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6331: The Ones Who Walk Away From Om
... lives at the expense of this helpless other and have rationalized that it could not really be happy anyway. A comparison could be made between the child and the ones who see him with first world countries looking at third world countries. The people in first world countries feel sorry for the third world countries but usually do nothing. Similar to the ones who walk away from Omelas, leaving the child to continue to suffer. By leaving hopefully the guilt for ...
6332: Lord Of The Flies Themes
This was shown in the novel by how the boys, when they first arrived on the island, began to organize their new lifestyle by building fires to try to summon help and by building shelters. By the end of the novel they had abandoned this form of civilation and began to spend there days fighting between the ... a way. While he was there he found the truth about the evil within them. The Conch a) The conch controled their system and their meetings. It seemed to be the only link to a world of order and civiliziation. When it was destroyed it seemed to mean the end of all their ties to the outside world and the begining of the regin of savages. b) The influence of the conch kept the childrens hope of being recued going because it reminded them of the order of the world that they ...
6333: The Catholic Church and The Middle Ages
... even greater threat to papal authority and church unity arose in the sixteenth century when the unity of medieval European Christendom was irretrievably shattered by the Reformation. Martin Luther was the catalyst that precipitated the new movement. His personal struggle for religious certainty led him, against his will, to question the medieval system of salvation and the very authority of the church. His chief opposition was Holy Roman Emperor Charles V ... Switzerland found leadership in Ulrich Zwingli, who eventually sought an alliance with Luther and the German reformers, and especially in John Calvin, whose Institutes of the Christian Religion became the most influential summary of the new theology. On most important doctrines, Calvin was in agreement with Luther. Calvin differed from Luther in his belief in the concept of predestination, derived from his belief in God’s supreme authority. This concept became ... considerable measure on the Society of Jesus, which was grounded on the principles of absolute obedience to the papacy and to militarily protect the word of God. The chronological coincidence of the discovery of the New World and the Reformation was seen as a providential opportunity to evangelize those who had never heard the gospel. Trent on the Roman Catholic side and the several confessions of faith on the Protestant ...
6334: Luis Gutierrez
Luis Gutierrez The Fourth District of Chicago is rather new to the Chicago land made up largely of Hispanics and Latinos. This District like many others face major problems of crime, health care and education. Democratic representative Luis V. Gutierrez represents the answer to these ... won the race for Alderman in 1986. After the death of Washington, Gutierrez soon supported Richard Daley for mayor and was appointed to chairman of the housing committee. Gutierrez was now able to instate his "New Homes for Chicago plan". This plan called for the city to sell empty spaces of land to housing contractors to construct homes for as little as one dollar. In 1992, Gutierrez ran for representative of ... Gutierrez has been known to speak unprofessional about the house as well as it's members. In a sixty minute profile he claimed that the house was "belly of the best" and later called the new democrats "sell outs", because of these comments, Gutierrez has not been successful as a legislature. Both Gutierrez's abortion in veteran's Hospitals and anti-crime bill have been rejected. As a leader Gutierrez ...
6335: European Imperialism
... European dominance can easily be noted, especially when examining Africa and Asia; the consequences, in some cases, being death by the thousands. Therefore, due to these and other severe actions during their domination of the world, Europeans should be condemned for their abuses of power. The first nation which will be discussed is China, from the continent of Asia. The British had their eyes on China, ever since the restricted population ... it had to be conquered. The Sudanese population was largely Muslim and resisted English rule. It wanted to be governed by people of the ethnic majority and would fight to the death to "rid the world of evil"(Ahmad*). At first, the rebels were successful. Later, the British incorporated into the war a weapon of mass destruction: the machine gun. Estimating its efficiency on tribal warfare where the enemy possessed no ... the British knew who would be the victor. On September 2nd, 1898, the British mercilessly eradicated the rebel forces, with incredibly small losses compared to the thousands of Sudanese who were slaughtered. This testing of new technology on a primitive people for pride and racial superiority is disturbing. This merciless exploitation of massive power is another clear abuse from the domination of the Europeans. Therefore, due to these and other ...
6336: The Computer Revolution
... were to make a history book of the years from 1981 to 1996, I would put computers on the cover. Computers, you may ask?, Yes computers, because if there were suddenly no computers on the world, there would be total chaos. People could not; communicate, commute, make business transactions, purchase things, or do most things in their daily routine, because power plants use computers to control the production of electricity. Computers ... longer just toys and they had a very useful purpose. Most people still felt the cost was too great for a glorified typewriter. Several years after they introduction of the BASIC system, Apple introduced a new line of computers called the Macintosh. These Macintosh computers were extreme easy to use, and were about the same price of a computer that used BASIC. Apple's business exploded with the Mac, Macintosh were ... linking one computer to another, now millions of computers could be linked with massive main frames from on-line services such as; American On-Line or Prodigy. People finally had full affordable access to the World-Wide-Web and could communicate with people across the street or across the world. The internet is used by millions of people across the world each day for a vast variety of reasons from ...
6337: Creative Writing: Dogs and Cats
... we'd have to leave sometime. What's the use?" Scampi smacked the tree with his little paw. Nature was most unjust. The cat began cleaning itself arrogantly. The nerve, thought Scampi. Here's this new cat, obviously fresh out of the bad part of town, no owner, no home, no nothing, thinking it can roam around like a king. "There's a chain of command around here!" Scampi snarled. "Okay ... ground and watched the passage of time on the street while Scampi vented. Soon, Roy the Basset and his owner walked by. Mustard nodded hello. "Who's that?" Roy asked, looking in the tree. "Dunno. New in town." "Which house?" "No house." "Freeloader, hm? Give him one from me." Roy's owner shushed him. Poor guy. Owner was one of those uppity types who had to have everything perfect. Mustard rolled ... Dunno." "Why don't they just get more furs?" "Dunno." Mustard and Scampi walked like this often. Mustard had gotten used to Scampi's badgering. He was a good companion. They were always discovering something new within the few blocks they roamed and there was always news of the neighbourhood to keep up with. It was a carefree life, except for the occasional mishap like the stray cat. Across the ...
6338: Youth Violence
Fear of youth violence is a constant concern by millions of people all over the world. Kids seem to take up more and more space of crimes that are usually committed by adults over the age of 18. Statistics confirm that more horrendous crimes are being committed by increasingly younger children ... easiest ways to access violent scenes is through television programs. Every time you get home, and turn on the TV a violent scene usually comes on. This is very sad, because many people around the world are concerned with all the violent acts that occur everyday. Kids feel that Robocop and Hulk are great models, but these characters are a bad influence on children. Growing up to be a violent person ... Although these are many ways to reduce youth violence, the most effective to me is training in conflict resolution. These conflict resolution programs have grown in popularity in schools, elementary or high schools throughout the world. On this conflict resolution course, you train to look for different views to settle your problems. Most kids today feel that violence is the only way out of problems, but it is not. Violence ...
6339: Communism
... for all." Lenin's own interpretation of the Marxian critique was that to achieve Communism there would first have to be a socialist dictatorship to first suppress any dissent or protest. Through coercive tactics this new government seized power and in 1917 Lenin came to power. Under his "rule" Russia underwent radical changes in it's economic doctrines adopting a mixed which was termed the New Economic Policy, also referred to as NEP. This economy called for some private ownership of the means of production, but the majority of industry was made property of the people, which meant the majority of ... of the old Tsarist military system and established institutions in government. During this period, censorship and the subordination of interest groups such as trade unions was imposed to stop dissension and increase conformity to the new government policies. After Lenin's death in 1924, Joseph Stalin quickly gained control of the Communist party and the oppressive reforms started by Lenin were continued and at length became completely totalitarian. Stalin was ...
6340: The Inevitable Inequality in Modern Democracy
... when large economic disparity and inequality exist. (Chomsky 1994) A known phrase from the American Declaration of Independence states that ‘all men are created equal.’ This statement assumes that at birth we all enter the world with the same abilities and that it is our environment in life that shapes what kind of people we will eventually become. Thus, it is arguable that because all men are created equal, all men ... 1999. Collins, Chuck. (1999) Growing Inequality. WWW document. Available:http://www.stw.org/html/growing_inequality.html. Accessed, 4th October 1999. Friedman, Milton. 1970. “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.” The New York Times Magazine, 13 September. Meanings of Democracy. (1997) Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia. Cambridge: Softkey International Inc. Parenti, Michael. 1994. “Inventing Reality.” In Key Concepts in Critical Theory: Democracy. Ed. Green, Philip. New Jersey: Humanities Press International, Inc. Parenti, Michael. 1994. “Power and the Powerless.” In Key Concepts in Critical Theory: Democracy. Ed. Green, Philip. New Jersey: Humanities Press International, Inc. Williams, Raymond. 1994. “Keywords.” In Key ...

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