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Search results 6271 - 6280 of 22819 matching essays
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6271: The Fun Filled Fractal Phenome
... car in a certain way, causing a breeze, the breeze could blow a leave off a tree, which starts a series of additional events that could alter the weather in some other part of the world. Chaos can be related to fractals. In a fractal if one tiny change occurs in a repeated pattern, the entire fractal will change. The above picture is an example of a strange attractor that charts ... puffs and so on. Each puff is a smaller replica of the large puff. Fractals are often formed by an iterative process. That means that an operation is preformed on one figure to create a new figure. Then this operation is performed on the new figure to make another figure and so on. Each step of this process is called an iteration. An illustration of this is the diagram of Koch's snowflake on page two. It begins with ...
6272: Absolute Monarchs
... In his view, the two rules went together and he held them in balance. Frederick William developed, Berlin, into a cultural center he founded what was to become one of the finest libraries in the world, the Prussian State Library. He made his palace a center of art. Frederick construction program beautified Berlin with new churches and huge public buildings. He also established an academy of Sciences. Tsar Peter I was the only one of the autocrats to build an entirely new capital, called ST. Petersburg. Policies were implemented to establish precedence. Louis XIV implemented polices to expand Frances’s frontiers and to assert his superiority over other European states. In the early 1680s, Louis adopted ...
6273: Bless Me, Ultima
... There is loss of innocence all around the main character, Tony, with his brothers and the people he meets. Tony also loses a great deal of his own innocence to the harsh realities of the world which marks his transition from a boy to a man. The theme of the loss of innocence covers the entire essence of the book. There are many cases in the story where people had lost their innocence of life and it was lost to them forever. Tony s brothers are of such a case. They had gone to war to fight for their country and explore the world. But as they yearned and sought the outside and how it was, they lost their innocence in the process. Being in war they saw death and destruction which soiled their once virgin eyes. Although they ... Tony himself went through the process of growing up and losing his innocence as well throughout the novel. In the beginning of the whole story, Tony is concerned with nothing much but his own little world like every child ought to be. His worries and experiences are really nothing compared to what he had in store for him later on, but although his later experiences would be rather unreal it ...
6274: King Lear: Everything About the Play Hangs on First Two Scenes
... he has to be in control of every situation, when the time finally comes that he realizes he no longer has control of anything, he snaps. "More and more Lear loses contact with the outside world; words become for him less a means of communication with others than a means of expression of what goes on within himself." (The development of Shakespeare's Imagery, 134) While it can be shown that ... of King Lear are pivotal in influencing every aspect of the play including the plot, and the values of the characters contained within the plot. Works Cited Clemen, Wolfgang. The Development of Shakespeare's Imagery. New York, NY, USA: Methuen & Co. 1977. French, Marilyn. Shakespeare's Division of Experience. New York: Summit Books. 1981. Hales, John. Notes and Essays on Shakespeare. New York, NY, USA: AMS Press. 1973. Lerner, Laurence. Shakespeare's Tragedies. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd. 1964. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. As ...
6275: Macbeth: Character Analysis of Macbeth
Macbeth: Character Analysis of Macbeth Macbeth was a true Shakespearean tragic hero. He had many noble qualities as well as several tragic flaws. He was a courageous, brave and good nobleman who was haunted by superstition, moral cowardice and an overwhelming ambition. Progressively through the play, his flaws started consuming his qualities until they are that can be seen of him. Macbeth was ... He and Banquo were leaders of King Duncan's army. His personal powers and strength as a general won him the battle as described by the captain (I,2, "But all's too weak:/ For brave Macbeth -- well he deserved that name -- / Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel,/ Which smoked with bloody execution,/ Like valor's minion carved out his passage/ Till he faced the slave;"). Macbeth was even undiscouraged when ... As Macbeth started degrading he lost some bravery (IV, 1, "That I may tell pale- hearted fear it lies"). In his fight with Macduff, some of his old courage and strength returned. Macbeth could be brave when it came to action but when he started thinking he would hesitate and would have to be urged into action by his wife or by the sense of security that he obtained from ...
6276: Rap Music
Rap Music The music rap only a decade and a haft old , finally notice by the world in 1990 as real music had has its real downfall with violence and corruption that surounds this new kind of music. Its gotten so bad 1/20 people that listen to rap has run into the law that been influence by listening to music.That in order to stop all this violence that ... to get "Mad loot" (money). Its bad enough we grew up in a era where the slightiest thing could upset any one,like teaching masturbation in public schools or teaching about the creation of the world in christian point of view. We, the society are trying the screen everything, to protect are children from being harm. But its harm we are inflecting on are soon to be leaders of the ...
6277: Dimitri Shostakovich
... what was popular in Western music combined with his "dry" humor. Not surprisingly, Shostakovich's undoubtedly finer second opera, Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District (later renamed Katerina Izmaylova), marked a stylistic retreat. However, this new Shostakovich was too avant-garde for Stalin. In 1928, Joseph Stalin inaugurated his First Five-Year Plan, an "iron hand fastened on Soviet culture," (Johnson) and in music a direct and popular style was demanded ... quickly accepted, though more because of the "quasi-romantic circumstances of its composition than because of its musical quality, which is often banal." (Kay) This further shows that Shostakovich was always an experimenting composer, employing new techniques at every chance. When some extramusical force conditioned the music, empty style and meager invention all too often had been the fruits of his labor. After the evacuation to Kuybyshev (now Samara) in 1942 ... created by defector Solomon Volkov. While it has been long discredited, it continues to poison the legitimacy of Shostakovich study. My first experience with Shostakovich was last summer at Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan. The World Youth Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Timothy Russell, was playing his 11th Symphony "The Year 1905." As I sat and listened to the concert, I saw myself in Russia, with all the pain ...
6278: Latex Products In The Work Pla
... products to stop the exposure is absolutely essential. This has substantially increased and spread the use of latex products, mainly gloves. The use of so many is very costly, so many employees turned to third world countries who produce a cheaper, untreated latex, which although it cannot be blamed alone for the development of latex allergies, does contribute to the problem. The repeated use of latex in the work place can ... taken to reduce latex risk, fewer workers will develop allergies. Often allergies are so severe that working in an environment where latex proteins may be airborne is no longer possible. The employees have to find new jobs, with less latex contact. This is hard on the employee, especially today, where not only a good job, but also any job at all is extremely difficult to find. The biggest part of looking for a new job would be acquiring the necessary skills, because the employees are searching for something new, something that they are not trained for. When employees develop latex allergies, it affects their ability to function at ...
6279: Life In The 1900's
... arriving immigrants. At this time some of the modern convienences were just being invented and even if it were for sale only the extremely rich had the option of purchasing the items. Sports being very new, in the aspect of it being organized was small time compared to present day. Travelling required time and was uncomfortable. Only the rich could have the luxurious accomadations for those long journeys. Many jobs were ... canadians because of its easy maintence compared to a horse. The bike allowed an option of transportation. The bicycle also gave a sense of freedom to virtually anybody willing to learn. Henry Ford revolutionized the world we live in by inventing the "horseless carriage", if it had not been for him, instead of taking the GO bus in the morning we'd be riding a horse named Wanda. Not only did ... Orville and Wilbur Wright made a successful flight in the first airplane at the beach of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Although the flight only lasted 12 seconds it would change the way we see the world. The telephone allowed the houseneeds to be satisfied without leaving they're homes. Women received an oppurtunity to work as a a switch board operator. I don't know if I can stress the ...
6280: Macbeth: Corruption
Macbeth: Corruption When people come into a postion of power where the definition of control becomes a new definition according to their point of view, they unleash a feeling in their minds that what ever decision they make that directly conflicts the lives of other people, they don't feel responsible. That's ... wife, Lady Macbeth, was very delighted to hear of such news. And when hearing that Duncan, the king ,would be coming to dinner at their castle, gave her an idea that maybe they need a new king, Macbeth! This is a perfect example of corruption, as soon as she became more powerful, she was lusting for more. As play carries on the corruption becomes greater with the killing of Banquo. Banquo who was a friend of Macbeth is betrayed when Macbeth, the new king, orders him to be killed only because Banquo has a son named Fleance that Macbeth stupidly believes will take the throne away from him,"To make them kings, the seeds of Banquo kings!" ...

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