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5861: Dred Scott
... credibility were beyond reproach. This high regard for the Supreme Court made people on both sides of the slavery issue turn to it in the hope that what could not be resolved in the political world could be solved in the legal world by the highest court of the land. But this was really expecting too much of judicial power. The major error associated with this case was the misguided belief that a flaming political problem,slavery, could ... the Louisiana Purchase north of a specific line, 36o 30' of north latitude. At this time the issue of slavery was a major concern. The Mexican War provided the United States with a lot of new territory, and the question of the future of slavery in the territories was on everyones mind. The people of the North who were against slavery wanted Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories. John ...
5862: Standardized Testing As A War
Standardized Testing As A War A number two pencil and a calculator are all you need for your fight against the world. Each student is a soldier among hundred of thousands, marching in a powerful wall towards the enemy. All the soldiers are dressed in uniform, carrying the same gun, and waiting to receive destiny. Who will ... a futile battle. Each soldier is dressed the same, with the same boots, canteen, helmet, and even gun. All are expected to act the same; society knows nothing less. Society expects and adulates categories. Each new product, new discovery, new revelation has a classification. You are a nerd, jock, drop out, preppy. Students attempt to become individuals; but the path is blocked by the educational hierarchy shoving us back into the fighting ...
5863: Common Sense
Common Sense. By Thomas Paine. Edited with an Introduction by Isaac Kramnic. (New York: Penguin Books, 1986).   Recently, I acquired a copy of Thomas Paine’s most recent patriotic pamphlet, entitled Common Sense. I was immediately interested in what Paine had to say in his new work, after such powerful previous works, such as The Crisis series. I was nothing less than astonished at how Paine so powerfully conveyed his patriotic message. Paine theorizes a split between England and the colonial ... one of the most compelling arguments I have heard on why there should be a division between the English and the Americans. The British Parliament has long been a bane to the colonists in the New World, with the passage of all their "acts" to tax us simply because we are more productive. Paine makes his contempt for the current system of government quite clear early on. "Society in every ...
5864: Is Marijuana Dangerous to your Physical Health?
... FitzGerald, of the County Attorney's Office (The Associated Press, A-6). Today, the county boasts a "Do Drugs, Do Time" program targeting all drug users (The Associated Press, A-6). "Marijuana: Is there a new reason to worry?", an article in the March 88 issue of American Health by Winifred Gallagher had a lot to say about just what parts of the body marijuana effects. The majority of the effects ... of marijuana smoker and concluded that "essentially, marijuana doesn't cause psychological problems for the occasional user" (Gallagher, 92). Heavy use however, is thought to create a lack of motivation, or commonly called "burn-out". New York Hospital's Millman prefers the term "aberrant motivation" to describe the inert attitude of some heavy smokers" (Gallagher, 92). "The Health Hazards of Marijuana," a report in the September 1990 issue of World & I by Gabriel G. Nahas was very informative on the damage caused by marijuana. Marijuana effects memory and behavior. "Marijuana really interferes with short-term memory," says Dr. Richard Schwartz or Georgetown University, and ...
5865: Determinism In Quicksand
... of this movement. These include a biological determinism, where man is conceived of as controlled by his primitive animal instincts and a sociological determinism, whereby the weak are destroyed and the strong survive in a world of struggle and chance. Helga Crane, Larsen’s protagonist in Quicksand, illustrates the elements of both biological and sociological determinism in her inability to suppress her natural animal instinct to flee uncomfortable situations, and to ... had turned around and agreed to do his bidding” (5). Helga knows deep down that leaving Naxos is wrong, but the instinct to flee is so strong that she is powerless to deny it. In New York, Helga is also consumed by the animal instinct of flight. When Dr. Anderson calls on her after a chance meeting at a nightclub, Helga “had no intention of running away, but something, some imp ... not desire to conform in Naxos but she knows too that she is not “happy in her unconformity” (7). Instead of deciding to adapt to life at Naxos, Helga alienates herself from other individuals. In New York, Helga also illustrates her inability to conform. Although she fits in as an African American in Harlem, her thoughts are consumed with the European side of her heritage. She convinces herself that she ...
5866: The Devils Of Loudun, By Aldou
... such as The Burning Wheel , are characterised by a reliance on French symbolism and a growing interest in mysticism and the inner spirit . Altogether he published over fifty complete works, the most enduringly popular being Brave New World , a satire on the domination of science and state control, and The Doors Of Perception , an essay on his first encounter with mescalin. By 1919 he had met his first wife, Maria, and they ...
5867: The Battle Against AIDS
... The virus became known as HIV-1. In 1985, scientists in France identified another closely related virus that also produces AIDS. This virus, named HIV-2, occurs mainly in Africa. HIV-1 occurs throughout the world. HIV infects certain white blood cells, including T-helper cells and macrophages, that play key roles in the functioning of the immune system. The virus attaches to specific molecules found only on the surface of ... brought about an increase in cases of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. HIV may have been introduced into industrialized nations several times before transmission was sustained and became widespread. AIDS was first identified as a "new" disease by physicians in Los Angeles and New York City in 1980 and 1981. The doctors recognized the condition as something new because all the patients were previously healthy, young homosexual men suffering from otherwise rare forms of cancer and pneumonia. The ...
5868: Heart Of Darkness 3
... all they have. Marlow, however, sees it differently. He is now in Africa where reality broods. It's lurking everywhere. The only thing one has to do to find it is open his mind to new and previously 'unheard' of ideas. He looks at this event and reduces it from the European's image of a supposedly intense battle, with smoke and enemies everywhere, to a futile firing of "tiny projectiles ... From that point on, Marlow is looking to corroborate if in actuality, the mentality instilled upon him in Europe is similar to this, or if those are atypical Europeans who are living in a dream world. As the novel continues, Marlow recognizes that this flaw of not being able to see something for what it is, and in turn, not being able to give it an accurate "label", is indeed "the ... torch. This is Kurtz's role. Unlike Europe, which imposes their principles upon others, he is merely there to "illuminate"(79). Kurtz is there to expand the peoples minds, to introduce them to a broad new spectrum of reality. However, he does not impose his own reality upon them. Hence, he is blindfolded in the picture. To him, they make a subjective decision and they find their own truth, regardless ...
5869: Life, Death, and Politics: A Run-Down Of The Abortion Debate.
... create a fetus. The merger is complete within twelve hours, at which time the egg is fertilized and becomes known as a "zygote," containing the full set of forty-six chromosomes required to create a new human life. It is at that point that life begins and should be respected with the same laws that apply to us all, whether we are dependent on a womb or not. Conception creates life ... If possession of forty-six chromosomes make some thing a person, then it would seem that possession of a different number would make something else. A personality is formed when a baby has entered the world. It acts and reacts to situations it is put upon and forms its opinions in that manner. It is only then that we can consider it a unique person with a unique personality. II. Is ... her own body; that no individual has any right to force a woman to carry a pregnancy that she does not want; that parents have the moral responsibility and constitutional obligation to bring into this world only children who are wanted, loved, and provided for, so that they can realize their human potential; and that children have basic human and constitutional rights, which include the right to have loving, caring ...
5870: Hacking Crime Or Craft
Computer hackers in today's world are becoming more intelligent. They are realizing that people are constantly developing more hack-proof systems. This presents the hackers with a bigger challenge and a bigger thrill. The government is realizing this and is ... 1). They are a notorious group of hackers who have a couple problems; one of which is drugs. At a convention that the cDc holds for "some of the most notorious hackers from around the world" (Vegetable 1), one of the members of cDc said "Drugs and hacking go hand-in-hand" (qtd in Vegetable 3). Deth Vegetable said "Taking Drugs is like hacking your brain" (qtd in Vegetable 3). This ... are a vast number of different systems that hackers have to know in order to hack into them. Hackers will read up on the different programs. They will also go to conferences to learn about new techniques, and new ways that one can break into a system with out a lot of work (Sterling 73). A hacker can receive anything he/she wants from hacking into other computers. They can ...

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