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Search results 6161 - 6170 of 22819 matching essays
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6161: Trito-Isaiah
... writing include consolation, encouragement, hope, and the promise of restoration. For example, in Isaiah 56:1-8 the immanence of the in - breaking of Yahweh into human affairs to fulfill the Exilic predictions of a New Kingdom is expressed in the opening words of Trito-Isaiah. After stressing the importance of the Sabbath observance and ethical behavior the prophetic writer welcomed into the cultic community those eunuchs (those excluded by the ... accepted the Jewish faith. This claim invalidated any attempt to exclude any group of Jews from the cultic community and placed responsibility for proselytism upon the Jews who recognized themselves as central figures in the New Kingdom. In Isaiah 56:9-57:13 the oracles form a unity and include a diatribe age against corrupt leaders, a lament over the plight of the righteous and a complaint about leaders, a closing ... 14-21 gave reassurance of Yahweh’s forgiveness and the intention to restore. In Isaiah 59:15b-21 the confessions of guilt are recited by the cultic community and followed by a statement of the new eternal covenant. Verse 21 provides a triumphant and comforting conclusion. Following the triumphant proclamation is an exultant song of joy (Isaiah 61:10-11). In Isaiah 63:1-6, a little poem introduces Yahweh ...
6162: Pesticides and Their Harmful Affects
Pesticides and Their Harmful Affects There are many important issues in the world regarding the environment and it's affects on the average person. Though, the one that hits closest to home, worldwide, is the trust that individuals have in the food that they consume. Yet pesticides are still found daily in foods all around the world. Pesticides are toxins that are used by produce growers universally to control pests that can destroy crops. These toxins are being ingested by humans in the forms of fruits and vegetables that have remaining toxins ... done to change the systems of pesticide usage universally, society can never be sure as to the long term effects on our environment and what they are eating or giving to the future of our world, the children. In some foreign countries pesticides are used more frequently with legislative control than in the United States. In Mexico and South America, for example, many of the pesticides that the United States ...
6163: Freud's Oz: Freudian Views in The Wizard of Oz
... is evidenced by her dismissal of Dorothy's pleas for help with Toto. Since in Kansas any negative feelings towards Aunt Em are not allowed, Dorothy represses them. Now that Dorothy is in her dream world she can express those hostile feelings. Dorothy does this through splitting Aunt Em into two separate people. One representing all of the good qualities in Aunt Em, and one representing all of the bad ones ... ties of its Oedipus Complex"( An Autobiographical Study 23). Dorothy now switches her focus from the mother to father. By killing the witch and giving the broomstick to the Wizard, Dorothy is enstilled with a new sense of power and increased sexual curiosity. Dervin goes into this point in Over the Rainbow by saying, "When Dorothy lays her broomstick at the base of the Wizard's ominous image, it is a ... primal scene, but rather a sunny day. There are all her friends, filled with a tremendous amount of emotion, huddled around the bed. The image is one of a maternity setting with everyone surrounding the new mother. And maybe Dorothy did give birth in that room. Not to a newborn baby, but to a new chapter of herself. That leaves only one main part of The Wizard of Oz left ...
6164: Overview of the 60`s
... confronted today. the '60s was a decade of social and political upheaval. in spite of all the turmoil, there were some positive results: the civil rights revolution, john f. Kennedy's bold vision of a new frontier, and the breathtaking advances in space, helped bring about progress and prosperity. however, much was negative: student and anti-war protest movements, political assassinations, and ghetto riots excited american people and resulted in lack ... 1960s. but for most blacks, the tangible results were minimal. only a minuscule percentage of black children actually attended integrated schools, and in the south, "jim crow" practices barred blacks from jobs and public places. New groups and goals were formed, new tactics devised, to push forward for full equality. as often as not, white resistance resulted in violence. this violence spilled across tv screens nationwide. the average, neutral american, after seeing his/her tv screen, ...
6165: The Red Badge Of Courage
... of time, war can turn a boy into a man. It does not physically turn an individual into a grown man, but it mentally matures them. War matures boys into a men is by experiencing new, unpredictable environments and adjusting to unfamiliar smells, sounds, and emotions. Think about it, being there on a battlefield witnessing deaths of friends and comrades would have to have an effect on a human being. Being in a war and to be around new faces, new personalities, confusion, and trauma would force one to adapt to an environment faster than you usually would. Just imagine leaving your country home and entering a new and frightening world on a battlefield. What ...
6166: Roles For Women In The Military
... In The Military The United States of America has come to depend on their massive military machine throughout its relatively short history. During the Revolutionary war, only men fought bravely on the bloody battlefields of New England, while the women performed their much-needed duties at home. They ran the household, and tended to their flocks, while their loved ones were fighting the British. At that time, there wasn’t a ... a bayonet to pierce the chest cavity of an enemy soldier. Only in the twentieth century, would we see a sharp increase in the roles for women in the military. While Johnny went off to World War II, Suzie had to fill his place at the automobile plant that once produced Fords and Chevys. These plants ended up producing: tanks, aircraft, bombs, naval ships, and other cogs for the war machine ... is a female suppose to feel, when she enters this dark cave of masculinity? Well, I’m sure any of them would feel intimidated, but even more amazing is the fact that the numbers of new female recruits are on the rise. If a female were to take the plunge and walk through the doors to find out what it would like to be in the Army, she would likely ...
6167: The Awakening - Personality Developments
... is always the credibility of the patients, etc., one must keep in mind that there is much merit to their arguments. Their findings can be applied in daily life, as well as in the fictional world of literature. Yet by understanding the human mind, does man comes one step closer to understanding the human soul…or one step further from understanding the human soul? Work Cited 1. Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books,1996. 2. Cooper, Robert G., Child Development, Its Nature and Course. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992. 3. Greenberg, Jerald, Managing Behavior. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1996. 4. Shaffer, David R., Social And Personality Development. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole ...
6168: Beloved and Don Quixote: Similarities in Themes and Characters
... doctor sticks a steel catheter into you while you're lying on your back and you to; finally, blessedly, you let go of your mind. Letting go of your mind is dying. She needed a new life. She had to be named" (Don Quixote 9-10). And she must name herself for a man – become a man – before the nobility and the dangers of her ordeals will be esteemed. She is ... into the profoundest testimony of love, signifying the reverse of what it seems. Sethe is "luxuriating" in not being forgiven, more proud than repentant, paradoxically seeking forgiveness irrespective of a crime. The acquisition of a new life and name, and love and language are henceforth erratically and erotically pursued in both texts. The means of acquisition are outside, unavailable in a culture locked in patriarchy, or slavery. In order to constitute ... for enunciating that self. Acker moves her protagonist toward this site through the appropriation of male texts. As the epigraph to Part II of Don Quixote reads: "BEING BORN INTO AND PART OF A MALE WORLD, SHE HAD NO SPEECH OF HER OWN. ALL SHE COULD DO WAS READ MALE TEXTS WHICH WEREN'T HERS" (Don Quixote 39). These texts represent the limits of language and culture within which the ...
6169: Really In The Works Of John Grisham
... it was eventually bought by Wychwood Press, who gave it modest five thousand copy printing and published in 1988 (http://www.randomhouse.com/features/grisham/about.html). The success, although only slight, spiked Grisham's new writing hobby. As he began his next book, that hobby turned into a full time career. Grisham has gone on to be recognized as one of the worlds's best selling novelists (http://www.olemiss.edu/debts/English/ms-writers/dir/grisham_john/). The Firm stayed for 47 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller List. The Firm became the best selling novel of 1991 (http://www.randomhouse.com/ features/grisham/about.html). Several other of his novels began to reach number one on the New York Times Best Seller List. In fact, currently, there are over 60 million John Grisham Books printed all over the world. John Grisham, with wife Renee of 16 years, has 2 children, Ty and ...
6170: Smartcards
... most sophisticated cards can manage several passwords and can use authentication and ciphering techniques to provide virtually total security. History behind Smartcards In January 1974 Roland Moreno, a Frenchman and former reporter, devised a revolutionary new payment system. His idea was an electronic stored value application mounted on a ring. His idea was simple, when the bearer needed money, they would load the currency onto the ring therefore enabling the bearer ... a card housing 4Kb of MOS memory was designed by Roland and the manufacturer was CP8 Transac formally known as CII Honeywell Bull. In 1978, Michel Ugon came on the scene bringing with him a new batch of Smartcards and taking out his first patents. In December 1978 a team of senior executives from four French banks finalized a brief outline on the industries expectations and requirements for memory cards and ... Bull. The birth of the first operational microprocessor card (Two-chip card) by Bull CP8 in 1979 housed a memory chip and a SmartCards microprocessor supplied by Motorola. The card was then publicly demonstrated in New York at American Express. The first Smartcard to be used as a Cardiac pacemaker user identity card was a bi-chip CP8 and then the first Tele payment experiment in the world was in ...

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