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6201: Australian History - Populate
On the forming of the Federation of Australia, on 1 January 1901, one of the first priorities of the new Federal Government was to increase Australia's population. One way was to encourage an increase in the birth rate, which had been falling. A second way was to encourage immigration, not only from Great Britain ... feeling in Australia up to the early 1960's. Immigration continued up to the Great War, with substantial English and Irish immigrants settling into Australia. Immigration stopped during the Great War, but resumed afterwards. Totally new schemes were implemented to attract immigrants. The war had taught Australia that it needed to be less dependent on Britain, and that it needed to speed up its economic development. To do this more people ... Empire Settlement Act was introduced, in order to encourage British people to emigrate to Australia and boost the dwindling population. Immigration has been the major contributor to Australia's population growth since the end of World War 2. At the same time as Australia wanted to increase its population, there were large numbers of people in Europe who wanted to start a new life in a new country. These included ...
6202: The Unholy Crusade
... overtones that appear in various American genres. Stone not only uses religious themes to portray the Vietnam War, but manipulates the war to show the decadence of American society. Throughout history, man has traveled the world, and conquered nations, in order to force one religion on another. America was founded by Spain's attempt to spread Christianity to the new world. Although Spain was the most powerful nation at the time, their attempt to spread Christianity on less civilized people came to a fatal end due to the explorers' detrimental actions. The movie Platoon reenacts ...
6203: The Battle Of Little Big Horn
... his hair was wavy so his people gave him the nickname of Curly (Guttmacher 23). He was to go by Curly until the summer of 1858, after a battle with the Arapaho's. Curly's brave charged against the Arapaho's led his father to give Curly the name Crazy Horse. This was the name of his father and of many fathers before him (Guttmacher 47). In the 1850's, the ... the trail, only that they wanted to use the Bozeman Trail. He offered them guns, ammunition, gifts plus money. The Indians did not sell (Ambrose 213-214). In June 1867, the government officials produced a new treaty. This treaty, like all the ones before, only promised lavish gifts to those who would sign. One of the Oglala chiefs, Red Cloud, wanted more for his nation than the simple gifts offered. He ... move from the forts; Reno, Philkearny and C.F. Smith. During the summer of 1868 his request was accepted. The troops moved. A civil war hero William Tecumseh Sherman moved into the territory as the new commander of the plains. He had plans to get the treaty signed. His hopes were to, shut up the congressional critics, get the Sioux to agree on a treaty and maintain the army's ...
6204: The Journey Of Odysseus And Te
... eaten two more seamen, against the will of Zeus. Odysseus, soon realized that killing him asleep would do no good since the mouth of the cave was still inescapable. The captain had then devised a new plan. When Polyphemos returned that evening, Odysseus showered the monster with wine until he had fallen under a drunken spell. Then, with the help of his companions took a sharp pole and rammed it into ... to tell him his fortune, and how to appease Poseidon. Odysseus agreed and made a trip to the underworld, where he discovered many of his dead companions from Troy, and most importantly, Teiresias. With his new knowledge, he returned to Circe, which had provided him with just the information he needed to pass the Sirens. They then departed from the island and continued on there journey, ears filled with wax. What ... the island, the Phaiakians, and then Alkinoos, the king. There he listened to Odysseus’s stories, and presented him with lavish gifts and a furnished ship back to Ithaca. Resenting this fact, Poseidon turned the new crew into stone for their generosity. This is the time, nearly twenty years after his fathers departure, Athene wisely advises the worried, and still immature Telemachos to go in search of his father. Telemachos ...
6205: History Of The Internet
... Internet has become one of the key symbols of today’s pop culture: everything has a “dot com” address; people do not say “call me,” but instead its “I’ll E-mail you;” and the new word on the stock market is “E-business.” The Internet has not always been such a key figure in American life; in fact it was mostly unheard of until recently. The theory for the Internet ... it1. The problem was this: when a large document is sent then pieces of it become lost in transfer and the entire document has to be resent, but then different pieces are missing from the new copy of the document. This is a major problem and the obvious solution is to “chop” the information up into smaller pieces and then transmit the smaller pieces2. Then another problem was realized, how does ... The first step was the cross-country link between UCLA and BBN. As a result of this, fifteen nodes (twenty-three hosts) were connected to the ARPAnet. BBN also developed a cheaper IMP, and a new IMP that supports up to sixty-four hosts, instead of the old four hosts. Then Ray Tomlinson developed an E-mail program for the ARPAnet, and in the following year, Larry Roberts wrote an ...
6206: Artificial Contraceptives
... Artificial Contraceptive should be eliminated. This is my argument. Why you ask? Well, although my viewpoint sounds a little radical, I have come up with several reasons why natural is better. Funk and Wagnall’s New Encyclopedia defines with birth control as any method used to prevent pregnancy from occurring. Methods available today range from permanent procedures such as surgical sterilization to temporary methods that must be with each act of ... the legs, lungs, and brain”(Billings, pg.164). In addition, the estimated risk of heart attack is 2.8 times higher in Pill-users than on non-users(Rosenfield, pg.96). Moreover, studies from the World Health Organization states, “the risk of death increases markedly among women over the age of 35, especially if they are also smokers, are overweight, or have diabetes, and have used the pill for a long ... this method was well taught and adopted by everyone, it is possible that we might even decrease the number of unwanted and aborted children. Works Cited Billings, Evelyn. 1st Ed. The Billings Method. Random House: New York, 1980. Perry, Susana and Jim Dawson. 1st Ed. Women and The Dalkon Shield. New York: Macmillan, 1985. Rosenfield, Albert. Responsible Parenthood, The Child's Psyche Through the Six-Year Pregnancy. 1st Ed. Holt, ...
6207: College Stress
... but with determination and positive thinking the stress can become constructive. ( Schrmerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn). Stress can also be defined as the way in which your mind and body react to any situation that is new, threatening, or exciting. Often, backaches, loss of appetite, constant fatigue, depression, and serious physical problems can result from prolonged stress. However, stress can also give you an extra burst of energy--more adrenaline enters the ... be up to them, the results aren't always as easily controlled. Whenever one finds themselves facing a decision, think it through. Carefully consider the options and the consequences before one moves forward, and ones new independence should be manageable. It is important to remember the key fact that things change. If one is unhappy at first with their life as a college student, don't give up. With each passing day, some of the hard new edges of the unfamiliar collegiate life will begin to smooth out. Many changes are under the control of the individual and the ability to adapt to change provides a great opportunity to cope with ...
6208: Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction The Internet is the largest source of information in the world today. With its web sites and chat rooms, it is a means of communicating with people in places all over the face of the earth. Since its conception in 1973, the Internet has grown at ... available for the treatment of Internet addiction, as well as counseling centers and clinics. Is it Live, or is it Internet? Internet Addiction The Internet is the largest most versatile source of information in the world today. With its web sites and chat rooms, it is a means of communicating with people in places all over the face of the earth. But with all this power at our fingertips, are there ... and the Internet, with its chat rooms and endless information, fills a need."7 The chat rooms, whether they are used for sexual and romantic encounters or just to talk to other people around the world, seem to be the number one temptation. Others include fantasy games and the ability to create false identities of oneself. Although this ability to create a false identity is not one of the main ...
6209: John Muir's Trail in History
... America's forests, mountains, valleys, and meadows extensively. Alone and on foot, he filled his notebooks with sketches and descriptions of the plants, animals, and trees that he loved. He later took trips around the world, including destinations such as Europe and South America. There he explored the Amazon basin and noted many new plant species. In Alaska, he became the first white man to see Glacier Bay. He definitely made an impact in Alaska's history: Mount Muir, Muir Glacier, Muir Point, and Muir Inlet all carry his ... Club was divided: a strong minority of members, living in San Francisco, were ready to sacrifice Hetch Hetchy to the city's needs. Muir and his Sierra Club associate William Colby then set up a new organization, the Society for the Preservation of National Parks. At first the new organization was a success and it seemed that Hetch Hetchy would be safe. However, when Woodrow Wilson took office in 1913, ...
6210: Greek History And Food
... which has been proven to be better for you that rendered animal fat. Cheese is another mainstay of the Greek diet. The average Grecian eats 50 lbs. of cheese a year. This ranks second in world cheese consumption behind France. The most popular Greek cheese is Feta, which is a smooth cottage type of cheese. Greeks drink a lot of wine. If you are a first-time visitor, you probably better ... the many deep bays and natural harbors along the coastlines allowed the Greeks to prosper in maritime commerce and to develop a culture which drew inspiration from many sources, both foreign and indigenous. The Greek world eventually spread far beyond Greece itself, encompassing many settlements around the Mediterranean and Black seas and, during the Hellenistic period, reaching as far east as India. The mountains, which served as natural barriers and boundaries ... independent communities isolated from one another by the landscape. Later these communities were organized into poleis or city-states. The mountains prevented large-scale farming and impelled the Greeks to look beyond their borders to new lands where fertile soil was more abundant. Natural resources of gold and silver were available in the mountains of Thrace in northern Greece and on the island of Siphnos, while silver was mined from ...

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