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601: Around The World In Eighty Day
Robert Bebber October 11, 1999 Period 3 “Around the World in Eighty Days” By: Jules Verne Adventure Novel Theme: The themes of this novel are calmness and persistence. These two themes are exemplified by one character, Mr. Fogg. Mr. Fogg is always calm in the ... up. His persistence in the end pays off and Mr. Fogg wins his wager, on who The Reform Club will pay. But did he really achieve a goal by making this unbelievable trip around the world in an astonishing eighty days. Setting: This novel takes place in the late 1800’s, approximately 1872. Mr. Phileas Fogg lived at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens. As the story progresses on and one tiny wager is made, a trip around the world changes the setting of this novel many a times. Some of these settings are London, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco, and New York. Clearly though one the most important settings was ...
602: The Howl of a Generation
... The "Beat Movement" in modern literature has become an important period in the history of literature and society in America. Incorporating influences such as jazz, art, literature, philosophy, and religion, the Beat writers created a new and prophetic vision of modern life and changed the way an entire generation of people see the world. That generation is now aging and its representative voices are becoming lost to eternity, but the message is alive and well. The Beats have forever altered the nature of American consciousness. The impact of the ... heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night…(1-3) These lines, perhaps the most well known in 20th century poetry, serve as a thematic statement for a poem that offers a new way of thinking, a sense of hope of escape from the "Molochs" of society. The story of the poem’s history serves well as an account of the birth of the Beat Generation. Ginsberg’ ...
603: Trapped Inside the TV
... whether it be the spoken word, the printed word, or the newest technology of satellites and televisions, shapes our prevailing expectations of what is appropriate and what is an illusion! Are we trapped inside a world of sitcoms, cartoons, and gossip news stories? This basic belief about the dominant mediums can be observed in what Postman calls the transition from the “age of exposition” to the “age of show business.” How ... the alphabet and of course into the enlightened age of Colonial America. This place we call home, America was founded by a group of intellectual men who brought over readings, and books from the “Old World” to start their “New World” with. In America literacy rates climbed, and everyone wanted to read. As time went on, reading was no longer considered an elitist activity but rather an activity that was spread throughout all of ...
604: Huck Finn 3
... life. If describing experiences that deal with life, and how a boy overcame them are immoral and trashy, then I guess these critics who put down this book are the most perfect people in the world and have never faced any major problems in their life. Sure, not all people run away from home and float along the Mississippi River but there are many people who have problems such as: broken ... black and brown skins are beautiful, but a beautiful white skin is rare." He also goes on to say "One of my theories is that the hearts of men are about alike, all over the world, whatever their skin- complexions may be." So Mark says in the first quote that blacks are more beautiful than whites. If one has lived in the southern states, where Huck experiences his adventures, one can ... freedom. While Huck helps Jim and himself gain freedom, they both create a powerful friendship between one another, between black and white. This is a story about two different races coming together and showing the world that a black man and a white man can work together, that they can overcome the color barrier, and that they can become great friends with one another. Hucks father has abandoned his son ...
605: Greed
Greed Greed is a selfish desire for more than one needs or deserves. Greed can make honest men murderers. It has made countries with rich valuable resources into the poorest countries in the world. We are taught it is bad and not to practice it. But consider a world without greed, where everyone is as sharing as Mother Theresa was. The progress of humankind would be at a standstill. Greed has given our society faster travel, better service, more convenience, and most importantly, progress ... making travel and shipping faster, cheaper, and more luxurious. He built bigger, faster, and more efficient ships. He served food on his ships, which the customers liked and he lowered his costs. He lowered the New York to Hartford fare from $8 to $1. Rockefeller made his fortunes selling oil. He also lowered his costs, making fuel affordable for the working-class people. The working-class people, who use to ...
606: History of Computers
History of Computers Only once in a lifetime will a new invention come about to touch every aspect of our lives. Such a device that changes the way we work, live, and play is a special one, indeed. A machine that has done all this and ... Soma, 46). After Babbage, people began to lose interest in computers. However, between 1850 and 1900 there were great advances in mathematics and physics that began to rekindle the interest (Osborne, 45). Many of these new advances involved complex calculations and formulas that were very time consuming for human calculation. The first major use for a computer in the US was during the 1890 census. Two men, Herman Hollerith and James Powers, developed a new punched-card system that could automatically read information on cards without human intervention (Gulliver, 82). Since the population of the US was increasing so fast, the computer was an essential tool in tabulating the ...
607: Communist Containment In Asia
... Soviet Union b. China c. Spread V. Events leading up. VI. Why the United States decided to attempt to contain it. VII. Goals of the containment. VIII. The Truman Doctrine. a. Success IX. Conclusion. During World War II, Communism, combined with fascism, had proven to be very dangerous. Joseph Stalin had obtained absolute power in Russia as a result. The Communists saw their way to be perfect, and they had the ... gain the most from it. This is where the conflicts arise. Between 1945 and 1975, the number of countries under communist rule increased greatly. This is partly because of the way the victorious powers of World War II divided the world amongst themselves. This is also due to the fact that countries such as China and The Soviet Union pushed their beliefs tyrannically on other weak countries. The Soviet Union began its communist regime under ...
608: Huck Finn 3
... life. If describing experiences that deal with life, and how a boy overcame them are immoral and trashy, then I guess these critics who put down this book are the most perfect people in the world and have never faced any major problems in their life. Sure, not all people run away from home and float along the Mississippi River but there are many people who have problems such as: broken ... black and brown skins are beautiful, but a beautiful white skin is rare." He also goes on to say "One of my theories is that the hearts of men are about alike, all over the world, whatever their skin- complexions may be." So Mark says in the first quote that blacks are more beautiful than whites. If one has lived in the southern states, where Huck experiences his adventures, one can ... freedom. While Huck helps Jim and himself gain freedom, they both create a powerful friendship between one another, between black and white. This is a story about two different races coming together and showing the world that a black man and a white man can work together, that they can overcome the color barrier, and that they can become great friends with one another. Hucks father has abandoned his son ...
609: The Evolution of the Computer
The Evolution of the Computer Only once in a lifetime will a new invention come about to touch every aspect of our lives. Such a device that changes the way we work, live, and play is a special one, indeed. A machine that has done all this and ... Soma, 46). After Babbage, people began to lose interest in computers. However, between 1850 and 1900 there were great advances in mathematics and physics that began to rekindle the interest (Osborne, 45). Many of these new advances involved complex calculations and formulas that were very time consuming for human calculation. The first major use for a computer in the U.S. was during the 1890 census. Two men, Herman Hollerith and James Powers, developed a new punched-card system that could automatically read information on cards without human intervention (Gulliver, 82). Since the population of the U.S. was increasing so fast, the computer was an essential tool in tabulating ...
610: The Effectiveness of Eisenhower's First Term: 1953-1956
... his first term as President he was confronted with many different situations that taxed his leadership abilities. During the nineteen fifties, America was in a period of enormous change. The United States had just ended World War II, and the conflict in Korea had reached a stalemate. With the splitting of the atom came the Atomic Age, a new era of responsibility that the United States hadn't fully come to understand and realize. Also, in this time the Cold War, that was started by the Truman administration, was beginning to escalate. When Dwight ... Sinai Peninsula while the British and French attacked Egyptian forces around the Suez Canal during the months of October and November 1956. Also the administration had to face both the rising expectations of the colonial world and the issue of civil rights in the United States. These two challenges along with Korea, Senator McCarthy, and the Bricker Amendment, proved to be some of the greatest problems of the Eisenhower administration. ...

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