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Search results 6051 - 6060 of 22819 matching essays
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6051: Christian Evidences
... father's throne, but when he was born, the fortune tellers told the father that he was an unusual child, destined either to unite all of India into one kingdom, or, if he forsook the world, to become a world redeemer. Because of this, the child was brought up completely sheltered from all forms of misery in the world, and he was given all of the pleasures that the world could offer. He was to be shielded from any contact with sickness, decrepitude, or death. However, one day, despite the best efforts of ...
6052: Corporate Globalization
... Xerox had practically invented the copy machine, and had secured its dominate stake in the copy machine industry with patents. However, this security backfired on Xerox because it didn't allow them to focus on new product development. During this period, their research and development goals diminished, and the quality of their products remained the same if not worsened. The strategy Xerox had remained stagnant. Xerox found itself in the mid 1970's with a loss in profit, market share, and competitive stance. By effective supply chain management, Xerox would be able to revamp its structure. In order to confront new competitors such as Ricoh and Canon, Xerox was going to have to make major changes within its organization. First, Xerox management sought to simplify the purchasing process. By consolidating its supply base, it was able ... work better with suppliers. Next, the "commodity teams" were designated to reduce defect parts per million through a five step program it developed. Thirdly, internal restructuring brought about the "circle groups" which resulted in a new system of competitive benchmarking and customized products. Finally, with a new research and development approach Xerox was able to delve into new product development, bringing them brand recognition. And, with a new "central logistics ...
6053: Legislative Proposal for New Indecency Language in Telecom Bill
Legislative Proposal for New Indecency Language in Telecom Bill I. Summary Although the October 16, 1995 legislative proposal purports to regulate “ computer pornography”, the proposal contains fatal flaws which render the proposal at best counterproductive and at worst devastating ...
6054: The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
... state.com/infomania) The plan for the government and citizens was in the least a radical one. All of the political beliefs and practices of Republicanism were attempted to be established for each of the new territories. Republicanism was still a new idea at the time and it would be tested in the new territories. The Ordinance provided for the creation of not less than 3 and no more than 5 separate states. It also outlined its plan for the advancement of education, the maintenance of civil liberties ...
6055: The Declaration Of Independenc
By: John McCann There are many important factors in the Declaration of Independence, which enable the foundation of a new government. These range from describing grievances with England, to how government should be run differently, to the first statement of separation. The first step to the foundation of a new government is the uniting of a people in a common goal. Since all people were feeling violated by English soldiers, it was necessary to state these grievances in order to make people aware that they are not alone. When people learned that others felt the same as them emotion was stirred. The Declaration of Independence listed the grievances such as, “He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.” The next important step to the foundation of a new government was to gain peoples ambition by showing ...
6056: No Exit And Its Existentialist
... Florence, a girl she had stolen away from her cousin. The only pleasure that Florence truly brought Inez was through her manipulation. In Inez's words: Inez: ..I crept inside her skin, she saw the world through my eyes. When she left him, I had her on my hands. Later, she gives an explanation for her actions: Inez: When I say I'm cruel, I mean I can't get on ... fool her cohorts, it therefore shows us that she has no warm feelings for Florence. She kept her around as a "toy". What could possibly be more objectifying than that? In saying "she saw the world through my eyes", it certainly sounds like she is trying to remove Florence's individuality. Florence should be deprived of even her own opinion because it is indicative of her personality. Achieving that level is ... that end, Estelle seeks physical pleasure from him. Inez cannot imagine a fate worse than allowing Estelle to get away. As she said, she wants to crawl underneath her skin, to make Estelle see the world through her eyes. Is there a better definition of objectification of persons? It is as though Inez is trying to "push" the soul out of Estelle. Once she has been "obtained", she is nothing ...
6057: The Lord of the Flies
The Lord of the Flies The world had witnessed the atrocities of World War II and began to examine the defects of their social ethics. Man's purity and innocence was gone. Man's ability to remain civilized was faltering. This change of attitude was extremely evident in ... war. Ralph is the representative of Democracy. Elected as the leader he and Piggy his companion keep order and maintain a civilized government. The strength of Ralph's character was supported by the power of World War II. Jack, on the other hand, represents authoritarianism. He rules as a dictator and is the exact opposite of Ralph. Jack is exemplifying the Hitler's and Mussolini's of the world. He ...
6058: The Rise Of Communism In Russi
The Rise of Communism In Russia "Unless we accept the claim that Lenin's coup d'etat gave birth to an entirely new state, and indeed to a new era in the history of mankind, we must recognize in today's Soviet Union the old empire of the Russians -- the only empire that survived into the mid 1980's" (Luttwak, 1). In their Communist ... Revolutions of the past, with the goal of conquering political freedom (Daniels 7). As early as 1894, when he was twenty-four, Lenin had become a revolutionary agitator and a convinced Marxist. He exhibited his new faith and his polemical talents in a diatribe of that year against the peasant-oriented socialism of the Populists led by N.K. Mikhiaiovsky (Wren, 3). While Marxism had been winning adherents among the ...
6059: John Rzeznik's Iris
... the reader interested. This song contains a sad and depressing tone. The writer attempts to reach out and understand his lover. While he also wants her to see and comprehend him, but not as the world would, as he writes, “‘Cause I don’t think that they’d (the world) understand.” In the first verse, or stanza, the reader perceives a mixture of senses. “Touch” and “feel” are the first senses he addresses. Rzeznik wants the reader to feel as he does about being in ... her feelings, but he quickly questions his own understanding. He does not actually breathe in her life, but he feels alive when he is with her. The very compelling style of the chorus pictures the world as an unsafe place where things are easily broken. The reader becomes aware of the fear which Rzeznik faces, perhaps from a broken relationship. The word “broken” draws the reader back briefly from a ...
6060: The Very First Wonder Of The World - The Great Pyramid
The Very First Wonder Of The World - The Great Pyramid It is strange, and indeed quite curious fact, that an ancient monument designed and erected thousands and thousands of years ago, in a time that we call today “the down civilization,” should ...

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