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5991: Use Of Symbolism In The Lord O
... three important areas: objects that have symbolic value as references to ideas, characters that symbolize important historical and religious people, and the setting which frames the conflicts on the island in comparison to the whole world. Objects are the first part of the story that are symbolic. Many objects in The Lord of the Flies have important symbolic value. The conch shell represents power and authority, and Ralph uses it to ... The pig's head, or Lord of the Flies, is an important object. To Jack it is a sacrifice for the beast. This object shows that people will make religions and rituals to control their world, even when what they think is not true. The Lord of the Flies is also a symbol of Satan, or the Devil. When Simon talked with the Lord of the Flies, he learned what the ... luck instead of hard work. The objects in the story are used by characters that also have symbolism. The many different characters on the island are symbols of important people. They show how the real world is made up of people. Ralph is a good leader who cannot control bad people like Jack. Ralph is like Franklin Roosevelt before World War II who could not stop the war from breaking ...
5992: The Glass Menagerie: Symbols
... in the play try to symbolize some form of escape or difference between reality and illusion. The first symbol, presented in the first scene, is the fire escape. This represents the "bridge" between the illusory world of the Wingfields and the world of reality. This "bridge" seems to be a one way passage. But the direction varies for each character. For Tom, the fire escape is the way out of the world of Amanda and Laura and an entrance into the world of reality. For Laura, the fire escape is a way into her world. A way to escape from reality. Both examples can readily be ...
5993: A Study of Wordsworth's Poetry
A Study of Wordsworth's Poetry Wordsworth poetry derives its strength from the passion with which he views nature. Wordsworth has grown tired of the world mankind has created, and turns to nature for contentment. In his poems, Wordsworth associates freedom of emotions with natural things. Each aspect of nature holds a different meaning for Wordsworth. 'The beauty of morning; silent ... finds it an almost spiritual experience by simply observing the stillness of morning. 'Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;' (13:WB) Just as Wordsworth finds fulfillment in nature, he also finds disgust in the world's neglect of nature. His sonnet, 'The World Is Too Much with Us' deals primarily with his dissatisfaction with the world.Wordsworth criticizes mankind for misdirecting its abilities. 'Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers' (2:TW) Wordsworth also hopes that ...
5994: Globalisation
... the subject. Globalisation does not necessarily result in the domination and erasure of local cultures, is a positive statement one can make from the reading Understanding Globalisation: History and Representation in the Emergence of the World as a Single Place, (Holton 1998). We will be looking at where globalisation comes from, or as far back as we can trace it in history. Globalisation engenders a resistance which can take the best ... fact of history which is able to show that global cultures are where the best come from in order to revitalise local cultures. Globalisation is historical, and was present in the vast past of the world. It is through the history that we can see globalisation did exist and took several forms, history, politics, economics, religion, capitalism, social behaviour, modernisation, and imperialism. These were all present in history from the beginning ... dominant of the country and nearly totally erased it’s culture. They capitalized what the country offered them in terms of, raw materials, which were rare or not yet discovered in other parts of the world at the time, and made it their own. They also made the Javanese work in the fields for them in turn for a wage. Unfortunately the Javanese were not given the opportunity to own ...
5995: Nature vs. Nurture
... that intelligence refers to the overall faculties of the mind which concern themselves with the sorting of information in the brain after it has been received by the senses, the perceiving of relationships between this new data and information which is already in memory, and the capacity to make rapid and appropriate decisions as a result of the previous processes. The intellectual faculties of the brain are dynamic and interactive and ... Corsini provides us with a somewhat more simplistic definition of the term intelligence. According to Corsini (1984) the term intelligence can be employed to indicate the amount of knowledge available and the rapidity with which new knowledge is acquired; the ability to adapt to new situations and to handle concepts, relationships, and abstract symbols. While the heredity/environment topic continues to be a controversial issue, a great deal of evidence has been gathered to support both arguments. In order ...
5996: The Glass Menagerie
... in the play try to symbolize some form of escape or difference between reality and illusion. The first symbol, presented in the first scene, is the fire escape. This represents the "bridge" between the illusory world of the Wingfields and the world of reality. This "bridge" seems to be a one way passage. But the direction varies for each character. For Tom, the fire escape is the way out of the world of Amanda and Laura and an entrance into the world of reality. For Laura, the fire escape is a way into her world. A way to escape from reality. Both examples can readily be ...
5997: Willy Loman’s Struggle with the American Dream
... Willy’s life excluded the element of happiness; happiness being a component of the American Dream. The American Dream has many components. The components of the dream are: having wealth and success in the business world, having a status in the business world, having a functional family, and discovering happiness in each of those categories. Those components of the American Dream were not found in Willy Loman’s life. Willy’s life lacked happiness. The only time Willy ... to the suicide thoughts, Willy Loman’s life lacked happiness. Willy’s unhappiness was not only an element itself, but his unhappiness surfaced from another subject, Biff’s failure. Biff could not stand the business world; he rather work on a ranch and work with his hands. “Shipping clerk, salesman, business of one kind or another. And its a measly manner of existence...This farm I work on, its spring ...
5998: The Masters Of Puppets
... want to be (Moshers). At the heart of Metallica’s success lies the unity and collective strength of its four single personalities (Metallica). James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett, and Jason Newsted, each bring something new to the table. Ulrich does the sorting of the business, Newsted is the “man” who is always live and looks for fans at all times, and Hammett is the spiritual one, while Hetfield just "hangs ... Angeles music scene and agreed to join Metallica only if they would move to San Francisco (Clark 713). Metallica, upset with the way Los Angeles was treating them, agreed to move to San Francisco. The new lineup made its debut at Radio City Music Hall in Anaheim, California (Rees and Crampton 572). According to Ulrich, their best show in San Francisco was with a local band called Exodus, which featured Kirk ... Megadeth (Rees and Crampton 572). Hammett flew in from San Francisco to join the band and finished the tour after Mustaine had left; he soon became a regular member (Clark 713). In May, 1983, the new version of Metallica recorded Kill ‘Em All (Hochman 714). Kill 'Em All represented Metallica's views of society and what they thought should be done (Kill). Metallica’s next album, Ride the Lightning, was ...
5999: Life Of Hitler
... His dream of a Thousand - Year Reich" lay in ruins. German cities had been bombed, German armies captured or destroyed. A week after Hitlers death, Germany offered unconditional surrender to Allied forces. The nightmare of World War 2 in Europe came to an end. Hitler was the only man responsible for the horrors of World War 2. But it was his dream of world domination that possessed Germany. For twelve years he had the opportunity to make the world over in the image of his sick fantasies. He nearly succeeded. Hitler was one of the most hated men ...
6000: The War in Vietnam
The War in Vietnam The Vietnam War, the nation's longest, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives. Only the Civil War and the two world wars were deadlier for Americans. During the decade of direct U.S. military participation in Vietnam beginning in 1964, the U.S Treasury spent over $140 billion on the war, enough money to fund urban ... but after April 1975, the communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) ruled the entire nation. The initial reasons for U.S. involvement in Vietnam seemed logical and compelling to American leaders. Following its success in World War II, the United States faced the future with a sense of moral rectitude and material confidence. From Washington's perspective, the principal threat to U.S. security and world peace was monolithic, dictatorial communism emanating from he Soviet Union. Any communist anywhere, at home or abroad, was, by definition, and enemy of the United States. Drawing an analogy with the unsuccessful appeasement of ...

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