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Search results 6461 - 6470 of 22819 matching essays
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6461: Marijuana
... know a little about the "forbidden plant." First of all, "marijuana" is the Mexican nickname given to the plant, but known to botanists as Cannabis Sativa. It has been recognized in various forms around the world: in Africa as "dagga," in China as "ma," in Northern Europe as "hemp." Although it is thought that cannabis most likely came from the steppes of central Asia, it now grows in almost any climate ... strength." Rumors spread that Mexicans were distributing this "killer weed" to unsuspecting American school children. Sailors and West Indian immigrants brought the practice of smoking marijuana to port cities along the Gulf of Mexico. In New Orleans newspaper articles associated the drug with African-Americans, Jazz musicians, prostitutes, and underworld whites. In 1914 El Paso, Texas passed, perhaps, the first U.S. ordinance banning the sale or possession of marijuana. By ... its inceptions through five presidential Administrations spanning more than three decades. In public appearances and radio broadcasts Anslinger asserted that the use of this "evil weed" led to killings, sex crimes, and insanity. When the New York Academy of Medicine, after years of research, released a report in 1944 concluding that marijuana use did not cause violent behavior, provoke insanity, lead to addiction, or promote opiate use, Anslinger angrily dismissed ...
6462: Art Essay
... Contemporary works that use the body as a sign or symbol, are found in abundance. Works as simple as a portrait can have a great impact on people. Portraits such as that of Hitler, during World War, I had enormous effects on the people of the Jewish religion. To have these huge portraits of Hitler’s face all over the country insured his control and power over the turn of events ... deep humanitarian sympathy with silent suffering masses and in Victims he illustrates his powerful trait. The bony bodies of the unidentified people in Victims is a symbol of the problems that were afoot in the world in 1936. Vast numbers of people were starving, suffering and dying. Orozco used the bodies in his artworks as a symbol of this suffering and successfully draws the focus and the emotions of the viewer ... its primary purpose. The use of the body in Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon by Pablo Picasso symbolizes the change of the way we view art and the body in art. Picasso introduced Cubism to the world. His brave abandonment of the Blue Period for a different and more robust style is seen and conveyed through his art. When Picasso started this picture, it was supposed to be a temptation scene ...
6463: Mayor Of Casterbridge 3
... Henchard negates the festive and celebratory nature of the fair by his egotism. What the people perceive as a joke permissable under the rules of topsy-turvy, the licence of the temporary release from the world of work, Henchard means seriously and in that act which refuses the spirit of festival he places himself in a position of antagonism to the workfolk, an antagonism which grows with time. From this opening ... spirit over the disorganized, the passionate, the festive, the flesh. The essence of Elizabeth-Jane's character is restraint and, like Farfrae's, her actions are characterized by their'reasonableness' and her perception of the world is consistently 'tragical'. In the closing passages of the novel she reflects that joy is no longer an integral part of life but an interlude in a general drama of pain, a sentiment which signals ... morality over passion, the final triumph of the morality of the pale Galilean. That certainly is Hardy's intention, but in the very ambiguity of that victory the limitations of the ideaology of the thinking world are revealed precisely through the 'colonial' status of the people over whom the new ideological forms now rule. Those ideological discourses which speak of unity and harmony and universality are put into contradiction by ...
6464: Nathaniel Hawthorne
... savage, half-despairing.” Other stories he had destroyed before publication because he thought they were “ morbid.” (The Vanguard Press, pg.34) Hawthorne traveled to many different places for brief amounts of times. He traveled to New Haven, to Swampscott, and to the mountains of Vermont. Hawthorne kept a notebook with him every place he went in which he jotted observations of places and people, ideas for stories, and phrases, which pleased him. He sold tales and sketches to New England magazines. He was even persuaded to edit a Boston magazine for six months. (American writers II, pg.230) In 1837, at the age of thirty-two, Hawthorne published his first collection, Twice-Told Tales, Longfellow, the most popular poet of the day, gave it a flattering review. New York magazine editors read it and offered him jobs with them. Within two years Hawthorne would be married to his wife Sophia. Hawthorne soon realized that supporting a wife was not as easy as ...
6465: Macbeth - Macbeth Character Study
Thesis: Macbeth's changing character over the course of the play can be seen in his roles a general, husband and a king. I. General A. Early in the play he is brave 1. Captain reports 2. Duncan conversation B. Late in the play he is ineffective 1. Fearful 2. Cornered II. Husband A. Initially close to wife 1. Confides in her via letter 2. Has pet name ... of the play can be seen in his roles a general, husband and a king. First, Macbeth's changing character is evident in his role as a general. As the play begins, he is a brave general, well respected by his peers. The captain returning from battle reports of this saying, "But all's too weak; for brave Macbeth (he deserves that name)" (1.2. 17-18) Duncan later confers his title as king of Scotland, claiming, "No more that thane of Cawdor shall deceive our bosom interest. Go, pronounce his present ...
6466: Ultrasonic Radar for a Home PC System
... Radar for a Home PC System One of the fastest changing and most expensive fields, is that of technology. Our computers, printers, modems, and much more is being outdated faster than anything else in the world. Just as we buy a new computer that does what we want, the industry comes out with a new option on a smaller and better computer. There seems to be so much changing that unless we invest our life savings into technology, we are considered obsolete like our computers. What used to fill ...
6467: The Treatment of Women In Muslim Countries
... of this region are quite content with their treatment. The word Islam means “…submission and obedience to the will of God”(Goodwin 8). In 1978 1978 there were approximately seven hundred and nineteen million Muslims world wide. Islam is not the origin of sexual inequality, it was amidst the Middle East countries long before Islamic religion was even introduced. Since the Muslim society ideology tremendously differ from modern Western thinking, the ... most Muslim ruled countries it is required to wear one or more of these garments on a daily basis. Afghanistan, a country the size of Texas is one of the most impoverished countries in the world. In Afghanistan, women are beyond suppressed, emotionally, educationally, and physically. Women living here are frightened for their lives daily, they have become mere pawns in the game of Islamic society of Afghanistan. Women do not ... of Honor, by Jan Goodwin, about a little girl who was only about 6 years old was born into a family with a heroin addiction. Apparently that is not uncommon for that area of the world. Her father felt that she need to start making money for the family (addiction). He put her to work as a beggar, that way she would bring in a regular income. A way to ...
6468: Bless Me, Ultima
... There is loss of innocence all around the main character, Tony, with his brothers and the people he meets. Tony also loses a great deal of his own innocence to the harsh realities of the world which marks his transition from a boy to a man. The theme of the loss of innocence covers the entire essence of the book. There are many cases in the story where people had lost their innocence of life and it was lost to them forever. Tony s brothers are of such a case. They had gone to war to fight for their country and explore the world. But as they yearned and sought the outside and how it was, they lost their innocence in the process. Being in war they saw death and destruction which soiled their once virgin eyes. Although they ... Tony himself went through the process of growing up and losing his innocence as well throughout the novel. In the beginning of the whole story, Tony is concerned with nothing much but his own little world like every child ought to be. His worries and experiences are really nothing compared to what he had in store for him later on, but although his later experiences would be rather unreal it ...
6469: Robert Mapplethorpe And Obscenity Charges
... better yet, it should stay away from political statements of all types. There is nothing unconstitutional about making a reasonable effort to satisfy those paying the bill. Encyclopedia Mapplethorpe, Robert 1946–89, American photographer, b. New York City. He is known for his black-and-white studies of male and female nudes, flowers, and celebrity portraits. He credited sculpture as an influence on his work and used traditional techniques of direct ... that city's Contemporary Arts Center and its director not guilty of obscenity for exhibiting Mapplethorpe's photographs. His works are included in Lady: Lisa Lyon (1983) and Robert Mapplethorpe: Certain People (1985). The art world is driven by a quest for novelty. Novelty enjoys cultural tensions and controversy, and, in recent years, must descend to violence, obscenity, and vulgarity, to find it. Even the definition of avant garde, always the essence of modern art, has changed. Whereas it once meant "the presentation of classic social themes in new artistic forms", it now means "the symbolic presentation of behavior and ideas that test the limits of social respectability." Or as another has defined it: "the progressive exploration of the forbidden frontiers of human ...
6470: Maggie, A Girl From The Street
The novel, Maggie, A Girl of the Streets, by Stephen Crane, takes place in the slums of New York City during the 1890 s. It is about a girl, Maggie Johnson, who is forced to grow up in a tenement house. She had a brother, Jimmie, an abusive mother, Mary, and a father ... in his way was a person of greater power. He often dreamed of wealth and fortune. When he had a dollar in his pocket his satisfaction was with existence was the greatest thing in the world. Also, there were two different women in different parts of the city who had had children by him. Jimmie did not care about those children. However, when Jimmie found out that Maggie had been sleeping ... with Pete, he denounced his sister s actions. But when Jimmie slept with various women, this seemed permissible in his mind. He suffered from a sense of self-delusion that he was unshaken against a world that was constantly trying to take advantage of. To him the rest of the world was composed, for the most part, of despicable creatures who were all taking to take advantage of him Mary ...

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