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Search results 6081 - 6090 of 22819 matching essays
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6081: Odysseus: Heroes
Odysseus: Heroes A hero is a brave and strong person, who is also very human. A hero feels fear and every other emotion that we do. A true hero is a person who does something great and does not expect to be ... people. A hero thinks more of others than he or she thinks of him or her self. The characters in the poem, "Women", and The Odyssey are both epic heroes. Odysseus is a strong and brave man, but I think he lacks one of the major characteristics of a hero. I think he thinks of himself more than of others. I think the characters in the poem, "Women," are better heroes ... on, or lead an army to victory. Everyday heroes seem to be more realistic and do something that's great, but its not written up in every news paper in the country. Odysseus is a brave man that did great things. In The Odyssey he conquers a monster using smarts and strength. He also looks out for his crew mates. He is faithful to his wife, well, in his mind ...
6082: The Trancontinental Railroad
... drilling holes in the cliffs, putting dynamite in the holes, and lighting a fuse and being pulled up before the charge ignited. In order to speed up the process of blasting through the mountains, a new type of explosive was adopted. It was called nitro-glycerin; this compound was extremely explosive and unstable to transport. A Scottish chemist was hired to mix the formula near the workers. Although this would speed ... constructed and overrun with saloons, traders, squatters, and gamblers. It was important to maintain good relations with the Indians because reports of Indian attacks would lessen the value of land. Inevitably with all of these new settlers, tension rose between the Indians and the Americans. One newspaperman wrote, “Wild Indians held back our countries development” (Blumberg 91). Another representation of what Americans felt towards Indians was expressed in Samuel Bowles writing ... the greatest accomplishments of America. When the last spike was laid, “factory whistles sounded, fireworks crackled, and crowds converged to party in the streets” (140 Blumberg). “The Union and Central Pacific had opened up a new West; their race became part of an American legend, and it set the stage for a new era” (141 Blumberg). This triumph for America proved that neither mountains, nor snow, nor deserts could hold ...
6083: Study Of Family Interaction Lead To New Undrestanding Of Abusive Parents
Study Of Family Interaction Lead To New Undrestanding Of Abusive Parents Researchers at the University of Toronto have taken important steps toward producing a profile of an abusive parent. Prof. Gary Walters and doctoral student Lynn Oldershaw of the Department of Psychology ...
6084: Hobbit Essay
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is set in a fantasy world that has differences, as well as similarities, to our own world. The author has created the novel's world, Middle Earth, not only by using imagination, but by also adding details from the modern world. Realistic elements in the book enable readers to relate to the setting, yet have the ability to "imagine" ...
6085: The Early Nineteenth Centory
The Early Nineteenth Centory The early nineteenth century was an era of tremendous growth and change for the new nation. This is a thesis statement that will be proven true in my essay. And why don't I begin with one of our greatest presidents, Thomas Jefferson. On March fourth, 1801, Thomas Jefferson was ... land to farm on. This led to the Louisiana Purchase. The French owned a huge amount of land west of the United States. Inside all of this land was the mouth of the Mississippi River, New Orleans. Because the Republicans wanted a farming nation, America needed a port like New Orleans. Jefferson didn't think that Napoleon would sell all of this land, but he asked him anyway if he was willing to sell. To his surprise Napoleon did want to sell this land ...
6086: Grapes of Wrath: Summary
... not at all beneficial to the people of this land. The family, which Steinbeck wrote about, although fictional, represented a sample of the thousands of farmers that were forced off their land and into a new part of the country (French 8). The Joads were a closely-knit family. As the novel opens, Tom Joad, their son, whom was returning from a seven-year jail sentence for manslaughter, rejoins the family ... because Tom is a very self centered individual at the opening of the novel, and changes toward a more humanitarian view as the story progresses and he is able to experience different aspects of his new life in California. Mama Joad also follows this pattern of change toward a more humanitarian view to life. At the beginning of their migratory experience, Mama Joad is strictly concerned with the unity and well ... concerned with the well being of any one in her path which she can help. This pattern of change toward humanitarianism is linked directly the hardships, which the Joads undergo once they arrive to their new lives in California. Upon their arrival the Joads learn that work opportunities and wages are not at all what the pamphlets had made California out to be. The Joads are also introduced to many ...
6087: Monasticism
... follow a strict discipline of meditation and self-mortification. In the early centuries of Christianity, in the Egyptian deserts, there lived a group of people whose desire was to escape all the evils of the world. They were called eremites, a Greek word meaning "dwellers in the desert", thus the name for the monastic group came about, Eremitic. Other religions, such as Jainism and Hinduism, also have had hermit monks like ... was started in 340, at Tabenna, which is an island in the Nile River. Pachomius built nine monasteries for men and two for women. Definition of Monasticism Because the practice of monasticism varies among the world's religions, a precise definition is difficult. Basically, Monasticism refers to individuals who try to practice religious works, more rigorous and beyond those required by the doctrines of their religion. A more appropriate word for early Christian monasticism, as well as for that practiced by eastern religions today, is asceticism. It means self-denial, and it is rooted in having a negative attitude toward the world. In Christianity the ascetics looked upon the world as a source of temptation and sin. By secluding themselves from it, monks hoped to avoid harmful contacts and to concentrate their energies on salvation alone. ...
6088: Is The Mind And Body Unified O
... space? This is a philosophical question that no doubt many have tried to come up with an answer to. The mind is the center of our whole being. Our mind helps us to understand the world around us, as well as the person we are inside. The mind is our subconscious and conscious desires all wrapped up in one neat little package. Our mind is our hopes and our dreams that ... autonomic nervous system in our bodies. The autonomic nervous system is what allows us to survive each day. The autonomic nervous system is in no way controlled by our mind. No one person in this world consciously thinks about causing themselves to breathe each night as they sleep. Breathing is a natural response of our body that allows us to live. We as humans don t think about what the autonomic ... understood, it is not our mind because no thought or understanding spills forth from it just a desire to protect oneself or others. Instinct plays no role in our hopes, dreams, and understanding of the world around us. The mind has no control here in the realms of instinct and the autonomic nervous system, only the body. Descartes also had a good argument for the idea that the mind was ...
6089: New Ending Of Romeo And Juliet
New Ending Act V, Scene III Verona. A churchyard; the monument of the Capulets. Enter Romeo and Paris. Paris This is that banished haughty Montague, That murdered my love’s cousin, with which grief It is ...
6090: The Sources Of Public Policy
... reflect what government is already doing-well or badly. These issues can also vary regionally or locally. Only a limited number of issues can hold the public’s attention at anyone time, and as a new one rises, an old one must fall whether or not it has been resolved. Both success and failure of the action can be the reason of its removal from the agenda. b. Institutional agendas, in ... There are no permanent solutions, but only permanent problems. They are there because they haven’t yet been solved not because the earlier attempts have failed so much, but because they have been replaced by new versions of the problem or new causes. Other problems are familiar but call for radical redefinition because of the failure of current policy. Another group of problems is much smaller, which is the new ones that are so unlike others ...

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