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6431: Sports Salaries
... so-called cheap seats at the LA Forum from $9 to $20." That is ridiculous, now the average family has to spend a fortune just to go see a game. Relocation seems to be the new thing for teams to do. In order for a team to be good they must buy good players. If they don't make a profit they must move. The best example of this would be the Cleveland Browns. Despite having some of the most loyal fans in the world, the owner decided to move to Baltimore, where they could hopefully make a profit. Once again money problems stemming from high salaries comes between fans and their beloved game. If the trend in sports doesn ... soon become entertainment for the rich. The way sports are set up today money is a huge part of how successful the team is. It has often been said that you can buy yourself a World Series Championship and to a certain extent it is true. A couple years ago the Florida Marlins bought many high priced players, putting them at the top of the salary list. They won the ...
6432: Decision Of The Bomb: Drop It Or Not?
Decision Of The Bomb: Drop It Or Not? August 6, 1945, is not a day to be forgotten. It marks the world's first use of an atomic bomb, which was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the US Military. In total, more than 140,000 people were estimated to be killed. Three days later ... 60 to 80 thousand deaths. Although the most memorable effects of the atomic bomb were the mass amounts of death, the decision to drop the bomb has greatly influenced American history and the outcome of world war 2. If I were president back in 1945, I think that I too would’ve given instructions to drop the bomb on Hiroshima. I probably would’ve been obliged to use a weapon of ... as 30 km from the original blast site. Some particles of fallout are still floating around in the atmosphere from the explosion that happened more than 50 years ago, possibly affecting countries all over the world. The load of guilt caused by me being the person responsible for the death of thousands of Japanese and being responsible for this huge tragic devastation would’ve deeply devastated me, given endless nightmares ...
6433: Great Gatsby
Psychological evaluation Toady a new patient came in named Nick Carraway. Carraway is a struggling bond salesman that just moved next to that big place on the island, Gatsby’s place. He seems to like his new home, but he often talks about how the homesickness he feels is relating back to his fathers conduct. "Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something ... story of how he and Tom took a trip to Manhattan. On the way they stopped at Wilson’s Gas Station to meet "Tom’s girl." I was shocked by this finding. Nick carried a new burden upon his shoulders. Should he tell Daisy about they affair? I told him not to worry and to wait until next week. Session: 2 Time: 5:00 Wednesday (a week later) The session ...
6434: The Roaring 20s
... dancing with the big bands. Other ways of entertainment were by newspapers and books, One of the novels was "Strange Fugitives". Back in the twenties Canadains authors produced 50 best sellins Fashion When the first world war ended a new stage was set for a new fashion. Such signs of fashion change was already happening. The loosening of fit and gradual downward movement of te wasteline. In the twenties women could say and do what they please so in no ...
6435: The Public Broadcasting System: Digital Technology and HDTV
... sound amd foreign language audio tracks. Therefore, it was inevitable that PBS would plunge ahead in the digital arena. At present, PBS does not resemble a conceivable pilot to navigate the television industry into this new technological horizon. The major disavanturage for the network is its $230 million annual budget, (that would seem diminutive compared to commercial networks and as a non- profit organization). However, that has not interrupted the network ... by Public Broadcasting Executives, Brugger, Coonord, and Duggan maintain that public broadcasting will "make full use of the educational opportunities that digital technology provides". In presenting all Americans with an "expanded, interactive and richly detailed world of learning", The Public Broadcasting Service, will combine interactivity with the aesthetic risks that the station is renowned for to create a new hybrid of multimedia entertainment. HDTV will offer PBS's audiences an unprecedented control over what viewer's watch and how they use the network. To state a potential scenario, a PBS documentary may offer ...
6436: Stephen King
... is this love gives King the drive to give back to the place he calls home. King has given over two point five million dollars to the Bangor Public Library. He is constantly contributing towards new things for the library. The library was dedicated in his honor (Beahm 81). In addition to the library, King found a way to give back to the community by using his other two loves, baseball ... are "The Dead Zone," "Cujo," "The Body," "The Dark Half," "The Sun Dog," and "Needful Things." The last of which is the one that I will focus on. "Needful Things," is a story about a new shopowner in town that is different than any other. Everything in his store has a price. It just depends on how much it is worth to you. For some it is worth their very own ... a literary critic for the Detroit Daily news. He says, "Whenever you’re positive—just positive!-- you know where this ghost story is heading, that’s exactly when it gallops off in some jaw-dropping new direction (Detroit Daily News)." The last bit of style has to do with the actual structure of how King writes his works. This is a quality found in all of his works. At the ...
6437: The Role of Women in the Church
... contains a command to be silent but also instruction on authority along with a reference to the fall of Adam and Eve for further explanation. Here is the passage in its entirety using the NIV (New International Version) Bible translation: I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or ... that many women in the church had been converted to this message and they were being persuaded to renounce their traditional roles in favor of a more egalitarian way of life in line with their new-found spirituality. This would explain the strong words Paul makes in reference to Eve, reminding the women that she was indeed led into sin, and that bearing children and raising them was a good thing ... although most churches do not recognize prophecy as being a modern gift, teaching certainly is and this was one of the important functions of a prophet. Some Commentators in discussing women's ministry in the New Testament have brought to light the customs of the day regarding women. Paul's main concern was the spread of the Gospel and that the message could be made attractive in every way. For ...
6438: One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
... with the patients of his ward and ends up changing their worlds completely. When two different societies are combined, they undoubtedly will change one another. This is the case when McMurphy coming from the "real" world, a society where a person can do what he pleases, is associated with the mental ward patients, whose lives are completely controlled by their nurses and their routines. McMurphy and the patients have a significant effect on each other. The mental ward and the world that McMurphy comes from are completely different. The mental ward is completely based on rules. The patients' lives are based on the routine that their nurse, Nurse Ratched, has established for them. Nurse Ratched believes ... patients had the nerve to escape from the mental ward for one day and go sailing. Something they would have never of thought of doing before they knew McMurphy. After encountering McMurphy, the patients were brave enough to oppose Nurse Ratched's rules openly. Such as the time Martini threw a tantrum that disputed Nurse Ratched's rationing of their own cigarettes. McMurphy also got them to come together as ...
6439: Human Comedy 2
... the man of the house by supporting his family with an after school job. But with this job comes responsibility and the hardships of growing up. Homer learns to deal with the problems of the world and with the acceptance of death. Mrs. Macauley. She is the all-knowing loving mother, She understands her children and the problems they are going through, but she lets them deal with their own problems themselves. She has the experience and wisdom to guide her children. Ulysses Macauley: This little boy is everyone's friend He is content with simply watching the world around him. Ulysses adds humor to the novel and gives the novel a sense of calmness. Marcus Macauley. He is the oldest Macauley child who is fighting overseas in the army. The development in the ... These two radiant girls symbolize hope. Throughout the entire novel they are waiting for Marcus to return. Major Conflict: The major conflict is with Homer learning to deal with his problems and to gain a new understanding about life. Setting: The setting is in Ithaca, California, during World War II. Point of View: The point of view is third person omniscient. Themes: The quality of life is very important. The ...
6440: A Comparison of the Status of Women in Classical Athens and Early Christianity
... all fields. In 411 B.C., when Lysistrata was written, men had many stunning advantages to that of their female counterparts. Although women's rights between 30 and 100 A.D., the time of the New Testament, were still not what they are today, the treatment of women was far better. Overall, the equality of women in the New Testament exceeds that of the women in Lysistrata in three major ways: physical mobility, society's view of women's nature, and women's public legal rights. Albeit in Lysistrata the women were shown as revolutionaries rising up against the men, women in classical Greece were never like that. Aristophanes created the play as a comedy, showing how the world might be in the times of the Peloponesian war if women tried to do something. It was the women's job to stay home and tend to the house, and never leave, unlike they ...

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