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6261: Napoleon Bonaparte
... philosophers, and educating himself in military matters by studying the campaigns of the great military leaders of the past. The French Revolution and the European war that followed broadened his sights and presented him with new opportunities. Napoleon was a supporter of the French Revolution . He went back and forth between Paris and Ajaccio, working for the Republic. Napoleon rose quickly through the ranks and became a captain in 1792. In ... great deal, but it can do nothing for you. Your patience and courage do you honor, but give you neither worldly goods nor glory. I shall lead you into the most fertile plains in the world where you will find big cities and wealthy provinces. You will win honor, fame and riches. Soldiers of the Army of Italy! Could courage and constancy possibly fail you?" Once Napoleon took over it didn ... Britannica Junior Encyclopedia #11 N-O). On March 9, 1796, Napoleon married Josephine and two days later left to command the army that was fighting the Austrians in Italy. On April 10 he started a new campaign, and with a series of clever movements he split the opposing Austrian army into three separate groups. Napoleon then defeated each one of them. This was first example of his rules of war, " ...
6262: The Cry Of The Wild
... televisions, articles, books, and newspapers the towering forests...pristine waters...rich wetlands...wide-open prairies...majestic mountains...and vast deserts alive with color. I am in awe by the complexity and wonder of the natural world. Truly, it is where you can find solace and peace. America is truly blessed. A land rich in natural resources----our sense of adventure, pioneering spirit, and tenacity. Irving Berlin s God Bless America, Woody ... forest, mining, agricultural production, and development. Over time, the increasing affect of poor land use, decisions, and reckless use of natural resources have undermined the integrity and to keep up the ability of the natural world, resulting in global environmental reduction. In his book, Earth in the Balance---Ecology and the Human Spirit, Vice President Al Gore writes: The disharmony in our relationship to the earth, which stems in part from our addiction to a pattern of consuming ever-larger quantities of the resources of the earth, is now manifest in successive crises, each marking a more destructive clash between our civilization and the natural world: whereas all threats to the environment used to be local and regional, several are now strategic . The loss of one and a half acres of rain forest every second, the sudden, thousand fold acceleration ...
6263: Criticism Of Shame
... and Bookmen, grew out of Rushdie s interest in the Pakistani concept of sharam, a word that denotes a hybrid of embarrassment, discomfiture, decency, modesty, and a sense of having an ordained place in the world. Reaction to Shame was mostly positive; many applauded the style of Rushdie s work and the themes it presented . Many critics appreciated the subject matter and presentation of Rushdie s work. Cathleen Medwick in Vogue stated, "His new novel. . . reveals the writer in sure control of his extravagant, mischievous, graceful, polemical imagination. (414, Editor) "Magic realism", a technique often employed by Rushdie is essential to the structure of how the story of the ... prose prances, a declaration of freedom, an assertion that Shame can be whatever he wants it to be coy and teasing an ironic and brutal all at once. . .[Rushdie s work] is responsive to the world rather than removed from it, and it is because of this responsiveness that the mode in which he work represents the continued life of the novel. . . and one wants something better to describe it ...
6264: Industrial Development In Canada
... home-country suppliers”, allowing all profit to be made by the British government, while very little went to the colonists living on and working the land. But as more and more immigrants arrived in the “New World” and the population began to disperse itself across the vast expanse of land to the west, the need for a more centralized government developed. The Act of Union, passed in 1841, created the colonies of ... to increase, pushed by the British government’s pressure on Canada to form a customs union as well as a failed reciprocity with the United States. As a result, by 1867, the four colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec united as the Dominion of Canada. As a new nation, the government decided to impose tariffs on imported manufactured goods, as a way of protecting growing Canadian industries ...
6265: Pablo Casals
... even more acclaim just after his first performance in Paris on 1898, this sparked his long and monuments career. Soon Casals began a great deal of touring across Europe and the Americas, making his fresh, new style increasingly more and more popular. Because of his popularity, at the time, the solo cellist performer became a very highly thought of occupation. After his long tour, Casals met and then joined up with ... an occupation is even half as successful as his was. He was definitely one of the most influential men of the early half of the twentieth century. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Phillips, S. "Funk and Wagnall's New World Encyclopedia", Running Press, New York 1982 2. James, M. "Conversations with Casals", Grace Books, New York, 1962
6266: Christoper Marlow
... limits are for human power and knowledge and ponder what would happen if one man tried to exceed those limits. The play opens up with Faustus, who is supposedly the most learned man in the world, talking about how he has mastered every field of knowledge known to man. He is bored with theology, finding that man is doomed no matter what happens, and he has become a master physician, curing ... irony in his downfall. He refu Secondly, Faustus originally asks Mephistophilis and Satan for the power to do anything, "be it to make the moon drop from her sphere / Or the ocean to overwhelm the world" (1.3.38-39). He is even promised this power for twenty-four years if he sells his soul to Satan. However, when he is given his extraordinary power, he resorts to using it for ... or he would have realized that even after he had committed blasphemy by conjuring spirits, he could have turned back to God. He also is a tragic hero because of his methods of using his new power. Instead of using it to attain the secrets of the universe, he plays petty tricks and tomfoolery on various important people around the world, including the pope and the German emperor. Finally, he ...
6267: Colin Powell
My Written Report is a Short Biography of Colin Luther Powell. He was born on May 5, 1937 in Presbyterian Hospital. He was born, and grew up, in the South Bronx, New York. There was a big influence of drugs and gangs where Powell lived but, he seemed to steer away from all of that (source 1, page 23). Powell's parents were immigrants from Jamaica. His ... over sugar plantations. She came to America with her mother (Colin's grandmother). Powell's father's name is Luther Theophilus Powell. In Jamaica the Powell families were peasant farmers. Muad and Luther while in New York not in Jamaica (source 1, page 20, 21). Colin Powell is a smart man. Surprisingly when he was in fourth grade he was in the slow class. When he attended Junior High School, he ... good in high school; he never got into any fights or any sort of trouble. He completed High school in 1954 (source 1, page 29, 30, 32). Powell applied to two colleges City College of New York (CCNY) and New York University (NYU). Both accepted him but he went to CCNY because it only ten dollars a semester as opposed to seven hundred and fifty dollars a semester at NYU. ...
6268: Confucius
... their intellectual writings changed the views of the Chinese people. Confucius believed in the moral values and filial piety, he also wanted civic obedience. Lao Tzu was a mystical writer, his comparison between a "perfect world" and the "real world" made people think to act as loving and caring peoples. (Expand on what they thought about) Confucius was brought to the world sometime in 551 BCE in the state of Lu. Confucius was born to the name K’ung Ch’iu, and his father died when he was only 3 years old, leaving his family to ...
6269: American History X
... performance as Derek Vinyard, a Southern Californian skinhead who must do time after committing a hateful murder. Once in jail, his mind opens and he sees the error of his ways. Upon reentering the real world, he must now turn his attentions to his younger brother Danny, who is swiftly heading down the same path as his brother. The movie's main storytelling device centers on Danny's latent writing ability ... few years. Although I am not about to fill out my application to the KKK, I do have my opinions. I am completely 100% proud to be white. I wouldn’t change that for the world. Let me fill you in on my opinions, the basis of American History X’s, and the way I feel the politics of this country are now. There is surely no nation in the world that holds "racism" in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to ...
6270: Computer History
... were helpful, they lacked what was needed by the United States military. However, soon the military would be drawn to the possibilities that were offered by computers (Beveridge). Prior to the start of the Second World War, the United States military gained much interest in the potential that the newly developing computers of the time had to offer. Though quite primitive by today’s standards, the military saw that there was much possibility in the computers capabilities and advantage that could be gained through the use of computers. During the time of World War I, there were only analog computer systems available. These differ from modern computers in that they are more mechanical than they are electronic. The function of the analog computers in the first of the World Wars was to calculate a torpedoes course when launched from a submarine. Additionally, some analog systems were used for the purpose of bombsights in war aircraft. Howard Hathaway Aiken (1900 - 1973), a Harvard University ...

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