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Search results 5851 - 5860 of 22819 matching essays
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5851: Psychology: Dreams and Dreaming
... brain's most critical functions is the construction of the model of the environment that we perceive as our conscious experience (Barret p. 9). While we sleep, very little sensory input is available, so the world model experience is constructed from what remains, contextual information from our lives, that is, expectations derived from past experience, and motivations. As a result, the content of our dream is largely determined by what we ... dreams it is possible to freely remember the circumstances of waking life to think clearly, and to act deliberately upon reflection or in accordance with plans decided upon before sleep, all while experiencing a dream world that seems vividly real. (Time-Life Books p. 57). As previously stated, lucid dreaming is dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming. Lucidity usually begins in the midst of a dream, when the dreamer realizes ... an emotionally powerful mix. The feeling of utter helplessness that so often infuses a nightmare probably harks back to infancy, some experts say, when a child is indeed powerless and at the mercy of a world he or she cannot understand or control. ( Time-Life Books p. 102). According to Professor Hartmann, “the common thread among those who have nightmares frequently is sensitivity.” For a Boston study, he solicited volunteers ...
5852: Censorship in Public Schools
... Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District No. 26, which was the first school library censorship case to reach the Supreme Court (Jones 35). In March 1976, the Island Trees School Board in New York removed eleven books that they deemed "anti-American, anti-Christian, anti- Semitic, and just plain filthy" (Berger 59) from the high school library shelves. Among these books were Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut, A ... who understands his own and other cultures, who lives compassionately and cooperatively with his fellow man, who respects both himself and others, who has developed self-discipline and self-motivation, who can laugh at the world, and who can successfully develop survival strategies for existence in the world. (Jones 184) As one who is striving to be an English teacher I know that literature has a significant part in the education of man. I am aware that I have responsibilities to my ...
5853: Surfacing: A Summary
Surfacing: A Summary Margaret Atwood’s novel Surfacing tells the story of a young Canadian woman’s search for her missing father and finding a new sense of herself along the way. The author uses imagery to portray the narrator’s feelings of enclosure that she struggles with upon returning to her childhood home and her subsequent release of those feelings ... end at the end of the novel. In chapter 2 we learn that the narrator’s life spent in the bush with her family was largely isolated. Her parents took pains to keep the outside world far away. Describing the outside world as “flecked gray newsreels [she] never saw, bombs and concentration camps, the leaders roaring at the crowds” (14), the narrator invokes the powerful images of war but refers to her own life as feeling “ ...
5854: The Ebola Virus
... JAMA 273: 1748). Ebola can be spread in a number of ways, and replication of the virus occurs at an alarming rate. Ebola replication in infected cells takes about eight hours. Hundreds to thousands of new virus particles are then released during periods of a few hours to a few days, before the cells die. The several cycles of replication occur in a primate before the onset of the fever and ... al. 1271). Another fatal case was reported one year later in Zaire but nothing major ever became of it. The most recent case recorded was the infamous breakout in Kikwit, Zaire. This breakout had the world in an uproar about the possibility of this virus spreading out globally. This outbreak appeared to have started with a patient who had surgery in Kikwit on April 10, 1995. Members of the surgical team ... frequent symptoms at the onset were fever (94%), diarrhea (80%), and server weakness (74%); other symptoms included dysphagia (41%) and hiccups (15%). Clinical signs of bleeding occurred in 38% of cases (JAMA 274: 373). The World Heath Organization declared on August 24, 1995 that the outbreak of Ebola Zaire in Kikwit was officially over after killing 244 of its 315 known victims ("Ebola Outbreak Officially Over" 1). This outbreak had ...
5855: Leonardo Da Vinci
... Renaissance child” because of his many talents. As a boy, Leonardo was described as being handsome, strong, and agile. He had keen powers of observation, an imagination, and the ability to detach himself from the world around him. At an early age Leonardo became interested in subjects such as botany, geology, animals (specifically birds), the motion of water, and shadows (About Leonardo). At the age of 17, in about 1469, Leonardo ... wall paintings. An artist that uses this fresco method must work quickly. Leonardo wanted to work slowly, revising his work, and use shadows-which would have been impossible in using fresco painting. He invented a new technique that involved coating the wall with a compound that he had created. This compound, which was supposed to protect the paint and hold it in place did not work, and soon after its completion ... and creative capabilities to enhance life and improve his works. Although his experiments with plastering and painting failed, they showed his dissatisfaction with an accepted means and his creativity and courage to experiment with a new and untried idea. Experimentation with traditional techniques is evident in his drawings as well. During Leonardo’s 18 year stay in Milan he also produced other paintings and drawings, but most have been lost. ...
5856: Social Deviance
... uses the example of the Greek philosopher Socrates. Socrates used a method of teaching called the Socratic method. While in discussion with his students, Socrates would react to the answers of their questions by creating new questions. This was seen to be criminal by the Athenian leaders, and Socrates was executed. Durkheim suggests that Socrates “both introduced new ways of thinking into the society and laid the foundation for later changes in the norms governing thought and expression.” Therefore deviant behavior can perceptibly change social norms and the way deviance is defined. Karl ... authority through written laws such as the Constitution. These three authorities Weber says contain what he calls ideal types, concepts or descriptions of phenomena that may not exist in a pure form in the real world but that define basic aspects of a given situation. These three authorities are distinct, but also may extend over in the real world. A case in point is laws may reinforce the traditional authority, ...
5857: Heroin Legislation
... an illegal, dark and murky black market affair. We must now ask the question, are we going to stand staunch in policies which have proved to be unsuccessful or are we going to take a brave leap into a more hopeful future? There is great fear reverberating through the community; fear of stepping into a more open and frightening, yet decidedly more promising way of tackling the issue. Reform does not mean, as opposers argue, condoning the use of drugs. It means accepting that drugs are part, admittedly an unfortunate part, of our society which will not simply ‘go away’. The refreshingly new ideas of controlled heroin trials, legal injecting rooms and greater availability of clean needles should be given consideration. Lightening of the law would bring drug use out of the shadows it has long inhabited, removing ... What we need to realise is that when a person turns to the use of drugs ‘addiction’ is not the decision they are making. They are choosing an escape from an increasingly desperate and complex world, overpowering addiction comes later. Drug usage is stigmatised within society. In order to move forward we must begin to treat addicts as victims rather than criminals. Controlled heroin trials would place addicts in contact ...
5858: Media Extended Essay Glen Hodd
... started off being conveyed very well in the media with nearly all the tabloid and broadsheets portraying him as the future of English football. He was a clean cut young man with the international footballing world at his feet. Unfortunately after a few unconvincing results, lots of controversy over a faith healer and a poor world cup the media soon started to turn on Glen Hoddle. When you are in the public eye you have to be very careful about what you do and what you say especially when you have ... before Hoddle’s word’s became public and we still had faith in Hoddle. We then get the disruption of the outcry for Hoddle’s sacking and then when he is sacked we have a new equilibrium. Also we have our characters like heroes and villains but they change roles in this story. There are forms that will usually appear in a tabloid narrative. Reporters are very good at constructing ...
5859: Writing.......It's Not Just For Fun Anymore!
Writing.......It's Not Just For Fun Anymore! I am writing to support the new writing class being discussed for the Junors' and Seniors' curriculum. I bielive that these classes will help them not only in the work force, but will give them a better education. In the world today, writing plays an important roll. there are always reports to be writen speeches to e givin, and books to be wrote. Juniors and Seniors need to know the right skills top write these such ... not show the right skills to perform a good job of writing. A recent poll in Time magazine show that seven out of ten Juniors' and Seniors' show no skills in writing whatsoever. With these new classes, we could show these classes how to do a good job of writing to compete in the work world. These Juniors' and Seniors' will have better chances at colleges, better advantages in the ...
5860: The Ebola Virus
... JAMA 273: 1748). Ebola can be spread in a number of ways, and replication of the virus occurs at an alarming rate. Ebola replication in infected cells takes about eight hours. Hundreds to thousands of new virus particles are then released during periods of a few hours to a few days, before the cells die. The several cycles of replication occur in a primate before the onset of the fever and ... al. 1271). Another fatal case was reported one year later in Zaire but nothing major ever became of it. The most recent case recorded was the infamous breakout in Kikwit, Zaire. This breakout had the world in an uproar about the possibility of this virus spreading out globally. This outbreak appeared to have started with a patient who had surgery in Kikwit on April 10, 1995. Members of the surgical team ... frequent symptoms at the onset were fever (94%), diarrhea (80%), and server weakness (74%); other symptoms included dysphagia (41%) and hiccups (15%). Clinical signs of bleeding occurred in 38% of cases (JAMA 274: 373). The World Heath Organization declared on August 24, 1995 that the outbreak of Ebola Zaire in Kikwit was officially over after killing 244 of its 315 known victims ("Ebola Outbreak Officially Over" 1). This outbreak had ...

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