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5781: A Tour of the Pentium Pro Processor Microarchitecture
... easy to produce from a semiconductor manufacturing process (i.e., transistor speed) perspective. The Pentium processor's superscalar microarchitecture, with its ability to execute two instructions per clock, would be difficult to exceed without a new approach. The new approach used by the Pentium Pro processor removes the constraint of linear instruction sequencing between the traditional "fetch" and "execute" phases, and opens up a wide instruction window using an instruction pool. This approach allows ... unit that knows how and when to commit ("retire") the temporary, speculative results to permanent architectural state. •The BUS INTERFACE unit: A partially ordered unit responsible for connecting the three internal units to the real world. The bus interface unit communicates directly with the L2 cache supporting up to four concurrent cache accesses. The bus interface unit also controls a transaction bus, with MESI snooping protocol, to system memory. Tour ...
5782: Frankenstein: Rights and Responsibilities
Frankenstein: Rights and Responsibilities February 15, 1998 When you think of science you think of hypotheses and conclusions, applications and benefits, which are all for the good of humankind of course. And with each new discovery, the human race takes one step further away from all other species and one step closer to perfection because that is the quest. Right? The point is to take every proven law and "unprove ... every hair, muscle and movement of an object to find out everything about it. Science is also about adding on to what already exists; this was a problem. When Dr. Frankenstein decided to introduce a new being into the world, he didn't have to consult anyone, answer any questions or think into the future. With no monitoring, one scientist not only caused four unwarranted deaths, he endangered the lives of many more. "The ...
5783: The Atomic Bomb
The Atomic Bomb The year was 1945. The war in the Pacific had reached it's climax with the attack on Pearl Harbor, or so the world thought! In 1943 a new era was just being discovered when Albert Einstein had uncovered a new way of destroying things. One so powerful it could wipe out entire cities in seconds. When Albert told the president of the U.S.A. he had no idea of what the army was ...
5784: Consumerism
... some consumer groups have voiced concerns. Advanced technology has also made a business of fertility problems, making fertility treatments a possibility, and the selling of human eggs has become a booming business. All this poses new challenges and ethical dilemmas to the consumers of today. Credit has become another key feature of the fourth era of the consumer movement. Direct marketing is widely used to target individuals who may be eligible ... credit bureaus, for example. Claims that a company or agency can miraculously clean up bad credit are simply false. The use of credit as a way to purchase goods and services has greatly altered the world in which we live, and has changed the way that consumers operate in the business world. 1B. The key media forms of the new era are television, radio, image advertising, direct marketing, and of course, Internet advertising and sales. The key individuals of the new era are David Kessler, the ...
5785: An Introduction To Greekdom
... on December 4, 1906, seven young men laid the foundation for what would eventually be called the "grandfather of all black greek organizations." Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was born at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, for the express purpose of catering to and providing support for black college students who had no actual support system of their own at their institution. The fact that this organization was founded at ... to be hanged in the media. The media doesn't show the reality of the situation. There is more to this story. much, much, more. On May 16, 1987, at 5:37am, I became a new person. I became a different person. I became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. When I walked out of the Alpha House on that Saturday morning, it seemed to me that everything was right with the world. The grass was greener, the trees were taller, the birds sang sweeter, and I was an Alpha. I had just finished being a pledge. Seven and a half weeks of hell. I went through ...
5786: Is the US Policy on Drug Prohibition Effective?
... Drug Prohibition, rather goals of it, whether it was understood or not. The United States' image in Latin America has been precarious nearly from its birth. The image of the American intent on dominating the New World plays in the minds of our neighbors. Recently, though, the situation is interesting since the countries involved are growing less and less complacent to deal with the losses of sovereignty that they are incurring. Drug ... our obedience and taxes in return for protection of our rights. The United Nations classifies these rights in three "generations": civil, socioeconomic, and solidarity rights (Peterson). Shielding our people from the dangers of a threatening world, therefore, seems to be an appropriate use of the state's power under socioeconomic rights. The danger in thinking in this manner is that it overlooks the individual's contributions to the nation. These ...
5787: Quartet Behind Teh Scarlet Let
... daughter, Pearl, must endure public humility for the next three hours in the burning June sun (Gordon 26). Her crime was adultery against her husband, known as Roger Chillingworth, who had went out into the world to seek his fortune in medicine. It is really shocking that she could do this, seeing that she lived in the Puritanical village of Salem. In fact, she seems to be a feminist in this ... in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Fictional Characters." Diss. Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1974. Brodhead, Richard H. Hawthorne, Melville, and the Novel. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976. Crowley, J. Donald, ed. Nathaniel Hawthorne: a collection of criticism. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1975. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: Penguin Books, 1850. Hutner. Gordon. Secrets and Sympathy: Forms of Disclosure in Hawthorne's Novels. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1988. Johnson, Claudia D. The Productive Tension of Hawthorne's Art. University: The ...
5788: Israel 3
... sea level on the highest point, mount Meron. On the eastern shore is the Mediterranean Sea. Israel was founded in 1948. It's pupose was to be a homland for Jews from all around the world, and more than 5 out of 4 of its people are Jews. Almost all non-jews in Israel are Arabs. The national anthem is Hatevka, which means hope in English. Around 83% of Israel are ... jews began to settle in Palestine in the mid-1800's because they wanted to live in the holy land. By 1880, 24,000 jews lived in Palestine, and by 1914, 85,000. In1917, during World War 1, Britian was fighting to win control of Palestine, and in doing so would give the Jews a national homeland. When the British won, the League of Nations made Palestine a mandated territory of ... Palestine, but were never enforced. Lots of European jews immigrated to Israel in the 1930's to escape the Nazis. Palestinian arabs didn't like this and the British began to limit jewish immigration. Durring World War ll, the nazis killed more than 6 million jews in eastern Europe. There was a big demand for a jewish state, but Britian continued to limit immigration. Finally, in 1947 the British submitted ...
5789: India's Economic Success
India's Economic Success In every region of the world there are culture and social differences that set countries apart. Each with an economic, social and political outlooks on the future that determine the way people live. These endless arrays, even occur in different parts ... states and 7 territories which create 16 major languages and 1,000 minor languages and dialects. This diversity in language creates somewhat of a barrier for India to become one of the foremost leaders in world because of the lack of unity. Although, in the past, the India government has taken steps to correct this matter with promoting Hindi as the national language. However, Indians who cannot speak Hindi frowned upon ... in the urban area. These alterations of the system must come from the top i.e. the government, however, they have gone through many changes themselves. In the past year the Indian government elected their new prime minister H.D. Deve Gowda. One of the main goals of prime minister Gowda is to carry on the economic reforms and increasing social spending to the lower and middle class. This would ...
5790: Heroin Abuse
... an illegal, dark and murky black market affair. We must now ask the question, are we going to stand staunch in policies which have proved to be unsuccessful or are we going to take a brave leap into a more hopeful future? There is great fear reverberating through the community; fear of stepping into a more open and frightening, yet decidedly more promising way of tackling the issue. Reform does not mean, as opposers argue, condoning the use of drugs. It means accepting that drugs are part, admittedly an unfortunate part, of our society which will not simply ‘go away’. The refreshingly new ideas of controlled heroin trials, legal injecting rooms and greater availability of clean needles should be given consideration. Lightening of the law would bring drug use out of the shadows it has long inhabited, removing ... What we need to realise is that when a person turns to the use of drugs ‘addiction’ is not the decision they are making. They are choosing an escape from an increasingly desperate and complex world, overpowering addiction comes later. Drug usage is stigmatised within society. In order to move forward we must begin to treat addicts as victims rather than criminals. Controlled heroin trials would place addicts in contact ...

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