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5871: Cloudstreet
... born novelist Tim Winton is essentially a story revolving around how two rural families have come to live together at number one Cloudstreet. This novel’s themes are about finding one’s place in the world and the search for the meaning of life. As in this instance, Winton has successfully used setting and structure, crucial factors in any prosperous novel to help create a feeling of a real-life type ... to the biblical story of ‘Samson,’ and how he gained his strength through his hair. Meaning that by losing some of their strengths, (like Samson’s hair cut,) both Sam’s where able to gain new insights and opportunities. For Sam Pickles, this meant the move into the city from the outback, brought him his own home and a steady job at the mint. A rather large irony, as Sam is ... able to talk to their pig confirms the aspect of the otherworldly in life. We see water as the most symbolic force in Fish’ life, as water symbolises cleansing, a type of cleaning and a new way of seeing or thinking about something. It is in Fish’s heaven that we see his other-self and his desire to remember this world and too see it again. The spiritual ramifications ...
5872: Nationalism In Europe
... unified countries. Unified countries such as France, Germany, and Russia wanted to extend their empires. But this Imperialism in Europe led to many conflicts between countries. All this Conflict eventually resulted in the beginning of World War I The causes of World War I were the intense nationalism that dominated Europe throughout the 19th and into the 20th century, and the establishment of large armies in Europe after 1871. Imperialism created a rivalry between nations and empires ... a united Germany. Young students attempted to protest and did so by forming a brotherhood, which was called Burschenschafter, whose slogan was "Honor, Liberty, Fatherhood." In order to prevent an uprise or rebellion. Metternich imposed new polices that established censorship or the press, closed supervision over the universities, and the dissolution of youth groups. Consequently, total persecution of and injustice towards nationalists followed. During the period of the French Revolution ...
5873: Mark Twain, The Adventures Of
... held mentality in the South, we can learn that that young boy was more open-minded than most people there. Later, they find themselves in the same situation. As they were escaping from the civilized world, they take refuge in the Jackson’s Island, on the Mississippi river. Huck is running away from a bad father and Jim has leaved Miss Watson because he didn’t want to be sold to New Orleans. Soon after joining Jim on the island, Huck begins to realize that Jim has more talents and intelligence than Huck has been aware of. Jim knows "all kinds of signs" about the future, people ... tricks Tom has played on Jim, Jim risks his life to save his "friend." Rather than abandon Tom, Jim is willing to risk his freedom to save Tom's life. Moreover, as Jim makes this brave sacrifice, Huck thinks to himself, "I knowed he was white inside."(chap. XL) Through Jim's sacrifice for Tom, Huck discovers that all men, including blacks, are in fact equal. Huck no longer looks ...
5874: Internet Concepts
... es un medio específico de conexión de un sitio Internet para cargar y descargar ficheros. FTP fue desarrollado durante los comienzos de Internet para copiar ficheros de un ordenador a otro. Con la llegada del World Wide Web, y de los navegadores , ya no se necesitan conocer sus complejos comandos; se puede utilizar FTP escribiendo el URL en la barra de localización que se encuentra en la parte superior de la ... anónimo" y utilizar la dirección de correo electrónico propia como contraseña. URL Siglas de Uniform Resource Locator. Es la dirección de un sitio o de una fuente, normalmente un directorio o un fichero, en el World Wide Web y la convención que utilizan los navegadores para encontrar ficheros y otros servicios distantes. Conexión por módem Es un tipo de cuenta para conectarse a Internet. Con este tipo de cuenta, se tiene ... visitar sitios web por medio de un navegador, como si se tuviera una conexión directa a Internet. Existen distintos tipos de cuenta de conexión por módem. Las cuentas SLIP o PPP permiten navegar en el World Wide Web directamente a partir del sistema operativo Windows o Macintosh. Una cuanta UNIX permite utilizar los comandos UNIX en el sistema del proveedor. World Wide Web Literalmente "tela de araña mundial", más conocida ...
5875: Overpopulation?
Overpopulation? Is the World Overpopulated? Is it not? It's a controversial question the world is dealing with today. "The only way in which a human being can make some approach to knowing the whole subject, is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety ... for food, fuel, and other resources. If more and more people arrive on this Earth everyday, there are more and more mouths to feed. With millions of people going to bed at night, unprotected, the World is seeing an enormous child-birth rate. There are also people who choose to have more and more children, seeking them out of love, with good intentions, but not realizing the problems they're ...
5876: Judicial Choices
... Mark Silverstein explains the changes in the conformations by examining the changes in the Democratic party, Republican party, Senate, and the power of the judiciary. Conformations affected political parties a great deal because they created new constituency and showed a dominance of power. The lose of the Democratic party's hegemony caused it to find new methods of furthering its agenda. Prior to the 1960s, the Democratic party maintained control of the electorate with an overwhelming percentage.1 The New Deal produced interest from a "mass constituency" for the Democratic party because of the social programs. Many white southern democrats became republicans because of the increased number of blacks in the Democratic party. Many ...
5877: Reconstruction
... to establish--for the first time on most southern states--a system of common schools. Corruption there certainly was, though nowhere on the scale of the Tweed Ring, which at that time was busily looting New York City; but it is not possible to show that Republicans were more guilty than Democrats, or blacks than whites, in the scandals that did occur. If the Civil War was fought to set black ... get slightly better jobs, with better pay. The main idea behind African Americans being given the right to a school system was a good one, as well as an important addition to the South’s new government. However it subconsciously began the insatiable chain reaction of segregation. Segregation existed in all the public universities, except in New Orleans and the University of South Carolina. Instead of following the African Americans into an already established schooling that the whites set up and attended, their 14th Amendment rights were violated, and they were ...
5878: Everything Old Is New Again
... you will see models wearing the same fashions popularized in the late sixties. This illustrates how the 60’s contributed to today’s fashions. In the sixties, people in television, film and movies became the new socially elite and their influence had a profound impact on fashion, attitudes, and social values. In the nineties, supermodels and sports figures have joined this group. The fascination the public has with celebrities is perhaps ... was surf music from the Beach Boys; folk music from Bob Dylan; R&B influenced music from Motown and the Rolling Stones; and psychedelic music from Jefferson Airplane and the Doors. In the nineties, many new types of music evolved. These include rap music and hip-hop which came from urban dissatisfaction and unrest, while underground alternative rock became mainstream. In 1969, the Woodstock music festival embodied the spirit of peace ...
5879: Gilgamesh 3
... in the second and third millenniums BCE. We know they celebrated a king named Gilgamesh; we know they believed in many gods; we know they were self-conscious of their own cultivation of the natural world; and we know they were literate. These things we can fix -- or establish definitely. But stories also remind us of things we cannot fix --of what it means to be human. They reflect our will ... too, how a story is put together -- how it uses the conventions of language, of events with beginnings and endings, of description, of character, and of storytelling itself to reawaken our sensitivity to the real world. The real world is the world without conventions, the unnameable, unrepresentable world -- in its continuity of action, its shadings and blurrings of character, its indecipherable patterns of being. The stories that mean most to us bring us ...
5880: The Social Construction Of Rea
Philosophy and science have always been based on the idea that the world of appearances is an illusion that both reveals and conceals an underlying reali-ty. In many instances, this idea has been attached to mystical systems of thought, as in some Eastern philosophies that view reality ... rise to contemporary science and social science. First we should understand the main principles and issues of human nature. How does an individual define what is real? One does it through ones perception of the world, which is based on learned interpretations. This learning is social: we learn from and among persons in social interaction. The main vehicles which convey this meaning: symbols, including language, cultural myths -- larger social meanings of objects, actions, signs, episodes, the structure and practice of our institutions, our rules for congruent action. These vehicles of meaning together construct: our world-view -- our sense of how the world works, what is valuable, why things are the way they are. Our sense of ourselves, our identity, purpose, our ideologies -- our sense of the appropriateness of, the ...

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