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Search results 5981 - 5990 of 22819 matching essays
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5981: Review of On-line Publications
... features two cities a day, an easily accessible reprint section for syndication of articles and a career opportunities in India section that is aimed at the overseas applicant. It has some draw backs though, the world section although very extensive is more of an overview of the continent and the region rather than the entire world. It is not as inviting as some of the other on-line news papers it has a uninviting look to it which lends it to be a little less reader friendly. Business Day is the ... best offering of dailies for South Africa. It takes a little longer to load the page but that is due to a very dominate graphic which clearly outlines all of the major markets of the world. The major market graphic is the most impressive of the elements of this on-line newspaper. Coming in second is business days entertainment section. It has well written and intelligent reviews of cinema, books, ...
5982: The Beginning of the Universe
... exactly how the universe began and how it will end. However, the Big Bang model is the most logical and reasonable theory to explain the universe in modern science. ENDNOTES 1. Dinah L. Mache, Astronomy, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1987. p. 128. 2. Ibid., p. 130. 3. Joseph Silk, The Big Bang, New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1989. p. 60. 4. Terry Holt, The Universe Next Door, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1985. p. 326. 5. Ibid., p. 327. 6. Charles J. Caes, Cosmology, The Search For The Order Of The Universe, USA: Tab Books Inc., 1986. p. 72. 7. John ...
5983: The Video Game Wars
... systems, and because it is such a big business, stores specializing in only these games are opening everywhere. A few days ago, I walked into one of these stores. My friend wanted to purchase the new nintendo machine. According to the reviews, the system was supposed to be able to have amazing polygon graphics. Video games coming out these days are considered good if they consist of many polygonal graphics moving ... the walls were covered with many games for different systems. On one wall, there were Nintendo's games, on another, were Sega's games, and on the last, were Sony's games. Surprisingly, Nintendo's new games didn't look much different than the other two companies'. On three corners of the room, there were television sets displaying the latest and greatest games for each popular console. While watching these new games, I was in awe. When I was younger, I remembered playing what those times considered, "high tech" video games. During those years, the games had little blocky characters who looked more like a ...
5984: The Lost World Thesis
Michael Crichton s novel, The Lost World began with the exposition of a character who is infamous to Crichton s work, Ian Malcom. The entire introduction and prologue is about Malcom and his scientific views and theories. In a section of the ... together. I might not be able to recommend this book to you if you are reading for pleasure, but if there was one book that you absolutely had to read, Michael Crichton s The Lost World has to be it.
5985: Fire And Ice
If you had a choice on how the world would end, what would you choose? Would your choice to be go painfully but fast? Perhaps you would rather it be so slow and painless you do not even realize it is happening? That’s ... believe Robert Frost’s poem Fire and Ice is meant to express. Although the poem is short, it holds a very interesting question to think about. The question is which way would you rather the world come to an end. There are two choices. The first two lines in Fire and Ice express the choices, "Some say the world will end in fire, / Some say in ice." I feel that he uses the term fire not to hold the direct meaning of a burning flame, but to represent the punishment something can inflict ...
5986: Slavery - Events That Effected Slavery
... Compromise of 1820. Southerners would not go along with the railroad unless they saw hope for slavery in these territories. They felt they had to overturn the Missouri Compromise. Democrat Stephen A. Douglas started the new debate rolling. Douglas introduced the Nebraska bill in 1854 to organize a territorial government, which could then open the way to lay down railroad tracks. Southern senators, however, balked at any bill that would allow the ban on slavery in the territories to continue. Douglas reworked his bill. His new proposal divided the area into two territories: that of Kansas and that of Nebraska. It was implied, but not started, that Kansas would become a slave state, and Nebraska would be free of slavery. He ... Compromise meaningless. Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska act in 1854. Antislavery people, Democrats, and Wigs included, held rallies, demonstrations, and meetings throughout the North to condemn the Kansas-Nebraska Act. These gatherings helped form a new political party. The Underground Railroad Antislavery forces did more than protect and rescue runaway slaves. In fact, they helped many slaves escape. A secret network called the Underground Railroad helped 100,000 fugitive slaves ...
5987: Budget 97
... call an election in late May or early June the Party was very reluctant to rock the boat further. This is what they have done in the 1997 budget and the subsequent reactions to the new budget from both the business and political communities. In this no-surprises, pre-election budget, Martin said deficit cutting is coming to an end and that Canadians, particularly the unemployed, will soon reap the rewards ... allow the government to halt their foreign borrowing to finance the deficit. This greatly helps the credibility of Canada and puts the country's destiny back into domestic palms. With this said, Martin announced no new tax increases, although the raise in the Pension Plan could be considered a hidden tax increase. Martin announced no new spending cuts in this budget although cuts made in previous budgets are set to slash 3 billion more dollars this year. There was some extra spending sprinkled into various areas. For starters, a new ...
5988: Privacy And Anonymity And Information Network Technologies
We might assume that nothing new could be said about the issue of privacy behond the basic notion that it is something secluded from the inclusion of others, a virtue and right that every citizen of a democratic society might possess. However, if that were actually the case then we would not see our culture involved in debates about the issues regarding privacy and anonymity as they relate to new information technologies. The primary reason for such concerns is that information has become a commodity in what we have come to know as the 'information age'. With the advent of new technologies; particularly that of the Internet this information can be sold and exchanged quite easily. Before the use of widespread computer technologies, our personal information had no real value beyond its immediate transaction. When ...
5989: Metadrama In Shakespeare
... and not life with the complications inherent that in life we all play roles and perceive life in different ways. The play has recognition of its existence as theatre, which has relevance to a contemporary world that is increasingly aware of precisely how its values and practices are constructed and legitimised through perceptions of reality. Critic Mark Currie posits that metadrama allows its readers a better understanding of the fundamental structures of narrative while providing an accurate model for understanding the contemporary experience of the world as a series of constructed systems. From this quote metadrama can be said to openly question how narrative assumptions and conventions transform and filter reality, trying to ultimately prove that no singular truths or meanings ... fits within this essay s definitions of Shakespeare s work reflecting art not life, but also if we are to think of life in terms of people playing roles within their lives where All the world s a stage , and perceiving reality in a myriad different ways then theatre reflects life reflecting art - a complication that students of Shakespeare would expect the Bard to enjoy. Feste in Twelfth Night exemplifies ...
5990: The Epic Poem Of Beowulf Blend
The epic poem of Beowulf blends aspects of the pagan world - such as the belief in fate and the importance of being remembered - with aspect from the Christian world. The author writes about the values of the pagan world, while, at the same time, portraying Christian morality through his characters. The epic of Beowulf reflects both the Christian world and the pagan world. Much like the more familiar stories of King Arthur, Beowulf ...

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