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Search results 6321 - 6330 of 22819 matching essays
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6321: Sleep Apnea
... of Sleep Disorder Centers (ASDC), and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has studied sleep and sleep disorders since the early 1970's. Out of all the sleep disorders currently being studied, sleep apnea has gain world wide attention, affecting over 15 million people. Apnea, derived from the Greek word "want to breath." Sleep Apnea (cessation of air flow at the mouth for greater than 10 seconds) can reflect 1) loss of ... deprives patients of sleep, numerous of studies have consistently shown that sleep loss affects daytime performance, sleepiness and mood. One of the first capacities that Dr. Arthur J. Speilman of the Department of Psychology in New York spoke of, is the ability to produce creative solutions to problems., and how being deprive of sleep can impair a patients functional capacity. Dr. Paul Glovinsky, Dr. Spielman's research colleague noted "the focus ... As a result from using the C-PAP machine, muscles lining the airway and structures such as the soft palate are no longer sucked into the airstream. Another method of treating sleep apnea (a fairly new surgical procedure) called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. This procedure involves revision of the uvula (the tissue that hangs from the midline of the throat) and tightening up the throat's lining. Study has shown surgery to be ...
6322: The Pc Industry
... its product to resellers. In the business to business market Dell has excelled, but until recently, the profitable company was not so profitable in the home-user segment,(Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). The company s new strategy, to gain market share, has proven very effective. Dell now posts a 62% gain in world wide PC shipments and a 2.6 share-point gain from 8.2% in `98 to 10.8% in `99,(Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). Recently Dell s presence has been felt in the growing PC ... they were very wrong. IBM has not done a bad job catching up to the pack, though; it now has the number-three market share of 7.6%, (Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). IBM plans some new strategies after its low ranking in the PC market. This new strategy is to end all retail selling and go completely direct, IBM plans to sell its Aptiva system exclusively over the Internet in ...
6323: Personality
... types an stages of personality throughout life. I think there no way to judge a personality, and that's if you go by what researchers go by. Do researchers gather all the people in the world and judge the way they act, think, and go through what they do? I think everybody chooses their own personality, what I mean is there personality goes through what prson want it to be. People ... at different times. People change their personality through the environment they go to everyday. There is really is no defintion to me, because personality changes too many times and people change each time to a new social world. A personality is very unique to a person, because it defines a person characterstics toward life. Personality usually has to constitute the meaning of that person and the way he or she lives in ...
6324: Imagery Words And Their Role In Literature
... things that her friend Mrs. Forreister has, her desires to rise to the upper class turns out to live in poverty. Guy de Maupassant uses lots of images to make a comparison of the ideal world and the reality. It is by her vanity to lead this hard life. Daydreams make her dissatisfied with her real life. She can just be an ordinary woman, living happily with her husband. But her ... struggles. It is time for her to leave and find her own freedom. Chopin used expressions like “Spring days, summer days” to tell how excited Lousie is when she knows that she can start her new life. She wants to be herself and not belonging of others. She wants have freedom, “body and soul free.” The moment Lousie learns her husband’s death, “she wept at once, with sudden, and abandonment ... old man spends his nights in a cafι. He has no warmth, not even a welcoming place to stay when darkness falls. The old man is deaf. He is separated from the rest of the world. Darkness acts as a symbol of fear and loneliness. The light symbolizes comfort. By contrasting light with darkness, conversations between the two waiters, we see a clear picture of youth and aging. Loneliness and ...
6325: Freud's Oz: Freudian Views in The Wizard of Oz
... is evidenced by her dismissal of Dorothy's pleas for help with Toto. Since in Kansas any negative feelings towards Aunt Em are not allowed, Dorothy represses them. Now that Dorothy is in her dream world she can express those hostile feelings. Dorothy does this through splitting Aunt Em into two separate people. One representing all of the good qualities in Aunt Em, and one representing all of the bad ones ... ties of its Oedipus Complex"( An Autobiographical Study 23). Dorothy now switches her focus from the mother to father. By killing the witch and giving the broomstick to the Wizard, Dorothy is enstilled with a new sense of power and increased sexual curiosity. Dervin goes into this point in Over the Rainbow by saying, "When Dorothy lays her broomstick at the base of the Wizard's ominous image, it is a ... primal scene, but rather a sunny day. There are all her friends, filled with a tremendous amount of emotion, huddled around the bed. The image is one of a maternity setting with everyone surrounding the new mother. And maybe Dorothy did give birth in that room. Not to a newborn baby, but to a new chapter of herself. That leaves only one main part of The Wizard of Oz left ...
6326: Papyrus
"Papyrus Papyrus was the most important writing material in the ancient world. Our word ""paper"" derives from the word ""papyrus,"" an Egyptian word that originally meant ""that which belongs to the house"" (the bureaucracy of ancient Egypt). Papyrus is a triangular reed that used to grow along ... writing material made out of the pith within the stem of the papyrus plant. At the same time they developed a script that ultimately provided the model for the two most common alphabets in the world, the Roman and the Arabic. . The task of the papyrologist is not only to decipher, transcribe and edit what is preserved, but also to reconstruct what is lost between fragments and reconstruct the whole. Most fragments of literature derive from rolls of papyrus, which could extend up to 35 feet in length. Papyrus was the most important writing material of the ancient world and perhaps ancient Egypt's most important legacy; alongside it were used other (often cheaper) materials, like wood and clay (broken pottery sherds with writing are called ostraca). On these materials were recorded everything ...
6327: Bible - Epistles
Is the Law Good or Evil ? In the New Testament, the Pauline epistles play an important role in the development of Christianity and the Christian church. Arguably, the most important letters of Paul are that of the ones for the Christians of Rome. The ... us both conscious of, and responsible for, sin" (Knox 59). If there had been no law then there would be no sin because the actions of man have no restrictions. "Sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law" (Romans 5:13). The law gives upon man restrictions that they must follow and obey. If man breaks this holy ... more objectively he tends to see it as good: when he speaks of it more existentially, he tends to see it as evil" (Knox 61). Works Cited Fitzmeyer, Joseph A. Pauline Theology: A Brief Stretch. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1967. Knox, John. Life In Christ Jesus. Connecticut: Seabury, 1961. The New American Bible. 1989-1990 ed. Kansas: Catholic Bible Publishers, 1970. Wand, J.W.C. What St. Paul Really Said. ...
6328: The Journey Of Odysseus And Te
... eaten two more seamen, against the will of Zeus. Odysseus, soon realized that killing him asleep would do no good since the mouth of the cave was still inescapable. The captain had then devised a new plan. When Polyphemos returned that evening, Odysseus showered the monster with wine until he had fallen under a drunken spell. Then, with the help of his companions took a sharp pole and rammed it into ... to tell him his fortune, and how to appease Poseidon. Odysseus agreed and made a trip to the underworld, where he discovered many of his dead companions from Troy, and most importantly, Teiresias. With his new knowledge, he returned to Circe, which had provided him with just the information he needed to pass the Sirens. They then departed from the island and continued on there journey, ears filled with wax. What ... the island, the Phaiakians, and then Alkinoos, the king. There he listened to Odysseus s stories, and presented him with lavish gifts and a furnished ship back to Ithaca. Resenting this fact, Poseidon turned the new crew into stone for their generosity. This is the time, nearly twenty years after his fathers departure, Athene wisely advises the worried, and still immature Telemachos to go in search of his father. Telemachos ...
6329: Orphan Trains
... trains and Carlisle and the ways people from the past undermined the minorities and children of America. The film "The orphan Trains" tells us the story of children who were taken from the streets of New York City and put on trains to rural America. A traffic in immigrant children were developed and droves of them teamed the streets of New York (A People's History of the United States 1492-present, 260). The streets of NYC were dirty, overcrowded, and dangerous. Just as street gangs had female auxiliaries, they also had farm leagues for children ... People didn't know if it was better to take a child from his/her parent that was suppressed in poverty or send the child to a farm or elsewhere to work and start a new life. Brace believed the farmers would welcome homeless children, take them into their homes and treat them as their own (The Orphan Trains, 2). Some of the children were treated fairly while others were ...
6330: Death of A Salesman: Summary
Death of A Salesman: Summary Willy Loman has been a traveling salesman for the Wagner for thirty-four years. Willy tends to think of him self as vital to the New England territory. Willy has just came back home after having left for New England that morning. He tells his wife, Linda, that he just cant keep his mind on driving anymore. He ask his son Biff, who just came home for a visit after being away for a ... father and never brought himself to trust Willy again. After some fourteen years, Biff returns home. He and his brother Happy try to think of some job that Biff could get and settle down in New York. Biff and his brother think of a man that Biff used to work for named Bill Oliver. Biff thinks that he will ask Mr. Oliver for a loan of ten thousand dollars so ...

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