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6421: Oprah Winfrey
"The Oprah Winfrey Show". Her show is known to not only all over the United States, but also known to all around the world. Today she is known as the America's most famous and powerful woman. Every woman in America envies her great fortune and her intelligence. But Oprah insists that she is not special or gifted. She ... also received the IRTS Gold Medal Award, and was recognized by Time magazine as one of "America's 25 most influential people of 1996".(Oprah Winfrey talk show bio 1997 p1) According to US news & World Report, Oprah has an ability called "Oprah effect". It is her ability to make a connection with ordinary women and through that connection, she makes herself one of the most popular women (Dickerson 1997 p ... words which are O.K. to Afro-Americans but are taboo to White-Americans. She also shows interest in any kind of topics. This comes from her adventurous spirit and her eagerness to learn something new. She always talks in nice tempo and rates so that audience can follow her. And finally, she is very unique and funny that has a talent to make the other laugh. With these characteristics ...
6422: Use of Paralanguage and Kinesics in Everyday Life
... in posture positions. Most people use the bent knee position to eat, but while the Romans used to eat lying down. Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark described the sleeping posture of the Tibetans before World War II. He said that the local men slept outside at night huddled around the fire, hunched over on their knees with their faces resting in their palms. In 1932, William James did a study ... cords. The click sounds are made by causing a suction of air in the mouth cavity. These percussive-like sounds are well documented as speech sounds in several languages, but, like the kiwi bird in New Zealand, they occur in only one geographical area of the world. The type of modification when the lips are involved, or puckered, is called labialization, and in speech sounds is used in French, German, Scandinavian, and many other languages. In English this type of rounded ...
6423: James Cook
... the main goal of this voyage but cook had been given secret orders to find an unknown continent in the south pacific. He was told to find it because geographers believed that it kept the world in balance, however Cook was unable to find it. In October of 1769 Cook became the first European man to visit New Zealand. In April of 1770 the Endeavor sailed to Botany Bay on the east coast of Australia. Cook claimed the entire east coast of Australia for Great Britain. He returned to England in July of ... increased the danger. Cook circled Antarctica but the ice kept him from sighting land. In 1773 and 1774 Cook became the first European to visit a number of Pacific Islands, including the Cook Islands and New Caledonia. He arrived back in England in July of 17775 and was promoted to a captain. Cook’s final voyage was in July of 1776. Cook took two ships, the Resolution and the Discovery, ...
6424: Family Unity and Moral Values
... It basically gets down to what you think is the most important, in other words what you value. "Family values is nice when you've got Ward and June and Wally and Beaver. Unfortunately, the world has changed quite a bit from the 1950s to 1996. Things have just changed so rapidly and so quick…" (Anderson) The honesty, setting examples with your morals and actions, and bringing up the people to ... single ideal standard that all families can or should exist. Because society has changed, moral has changed and people can not follow the morals of the past. Both parents assisting in the household income is new in today's society compared to the past. Where the only the man of the house worked and the women would stay home and take care of the children. Today's society require a family ... to have two income to survive, one income does not provide a stable life style anymore. The issue of homosexuality and diversity have surfaced, and moral values have changed. Families are lost in the dream world of their TV sets and video games. Children are learning values and issues from TV and not from their own parents. The children do not learn how to communicate with their parents, and will ...
6425: Donkey
The Steam Donkey in Martin Grainger's Woodsmen of the West In the beginning of the 20th century, the logging industry in B.C. and around the world saw a dramatic change in the way logs were being logged. Techniques came and went although some stayed longer than other. New technologies played a very important role in this change; none more than the invention of the steam donkey. In Martin Grainger's Woodsmen of the West, Carter's acquisition of a steam donkey allowed his ... lumber due to the rapid increase of population around the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island regions. In 1901, these two regions accounted for 58.5% of British Columbia's total population. The majority of the new population were immigrants. Most of these immigrants were Chinese, Japanese, and other Canadians coming to B.C. from the rest of Canada. One of the main factors attracting immigrants to B.C. was the ...
6426: Mark Twain
... humor of the time, such as George W. Harris's “Sut Lovingood Yarns” and other works of the so-called Southwestern Humorists. From 1853 to 1857, Twain visited and periodically worked as a printer in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati, corresponding with his brother's newspapers under various false names. After a visit to New Orleans in 1857, he learned the difficult art of steamboat piloting, an occupation that he followed until the Civil War closed the river, and that furnished the background for "Old Times on the Mississippi" (1875 ... and during summers in Elmira, he produced “Roughing It” (1872), an account of his Western years; “The Gilded Age” (1873, with Charles Dudley Warner), a satire of get-rich-quick schemes and political chicanery; the new pieces for “Sketches, New and Old” (1875); and “TOM SAWYER” (1875), his classic tale of boyhood. A European sojourn in 1878-79 inspired A “Tramp Abroad” (1880), soon followed by “The Prince and the ...
6427: Universal Neurosis
... Oedipal complex. The examination of the Oedipal complex is the most essential to the understanding of Freud s theories since he claimed that due to the resistance, repression, and transference of early sexual energies the world had developed a universal complex which did not allow for the healthy development of individual s but lead instead to the neurosis and mass illusion of religion. For his perceivably vicious attacks on religion and ... ego, a section of the child's ego identified with the childhood image of the parents (the parental Imago) perceived in consciousness as conscience and as the ego ideal. When projected onto or into the world, the Imago is taken by the experience to be a veridical perception of a divine being. Throughout life, these experiences of this childhood conflict are alive and present in the unconscious of the individual. This ... to make adequate contact with both the external and internal demands involved. Thus, one of its main tasks is "reality testing"--making an accurate determination of the limits imposed on the organism by the external world including one's own body. Illusory beliefs are not ego-syntonic and are thus ultimately destructive if allowed to control individuals and societies, even if they should happen, e.g., by accident, to be ...
6428: Beowulf and Hrothgar: Anglo-Saxon Ideal Code of Conduct
... evil Grendel. He first shows his strength and bravery when he sets sail to assist Hrothgar in defeating Grendel after hearing news of the creature in his own land. Beowulf is constantly referred to as brave, such as when he defeats Grendel, and Hrothgar must reward him for his heroics. As the “brave man moved forward until he stood immediately before the Danish lord,” Hrothgar says, “I will reward this brave man with treasures.” The unbeatable strength of Beowulf shows during his confrontation with Grendel, when the monster instantly realizes that “never had he met any man in the regions of earth, in the whole ...
6429: Sport Psychology
... at all cost. With this increase pressure, athletes are looking for more and more ways to better their performance. One such way, which is now gaining popularity, is Sports Psychology. Though this isn t a new field, its popularity is just beginning to take off. There is still a lot of skepticism about the validity or worth while of the practices used. The following is a review of a number of ... moved from the simple experiments of the early labs to sophisticated trials and tests. Focus is now on subjects as mental health , psychopysiological reactivity, and body image and esteem. (Gauvin, Spence, 1995, p. 436) The world of athletics is now a business, and now like other businesses, is always looking for ways to improve itself. Conclusion Since athletics seems to be moving from being a pastime to a way of life for many in today s world, it is important that there is a means to improve performance. The corporate world has long been using psychological techniques to improve employee performance. It was only a matter of time before the athletic ...
6430: Bread Givers
... reaches her breaking point in the unsuccessful business he buys. Sara walks out on her mother and father, leaving behind all connections to her old life. This is her chance to start out in the world to attain her goal. This is a difficult thing for a girl to do in that time and place. She would face many bumps on her road, the greatest being resisting the old world that her family is bound to. While her sisters question her actions, they praise her for getting away from their father. Her sister Bessies says, "Thank God you had the courage to break away" (p ... over anything else. They both had their own best interest at hear. Reb wanted his daughter to marry to secure a place in heaven, and Sara wanted an education to secure her place in the world. It is towards the end of the novel that we see how Sara and her father are so closely related. It is maybe at this time that Sara sees the connection as well. She ...

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