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6361: Natco
... store in Sierre Lonne to one of the biggest distributor of foodstuff in London. With his unique managerial style he succeeded in bringing up his trading company to be one of the best in the world. T. Choithram & sons is located at Wembley. The factory and warehouse together under one roof occupies around 25,000-sq. ft. in area. NATCO has employed over 150 skilled and unskilled labor, and has a ... they came up with a plan, which would help them to sell the Papa brand in the countries where NATCO already exists and it would not be illegal at the same time. They established a new company Orient Foods. Papa is a brand name for this new company and sold in outside market, which helps NATCO compete with other similar product. This move has helped the company as its sales have increased in foreign markets. The mission statement for NATCO is ...
6362: Christianity Vs. Islam
Christianity and Islam -- Are They Really That Different? There are hundreds of religions in this world. Of the many religions two of the most prominent are Islam and Christianity. It is averaged that there are 750 million people practicing Islam and another 1 billion practicing Christianity. The roots of Islam are ... is the same Angel that brings the news of Jesus' birth.). The message Muhammad received was that there was but one God, not many gods, as most Arabs believed. This God was creator of the world (In Christianity, it's documented in Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth), and He would one day judge. Both of these religions share almost the same ... with the mission to "enjoin good and forbid evil." Within the community, Muslims are expected to establish social and economic justice. They are also expected to carry their message out to the rest of the world. In the early Islamic community, this meant the use of force in the form of jihad, or holy war. This also happened in the Christian faith, it was known as "Crusades", where missionaries would ...
6363: United Nations
... the security council haven’t given the UN the power it needs if it is to be a successful force in peace keeping methods. 2. The United Nation idea was first brought to head during World War II, when 26 nations of the world pledged to work together as one. The United Nations was officially operational as of the 24th of October 1951, with a minor 51 countries signing the UN charter. A stable base was set-up in New York. 3. The UN structure is a very well thought-out one. The UN contains over 150 countries, with 5 main heads of state. These 5 countries are America, France, Great Britain, Russia and ...
6364: The Fall Of The Roman Empire
... carefully and meticulously placed system of checks and balances fall asunder, taking with it the stability and potential for political egalitarianism that had made the Roman empire great. Bibliography References Encyclopedia of Roman Empire. (1994). New York: Facts on File, Incorporated. Gibbon, E. (1983). The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. New York: Viking Penguin. Gibbon, E. (1999, April). Medieval Sourcebook. Available: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/gibbon-fall.html. Hutchinson Dictionary of World History. (1994). New York: ABC-CLIO, Incorporated. Murray, K. (1999, April). Quotations from Decline and Fall of Roman Empire. Available: http://dnausers.d-n-a.net/dnetDkjs2/quotes.htm Veyne, P. (1997). The Roman ...
6365: Auschwitz
... stay positive in a situation like this. You are on your way to the most famous – and most deadly – Nazi concentration camp. Its name is Auschwitz, and you are a Jew in Nazi Germany during World War II. Your future is beginning to look bleak. The thought of ever leaving this place is the only hope that you and those around you really have, and the chance of that is slim ... extracting prisoners’ value from them in the form of hard labor. This camp was the end of the line for millions of Jews, gypsies, Jehovah’s witnesses, homosexuals, and other innocents. Since I was young, World War II, and the stories surrounding it have fascinated me. I have read innumerable books on the subject, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Although, throughout all my research and broad understanding I have gained ... their stomachs were not able to digest the food, causing severe gastrointestinal problems with ex-prisoners. Many people who survived the camp itself died in the aftermath of the shock of returning to the normal world, unable to cope with the disease and malnourishment they had survived in the camp. Most ex-prisoners are bitter about their experiences (with good reason), and want to tell as many people as possible ...
6366: Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein The Middle East is an extremely volatile region of the world, and much of the current instability may be due to one man, Saddam Hussein. During the last few years, under Hussein's direction, Iraq has gone from being an oil rich country to a country ... Allman 61). Saddam feels that is actions were justified because he believes the Iran-Iraq war was a conspiracy by the US, Britain, and Israel to undermine Iraq (Kondrache 11). This leads people of the world to believe that this is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve what he wants. He was willing to risk his whole nation for a more money. High financial priorities? Survey says “yes ... election since the coup (Cooperman 49). This says that Hussein has been a tyrant from the start, and his need for power is incredible. He wants complete domination of the Middle East, if not the world. Iraq is now a country struggling to survive. It is in the midst of an embargo, and the people are suffering. Death rates are up, and the amount of food available is declining. Saddam ...
6367: Should Top Executives Make The Money They Do?
... fact, many workers from other countries are hired. However, when this happens, it is not a decision designed to save money. It is a decision that is meant only to bring in quality workers. The new employees are usually started off with an "American" level of pay. It is the company, not the worker, that is responsible for high wages. This negates the idea that quality workers can not be found ... linking pay to performance is practiced often in countries such as Germany, but is discouraged in place such as America and Japan. This is definitely a policy that should be considered in countries across the world. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS It has been established that top executives do make a lot of money. It has also been established that they deserve the money that they receive is well deserved. These employees are ... making important decisions everyday. They are under a tremendous amount of pressure to succeed. It is their job to make sure that large corporations. Their jobs are arguably some of the most important in the world. This certainly allows them to be presented with such large salaries. There are a few steps, however, that can be taken to regulate the salaries that are executives are paid. This is necessary because ...
6368: The Life Of Mahatma Ghandi
... matter of conviction for him, not merely a legacy of his Vaishnava background. The missionary zeal he developed for vegetarianism helped to draw the pitifully shy youth out of his shell and gave him a new poise. He became a member of the executive committee of the London Vegetarian Society, attending its conferences and contributing articles to its journal. In the vegetarian restaurants and boarding houses of England, Gandhi met not ... for Europeans only." These humiliations were the daily lot of Indian traders and labourers in Natal who had learned to pocket them with the same resignation with which they pocketed their meagre earnings. What was new was not Gandhi's experience but his reaction. He had so far not been conspicuous for self-assertion or aggressiveness. But something happened to him as he smarted under the insults heaped upon him. In ... infused a spirit of solidarity in the heterogeneous Indian community. He flooded the government, the legislature, and the press with closely reasoned statements of Indian grievances. Finally, he exposed to the view of the outside world the skeleton in the imperial cupboard, the discrimination practiced against the Indian subjects of Queen Victoria in one of her own colonies in Africa. It was a measure of his success as a publicist ...
6369: The Journey of Odysseus and Telemachos
... eaten two more seamen, against the will of Zeus. Odysseus, soon realized that killing him asleep would do no good since the mouth of the cave was still inescapable. The captain had then devised a new plan. When Polyphemos returned that evening, Odysseus showered the monster with wine until he had fallen under a drunken spell. Then, with the help of his companions took a sharp pole and rammed it into ... to tell him his fortune, and how to appease Poseidon. Odysseus agreed and made a trip to the underworld, where he discovered many of his dead companions from Troy, and most importantly, Teiresias. With his new knowledge, he returned to Circe, which had provided him with just the information he needed to pass the Sirens. They then departed from the island and continued on there journey, ears filled with wax. What ... of the island, the Phaiakians, and then Alkinoos, the king. There he listened to Odysseuss stories, and presented him with lavish gifts and a furnished ship back to Ithaca. Resenting this fact, Poseidon turned the new crew into stone for their generosity. This is the time, nearly twenty years after his fathers departure, Athene wisely advises the worried, and still immature Telemachos to go in search of his father. Telemachos ...
6370: The Suffering of The Jews In The Holocaust
... worst person that ever lived. In my opinion Hitler was insane for a simple fact that his great, great parents were Jews. This man thought that he was God and he was here in this world to distorted Jews. Another popular person was Oscar Schindler you might recognize this name by Schindler's List. Which is a movie that is base on the Holocaust. Oscar Schindler has been described as a ... The people praise him as the savior of more than 1,200 Jews. Because of Schindler there is today 6,000 descendants of Schindler's Jews living in the USA, Europe, and Israel. Before the World War II there was 3.5 million Jews. Today there are between 3,000 to 4,000 Jews left. If Schindler did all of these things for the Jewish people than why was he part ... Jews out of the death camps. But after the war was over Schindler's life was a chaos they took him and killed him. "Oscar Schindler didn't save one Jew he saved the whole world of Jews" said Ellen Goldstein. With a smile on her face In conclusion Jews have suffered a lot. Many family's like Ellen Goldstien died of starvation, rape, criminated and something that I didn’ ...

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