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6481: Flowers For Algernon
... Charlie and Ms Kinnian, over the course of the radio play. To Charlie, Ms Kinnian is like a mentor. She supports and cares for Charlie throughout his development, and helps him realise things about the world and himself that he never knew before. Ms Kinnian cares deeply for Charlie, in this radio play, she believes Charlie is a " very fine person," but Charlie feels more than respect for Ms Kinnian. As ... and this angers him, for all he ever wanted was to be like his friends. Even when Charlie is very intelligent, he is still not accepted, for now Joe and Frank feel threatened by the new Charlie. " Before, when they laughed at me, they despised me for my ignorance; now they hate me for my knowledge. What in God's name do they want of me?"   Flowers for Algernon is also ... of a conflict of interest. It is suggested in the radio play that Dr. Nemur's main reason for performing and publishing the results of the experiment, was to achieve fame and acclaim at the ‘World Psychological Association'. Dr. Nemur often seems to refer to Charlie as an object, and experiment rather than a human. As Charlie says, " Nemur seems to think he hasn't so much helped me, as ...
6482: A Rose For Emily
... is looking towards the future. This conflict can only be resolved in one way; Jefferson will move forward, not backward to an age gone by. Since Miss Emily can not bear to live in any world but that which her father had helped maintain, she eventually succumbs to the pressures of the town s leap into modernism. She does so, by committing murder and necrophilia in order to preserve her way ... between her and the modern town. From the beginning Miss Emily was at odds with the entire town. Emily lived with her father throughout her entire adolescent life, and was never exposed to the real world. Miss Emily s father selfishly kept her to himself, making it impossible for her to meet, let alone become friends with anyone in town. Miss Emily never experienced love with anyone but her father because ... later, the modern town of Jefferson could find no proper paper work excusing Miss Emily from taxes, and confronted her with this. With her lack of social skills, and lack of understanding how the real world worked, she sent the men away, disgusted with the fact that they would dare question her. Just like that, the issue was dropped, and Miss Emily went on living in her distorted world.When ...
6483: Mars:
... and skepticism about why some of the recent landings have failed. Scientists, up till now, have been doubtful about life on Mars. Everything changed on August 7, 1996, when NASA and President Clinton told the world that a very primitive life form had been found in a meteorite, from 1984. President Clinton had this to say about the matter: This is a product of years of exploration and months of intensive study by the world s most distinguished scientists. Like all discoveries, this one will and should continue to be reviewed, examined and scrutinized. After Clinton said this it was almost as if a scientific boom had occurred. NASA research ... the failures, time has been given for scientists to blueprint a credible and step-by-step search for life on the Red Planet. Without the pressure to return Martian samples to Earth any time soon, new schemes for automated, on-the-spot detection of past or present Mars life can be flown. Recently, two probes were sent back and they made it to Mars. They landed on the South Polar ...
6484: A Farewell To Arms
... love and war. The narrator, Fredrick Henry is a war-time ambulance driver, and Catherine Barkley is an English nurse, who find themselves in a love affair which must maneuver itself around the restrictions of World War I. The novel begins in Gorizia, Italy the center of operations for Fredrick’s troop, World War I. Fredrick is an American volunteer and in the Ambulance Corps for the Italian Army. He meets a English nurse Catherine named Barkley and does not truly fall in love with her until he ... escape from a hostile and undesirable reality of war. Lieutenant Rinaldi , Fredricks enthusiastic surgeon friend soon introduces him to an English nurse, Catherine Barkley. Their relationship brings some order and value into his life. This new form of order which Fredrick discovers is love. He can no longer remain apart of something that is so disorderly and consequently deserts the Italian army out of love: “When you love you wish ...
6485: Internation Monetary Fund
Origins The need for an organization like the IMF became evident during the Great Depression that ravaged the world economy in the 1930s. Most of us are familiar with that era through dramatic photographs of farms eroding away in duststorms and of lines of jobless men waiting to enter soup kitchens. The Depression was ... materialized, and tens of millions of workers walked the streets in search of jobs that did not exist. The devastation was not confined to the visible economy. It was no less destructive of the unseen world of international finance and monetary exchange. A widespread lack of confidence in paper money led to a demand for gold beyond what national treasuries could supply. A number of nations, led by the United Kingdom ... retaliation through similar devaluation by trading rivals. The relation between money and the value of goods became confused, as did the relation between the value of one national currency and another. Under these conditions the world economy languished. Between 1929 and 1932 prices of goods fell by 48 percent worldwide, and the value of international trade fell by 63 percent. Several international conferences convened during the 1930s to address world ...
6486: Led Zeppelin
... 1975 when “Physical Graffiti” that sold 500 copies an hour. All of their albums have gone platinum. They were the first group to heavily tour the United States and sporadically tour the rest of the world. This occurred because there was a lack of interest in them Britain. Their success was due to their manager Peter Grant. Peter was able to keep the group moving from place to place and kept ... first movie featuring them. This movie was of the group playing their music, which was called, “The Song Remains Playing.” A representative from their record company called and told Page that the sales of their new album Houses of the Holy was spectacular. The record company told Page that the group, Led Zeppelin, was the biggest selling group in the world and was making the most money at the time. After Page and Plant heard this they were having a moment of triumph because their band was making it big. During this time of popularity ...
6487: How to Surf the Internet
... that simplify the research processes make the Internet another invaluable method of obtaining information. Most people who already know how to surf the Internet properly have no trouble finding information quickly and logically. However, for new people who are just starting to use the Net, the process can be quite troublesome. Some of the tools used for searching the Internet include Electronic Mail or E-mail which is a Messaging system ... games, reference files, software utilities, and much more. Gopher is menu-oriented making it fun and easy to search for information because the only thing the user has to do is point and click. The World Wide Web is a lot like gopher in that the only difference is that it uses a mixture of text and graphics to display a wide assortment of information. The Web is one of the ... her. There are some users who fret about having an information overload. They see themselves surfing a sea of random facts, information of varying quality, humour and entertainment references, people and places. The on-line world contains chaos as does the real world. Although some say the Internet World contains too much information for people to make sense of, there is tremendous proof people will find their place on the ...
6488: Descartes And Locke
... will lead you to the truth. That s why I think that the most fertile source of knowledge is the history of human opinions. Knowledge, in fact, is the relationship between a person and the world. While most philosopher agree with this basic definition, most all of them disagree about the fundamental nature of that relationship. There are many cases that prove that people have attempted to impose their believes on ... of himself seated by the fire. Locke instead is an empiricist, and therefore he directly critiques Descartes epistemic system and tries to establish his own foundation of knowledge. Locke believes that our knowledge of the world comes from what our senses tell us. Locke s theory state that we are all born with a blank slate, tabula rasa, before we perceive anything. With this in his mind Locke reject the concept of innate ideas and claims that all we know of the world is what we experience through our senses. Locke defines his terms: idea and quality, and makes it clear that ideas are in the mind and qualities are in bodies. He defines idea as what ...
6489: The Role Of Women In Utopia An
... who appears to have everything well sussed out but with incredulous innocence and naivety, she cannot believe in betrayal by Act 4, "Beshrew me if I would do so such a wrong, for the whole world". Could this transformation be behind Othello's accusation that Desdemona was shedding "Crocodile tears". Due to being a white Venetian woman, her marriage to Othello changes the way she is viewed as well. She becomes ... men, with a singularity rather to be admired than imitated. Neither is Desdemona to be altogether condemned for the unsuitableness of the person whom she selected for her lover, He was a soldier, and a brave one; and by his conduct in bloody wars against the Turks, had risen to the rank of general in the Venetian service, and was esteemed and trusted by the state. On the other hand, "It ... husband's household, and men stay in the family unit until they grow senile or die and family units are headed by the oldest male, an obvious borrowing from the basic. This is still a world of men being the only gender fit to handle responsibility and women being expected to go along with the males wishes i.e. joining the male's household. However, Utopia is also very hospitable ...
6490: Karl Marx 2
... the history of class struggles" (Marx, p.55). There has always been struggles the between two classes, an upper and lower class. However, Marx speaks of the current order saying, "It [bourgeois] has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and ...

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