 1970s, and others, greatly contributed to the Croatian resentment of ...
6492: Analysis Of Rembrandt Joseph A
... of light and dark demonstrates drastically this crucial turning point in Joseph's life. The fact that an Italian word exists for Rembrandt's lighting technique only proves the technique's establishment in the art world he lived and worked in. As a result of research, my fist perceptions about the presence of infinite space in the painting did not change, but instead I gained an understanding of why Rembrandt employed ... 15). All this Rembrandt has done, leaving us with a tragic moment in biblical history captured beautifully in this awesome painting of Joseph accused by Potiphar's wife. Work Cited Barker, Kenneth. The Holy Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House,1995. Muhlberger, Richard. What Makes A Rembrandt A Rembrandt? New York: Viking, 1993. Munz, Ludwig. Rembrandt. New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc, 1984 Schwartz, Gary. First Impressiaons:Rembrandt. New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc, 1992.
6493: Katherine Anne Porter
... as the great-great-great- granddaughter of the famous American frontiersman Daniel Boone, Porter was educated at various schools. In the 1920's and 1930's, she contributed articles to several newspapers while living in New York City, Louisiana, California, and Washington D.C., as well as Mexico and Western Europe. Miss Porter's first collection of short stories, Flowering Judas (1930) was quickly acclaimed. These stories mostly have Mexican settings ... Tower (1944), and Collected Stories (1965), which was awarded the 1966 Pulitzer Prize in fiction. Porter's only novel, Ship of Fools (1962), depicts an ocean voyage from Mexico to Germany on the eve of World War II. Collected Essays and Occasional Writings of Katherine Anne Porter also appeared in 1970. Many of Porter's works portray a rejected individual. The short story "The Circus" tells about a large family's ... thief like his father. On the ride home from his grandmother's house with his mother, "Stephen began suddenly to sing to himself, a quiet, inside song so Mama would not hear. He sang his new secret; it was a comfortable, sleepy song: 'I hate Papa, I hate Mama, I hate Grandma, I hate Old Janet, I hate Marjory, I hate Papa, I hate mama '" (Porter 110-1) which shows ...
6494: Hate Crimes
... activities promoting the rights of the targeted group. · Coincides with a religious or cultural holiday, such as Yom Kippur or Gay Pride. There are many different types of hate crimes that surround us in the world. Many hate crimes are performed by actual hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), skinheads, and many other groups. Hate crimes and bias crimes are now recognized as a new category of violent personal crimes. Research by sociologist Jack McDevitt finds that "hate crimes are generally spontaneous incidents motivated by the victims' walking, driving, shopping, or socializing in an area in which their attacker believes ... defensive stand against "outsiders" who are threatening their community or way of life. Mission hate crimes are acts of violence performed by people or groups of people who find it their duty to rid the world of evil. These groups include KKK, skinheads, and white supremacist groups. They may seek to eliminate and destroy people who threaten any of their beliefs. They act as a large portion of hate crimes. ...
6495: Lack of Love and Frankenstein
Lack of Love and Frankenstein Love is an emotion that is essential when bringing a life into this world. It instills morality into the newborn and develops traits that come only from the goodness of the parents. In the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley portraits a life lacking other’s concerns and filled with the utter loneliness, perhaps similar to her own experiences. There are significant changes in a child’s mind when he builds his world around the lack of love that everyone deserves. Mary Shelley has been compared to Frankenstein from the beginning of its existence. Her remarkable life is somewhat imprinted in the book. Throughout her time , Mary Shelley ... the perfect parent. Mary Shelley was none other but the mother of death itself, which influenced her novel. “Frankenstein is indeed a birth myth , but one in which the parent who brought death into the world, and all our woe, is not a woman but a man who pushed the masculine prerogative past the limits of nature , creating life not through the female body, but in a laboratory” (220, Kate ...
6496: Corporate Average Fuel Economy
Corporate Average Fuel Economy The foreshadowed Market Failures of the mid 1970's gave way to Corporate Average Fuel Economy, regulation which would call for new standards in automobile fuel efficiency. The market failures hinged on a number of outside variables which could have had a drastic effect on domestic markets. Resource Scarcity drove the American public to call for a more efficient means of managing its resource use due to a) oil embargos on nondomestic products and b) skyhigh prices at the pump. Conservation of the world's non-renewable resources cams to the foreground with a) higher pump prices and b) forecasted resource expenditure before the year 2000. With Corporate Average Fuel Economy in place the market failures should be partially ... opposite. Lower Gas Prices have a) caused the public to simply use more fuel, b) drive more frequently due to less fuel consumption and c) look beyond fuel economy when in the market for a new vehicle. Quality Depletion of the total domestic car fleet due to special attention to only the fuel economy while ignoring: 1) performance, 2) acceleration and 3) handling. *** With CAFE becoming a long-term flop, ...
6497: Florence Nightingale 2
Florence Nightingale helped make hospitals cleaner and more efficient, she helped make nursing an important, respected profession, and helped change the world around her into a better, more caring place. Would you like to be in a dirty, smelly hospital with fleas and rats? Would you want to have a nurse care for you who knows nothing ... Nightingale died quietly in her sleep. Even though she died, her life s work survived. She helped make hospitals clean and efficient. She helped make nursing an important, respected profession. Florence Nightingale helped change the world around her into a better, more caring place. In 1915 the Crimean Monument in Waterloo Place, London, was erected in her honor. Florence Nightingale has affected the course of human history in many ways. She ... important and well respected profession. Florence Nightingale changed the lives of those around her and those who heard about her. She was a great inspiration to others who wanted to make a difference in the world. One way that Florence Nightingale made hospitals like they are today is that she insisted that the wounded soldiers of the Crimean War have a nice place to get better and rest. She wanted ...
6498: The Origin of Life
... is very to understand does not exist."(6) Perhaps the issue of scientific tunnel vision would intricate creationism. How then, should we broaden our minds to alienisms? Could we have originated from a space ship? World History students study the Mayan Indians. The Mayan's had a solar calendar that is more precise than our modern day solar calendars. This calendar was discovered thousands of years ago, and it depicts a ... man, just to live together in harmony. Without harmony, we do not have a place to live. Works Cited (1) Ditfurth, Hoimar von. The Origins of Life: Evolution as Creation. Trans. Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. New York, 1982, pg. 92 (2) Johnson, Phillip E. Darwin On Trial. Washington D.C., 1993, pg. 16. (3) Johnson, George and Dr. Peter H. Raven. Biology, Fourth Edition. Time Mirror Higher Education Group, Inc. 1996, pg. 159. (4) Passantino, Bob and Gretchen. “Is the Bible reliable?”Discipalship Journal. Mar/Apr 1997: pp. 50-51. (5) Peck, M. Scott, M.D. The Roadless Traveled. New York, 1978, pp. 226. (6) Peck, M. Scott, M.D. The Roadless Traveled. New York, 1978, pp. 228. AP. “Comet slammed Earth, new findings suggest”. The Commercial Appeal 21 Oct. 1997: A7.
6499: The Life and Work of Chaim Potok
... his country, peoples, and religion very well and with great impact. First, to be discussed is his life birth through the present. He was born at a very early age on February 17, 1929, in New York, New York to Benjamin and Mollie Potok. The first university he went to was Yeshiva University where he graduated in 1950 with a B.A., summa cum laude, in English Literature. He also went to the ... English; their titles are: The Canal, The Trope Teacher, and The Golem's Hand. Mr. Potok has several other works such as short stories and essays that have appeared in many publications including Esquire, The New York Times Book Review, The New York Times Magazine, Commentary, Moment, Saturday Review, Seventeen, The American Voice, and The Philadelphia Inquirer. As a side not Chaim Potok's book The Chosen was made into ...
6500: Fire And Ice - Compared To 4 Other Poems
... is AABBA CCDDC and that pattern continues for every stanza (Silberner 110). The alliteration and the rhyme scheme of this poem make it flow very smoothly. "Fire and Ice" is a poem about how the world will end. Frost is debating with himself as to whether or not the world will be destroyed by fire or ice. Frost seems as if he is deeply entrenched in thought about whether the earth will become a flaming ball or a gigantic ice cube. I see this poem ... Frost. It tells me that Frost analyzed every idea that popped into his head. No wonder he graduated as co-valedictorian of his class. The imagery of this poem is in the destruction of the world. It takes a little imagination but I can picture the earth as a new sun. I can also picture the earth totally covered by a massive sheet of ice. The theme of "Fire and ...

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