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5801: The Business Life of Ancient Athens
... Around 500 BC. Mining was introduced in Athens. If the ways of the mining business had not come, Athens would have probably lost an oncoming war with the Persians, but because of the mining, many new people joined Athens and Persia decided not to invade. They feared it because it had become much greater in strength. If mining had not come, there would have been no Athenian Empire, or an Age of Pericles. So, in the scabrous hills of Laurium, silver struck. Everyone was fascinated with this new idea. In present day Laurium, you can still see the remains of the mining and see everything. Many things were not found out about the mining, because not too many records were kept. But many ... merely just watched the early Greeks. The author also thinks of the mining industry as wonderful. He explained it in such an exciting manner . As a result of reading this book, I have formed many new opinions. For example, I never knew that business started as early as it did[in the manner of banking]. I figured that banking probably didn't come until at least a couple of centuries ...
5802: Corporate Culture : The Key to Understanding Work Organisations
... practical imagination and was fanatical about detail. He built up a multinational company on the strength of his ability to promote free thinking coupled with the attention to detail that is required to produce a world class computer within the organisation that he ran. It is quite clear that if the cultures of these two organisations were transposed there would be internal chaos and the company's would lose their positions ... of the need to have a co-ordinated transport plan for the growing capital city in order to move people around without choking the streets with traffic. It was only with the arrival of a new government in the late 70's that was intent on dismantling the nationalised industries that the leadership within London Underground was forced to rethink the direction it had been taking over the previous decades. London ... these individuals were promoted due to their seniority the organisation started to take on these dysfunctional norms as its dominant culture. The government had been using its influence throughout the 80's to appoint a new leadership to London Underground and in the early 90's this leadership announced the ‘company plan'. In order to obtain the finance from government that the organisation required to replace or repair the now ...
5803: The Life of Mao Zedong
... the Communists fled to the countryside. 32 This proved to be a blessing. Throughout the 1930's, the Communists organized the rural areas and solidified the party organization. 33 The Japanese invasion of China during World War II, also provided Mao with opportunity to draw the Chinese people behind him in an united front against the Japanese invaders. Mao's stature within the party continued to grow. After leading the Communists ... Gate in Tianamen Square, the gate where the Emperors of China had stood prior to the fall of the Ch'ing Dynasty in 1911. 36 During the next five years, Mao focused on structuring the new Chinese government. 37 Again, Mao turned to Chinese history. Using the Imperial governments as a blueprint, he copied the principles of an Imperial state, with a commanding head as the supreme authority. Like that of ... swam. Chairman Mao was as mighty as the rivers he had swam, the propaganda posters depicting the swim seemed to say to the people of China. 46 One staff member, Yang Shangkun said, "No other world leader looks down with such disdain on great mountains and powerful rivers." 47 Mao's swimming in 1956 showed his desire to do what no one else had imagined which epitomized his power. Mao' ...
5804: Misconceive’o By John Leo
Misconceive’o by John Leo John Leo is a columnist and contributing editor that has been writing for U.S. News & World Report since 1988. Prior to that he worked for Time magazine and The New York Times covering topics such as social sciences and popular culture. The thesis of John Leo’s latest U.S. News & World Report article, “Fu Manchu on Naboo,” does not leave the reader any room to guess what his discussion is going to be about. He drives the point home from the beginning of the article. ...
5805: A French Philosopher
... a Computer Are computers and the Internet redefining human identity as people explore the boundaries of their personalities, adopt multiple selves, and form online relationships that can be more intense than real ones? Is the World Wide Web redefining our sense of community and where we find our peers? The answer is simple. An individual should not use a false identity to produce a life on the Internet. They should also ... with its own special character. It is difficult to eliminate a certain sex from a specific community when people have the power to disguise themselves. Communication in cyberspace lets people explore their personalities by creating new on-line personae. This seems to be the main concern for frequent Internet users. A significant observation is the amount of men that will log on as women. Jodi Obrien put it best when she ... talking about real life is taboo” (101). The Internet is abused quite a bit. People will use the net to meet acquaintances, friends, and even significant others. With the various forms of sexuality in the world, it explains the various chat rooms and virtual cities that can be found on the net. It is unexplained why one doesn’t obtain their true identity if what they are really interested in ...
5806: Stephen Crane
... parts of Crane’s life greatly influenced, or were influenced by his writings, whether it was his early life, formal education, writing career, or later years ("Stephen" n.p.). Stephen Crane was born in Newark, New Jersey on November 1, 1871. He was the last of fourteen children of a Methodist minister, Jonathan Townley, and Mary Helen Peck ("Stephen" n.p.). Being a minister, his father greatly influenced his ideas and ... news service (Colvert 12:102). It is said that Crane wrote the preliminary sketch of his novella, Maggie, while at Syracuse. He eventually decided to quit school and become a full time reporter for the New York Tribune ("Stephen" n.p.). Crane began his writing career in poverty, hoping that it would inspire him to write. Along with his beliefs in Darwinism, he drew much if his influences from his religious ... n.p.). The lived together at the Hotel Dedream, a hotel, nightclub, and brothel. While in Jacksonville he wrote about the Commodore sinking. He also reported on the Spanish-American War for Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World in an attempt to pay off debts that he had incurred during this time. Crane made famous friends here such as H.G. Wells and Henry James. Crane then moved to London, ...
5807: A Tour of the Pentium Pro Processor Microarchitecture
... easy to produce from a semiconductor manufacturing process (i.e., transistor speed) perspective. The Pentium processor's superscalar microarchitecture, with its ability to execute two instructions per clock, would be difficult to exceed without a new approach. The new approach used by the Pentium Pro processor removes the constraint of linear instruction sequencing between the traditional "fetch" and "execute" phases, and opens up a wide instruction window using an instruction pool. This approach allows ... unit that knows how and when to commit ("retire") the temporary, speculative results to permanent architectural state. •The BUS INTERFACE unit: A partially ordered unit responsible for connecting the three internal units to the real world. The bus interface unit communicates directly with the L2 cache supporting up to four concurrent cache accesses. The bus interface unit also controls a transaction bus, with MESI snooping protocol, to system memory. Tour ...
5808: Socialist Utopia In Nineteen E
... his Socialist Utopia as a paradoxical society that ultimately succeeds rather than flounders. The society that Orwell creates is full of paradoxes that existed all the way up to its origins. The founders of the new lifestyle, known as the revolutionaries of the mid-twentieth century, leads the public to believe false intentions of revolt, as these purposes soon become exact opposite outcomes. The original designers seek to create an ideal ... respective freedoms, the society of Oceania they create is exactly the opposite of their original principles. O Brien, a major contributor to the government organization known as the Party, describes the contradictory characteristics of the world power of Oceania, Do you begin to see then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined The old civilizations claimed they were founded upon love and justice. Ours is founded upon hatred ( ...
5809: Is Drug Testing the Answer?
... drugs. Billions more are spent on trying to stop the drug problem. Four hundred million dollars a year is spent on drug testing. Drug testing is done in several areas. Athletes, employees in the business world, and those in law enforcement are the top three tested. Is drug testing a violation of the fourth amendment constitutional right? Does testing Americans really stop the drug problem? These are the issues that are facing this country as the start of a new year is approaching. Why test athletes? Athletes are among the lowest percentage of drug users.(Kindred 219) In order to participate in sports, the body must be healthy and in top physical condition. Therefore, adding ... be replaced with a probable cause for suspicion system. If an athlete gives signs of drug abuse, only at that point should a test be given. The majority of drug testing occurs in the business world. Employers want to obtain a drug-free workplace. Tests are implemented either at the application for employment or randomly during employment. The results of these tests do not carry any criminal penalties with them. ...
5810: What To Expect
How much should parents expect from their children? Or more importantly, what should they expect? All parents have their own opinion on the subject whether it's correct or not. Throughout the world parents are trying to raise their children the best they can, mostly to be like them or possibly better. Is this the best way to guide the lives of our future generation? Yes and No ... to play sports, what they want to be when they grow up, and so forth. If a person can't make their life how they want it, they will never be happy with it. The world that elders have lived in as a child has changed a lot since they were there and the new generation has to deal with the new world which means that it may be easier or harder for them to deal with then their parents. That's why parents should reason with their children ...

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