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6311: Frankenstein: Roles Between Males and Females
... traits that distinguish them from others. Shelly's women are portrayed as "gentle and affectionate" (65) and they have features of an "angelic beauty" (144). Victor describes Elizabeth as "the most fragile creature in the world" (65) showing that he feels superior to her. Since the women are mainly confined to the home, they are naive and are not as prepared for the outside world as the men are. (Mellor, 276). This is perceivable in the opening letters from Walton to his sister, Margaret Saville. While Walton is far away from home on a "long and difficult voyage" (51) Margaret ... words he gave birth to the creature. With his creation of a monster, Victor becomes womanlike, in the sense that he gives birth, he creates, he becomes both a mother and a father to his new creation. This is a very important moment in Victor's life; nevertheless, he fails to see the importance of women in society. It can be said that Victor is clearly afraid of women; therefore ...
6312: Creative Writing: Dogs and Cats
... we'd have to leave sometime. What's the use?" Scampi smacked the tree with his little paw. Nature was most unjust. The cat began cleaning itself arrogantly. The nerve, thought Scampi. Here's this new cat, obviously fresh out of the bad part of town, no owner, no home, no nothing, thinking it can roam around like a king. "There's a chain of command around here!" Scampi snarled. "Okay ... ground and watched the passage of time on the street while Scampi vented. Soon, Roy the Basset and his owner walked by. Mustard nodded hello. "Who's that?" Roy asked, looking in the tree. "Dunno. New in town." "Which house?" "No house." "Freeloader, hm? Give him one from me." Roy's owner shushed him. Poor guy. Owner was one of those uppity types who had to have everything perfect. Mustard rolled ... Dunno." "Why don't they just get more furs?" "Dunno." Mustard and Scampi walked like this often. Mustard had gotten used to Scampi's badgering. He was a good companion. They were always discovering something new within the few blocks they roamed and there was always news of the neighbourhood to keep up with. It was a carefree life, except for the occasional mishap like the stray cat. Across the ...
6313: Paranoid Personality Disorders
Paranoid Personality Disorders Paranoid Personality Disorder is a disorder commonly mistaken for schizophrenic personality disorders. Schizophrenia, a psychosis, is when a person is has an image of a world and its transpiring events, and he/she is "living" it. Paranoid Personality Disorder, however, is a neurosis where an individual is living in the real world. This disorder, though not as debilitating as other disorders, can still devastate a someone's life. Individuals with this Paranoid Personality Disorder always assume that other people are "out to get them" even if there ... Those of with the disorder also tend to bear their grudges and unwilling to forgive. They nurture their grudges and anger, which over time, gives them more of a sense that it is the outside world which the problem, not themselves. At times, these individuals may also conjure up flamboyant illusions to confirm their behavior toward others. These feelings are also carried out towards family as well. One example could ...
6314: Sweetness And Power
... Eskimos "consume sucrose despite the discomforts associated with the offending items." Chapter two, as the name implies, discusses the steps taken in the production of sugar, and how those steps evolved and spread throughout the world. Mintz begins on page 19 by giving the reader the basic definition of sucrose, "an organic chemical of the carbohydrate family." He continues by describing the history of sugar cane and the history of production. He then goes on to describe the economics of sugar production and how it directly affected world economics. A very important fact discussed in this chapter relates sugar to the evolution of capitalism. Mintz contends that as sugar becomes less of a symbol of power and more of a common item for ... Mintz puts it on page 143, A century later, the place of tea and sugar in the working-class diet, together with treacle, tobacco, and many other imported foods, was completely secure. These were the new necessities. The figures for tea and sugar consumption after the 1850’s mount steadily – in the case of sugar, to just below ninety pounds per person per year by the 1890’s. With that, ...
6315: Essay On Poems
... on 3 Things The three sources I have selected are all based on females. They are all of change and transformation. Two of my selections, "The Friday Everything Changed" by Anne Hart, and "Women and World War II " By Dr. Sharon, are about women s rites of passage. The third choice, "The sun is Burning Gases (Loss of a Good Friend)" by Cathleen McFarland is about a girl growing up. The ... example when the author say s "are you trying to be saucy , alma?"2 and "Alma threw a bombshell of her own,"3 etc. The second selection of mine was an essay named "Women and World War II " by Dr. Sharon. There were two different changes in this essay that the war created for the women of America, there was a bad change and a good change. The bad change in ... that it widened the horizons of American women. Since there wasn t much men around the businesses got desperate, and started to hire women to take the places of the men s jobs. This opened new jobs for all the women in America. Now they could make and spend their own money, and not have to ask their husbands. This essay had a serious tone to it. This is what ...
6316: War Poetry
War has occurred in several occasions throughout history. We ve had several important wars in the twentieth century, World War I and World War II, and Vietnam. Each and every war has had an effect on those who lived through it, and those who fought in it. Poets write about what effects, and inspires them. If they were soldiers in war they often times have a strong opinion of war. This comes out in their poetry. Seigfried Sassoon, and Rupert Brooke were English poets who both served in World War I. Sassoon, a true survivor of trench warfare, wrote, Everyone Sang protecting war. While Brooke, who did not see the trenches, wrote, The Soldier , and a patriotic war-supporting poem. Each man wrote ...
6317: A Nation of Immigrants: An Overview of the Economic and Political Conditions
... African Americans from the European Americans. Modern Mexican immigrants came after WWI and immense industrialization had brought a decrease in the number of laborers available. Mexican workers migrated to the United States to fulfill these new labor needs. International corporations have been the major influence on U.S. politics and the economy since the 1920's. When the depression hit African and Latino Americans struggled because white people took over many of the low wage jobs. After WWII the United States began to dominate the world economy, for many decades. During this time many white Americans moved to the suburbs of major cities and traveled to the city for employment, while most of the subordinates lived in the inner city. This ... the two groups and brought them further apart from each other. Until the 1960's discriminatory quotas against Asians had limited the number Asian immigrants. When the quotas were lifted the United States received many new Asian immigrants from China, Korea, the Philippines, and Vietnam. These Asians generally migrated to the United States in hope for better opportunities. Many immigrants from Cuba arrived after Fidel Castro came to power. Most ...
6318: Humans Vs. Technology
World War III: Humans vs. Technology The advances in technology have become ordinary circumstances in modern society. It is hard to believe that less than half a century ago, computers were born. These new toys were created so that life would be made simpler for human kind. Yet, scientists and engineers refused to stop at such a simple creation as the computer. They sought the extreme boundaries of what ... came up with machines that could do 2-3 times the work of a normal person given the same time frame. Today, technology has reached a high. It has become a pivotal role in society. World wide, computers take refuge in households, business', and even schools. They have become as common as a toothbrush. However, technology is not merely defined by computers. Clocks, banking machines, radios, and many more appliances ...
6319: Roswell: Fact or Fiction?
Roswell: Fact or Fiction? Roswell, a small town in New Mexico, is commonly referred to as "The UFO capital of the world!" Many people today believe that extra-terrestrials were recovered here from an unexpected crash landing of some sort. Thought to be a cover up by the military, Roswell is one of history's biggest sought ... after stories. There are many eyewitnesses who testify in favor of aliens, but also many counter statements to the eyewitness's testimonies. Has Roswell, NM been a cover-up by the government or is the world so "space crazy" that we actually believe in people from a different planet? The evidence found and seen at Roswell is astounding. On the so-called "crash site", many people claim to have seen ...
6320: Recycling
... to recycle everything, so that we will not deplete our natural resources and eventually wind up with nothing. The dictionary defines recycling as "The act of processing used or abandoned materials for use in creating new products." Recycling simply means to take old material and use it to make new material. In today's world, a lot of cities and towns are forming some type of recycling programs to provide opportunities for people to protect the environment. Recycling has some important advantages, but beside these advantages it also has ...

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