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Search results 5751 - 5760 of 22819 matching essays
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5751: Sigmund Freud
... in Hysteria, which outlined their "talking cure" and is generally regarded as the beginning of psychoanalysis. Breuer lost interest when sexuality emerged as central to Freuds view of neurosis.2 Freud, devoting himself to the new science, discarded authoritarian and cumbersome hypnosis by enlisting his patients' cooperation in "free association" 3. This enabled him to notice the unconsciously motivated resistance of a patient to revealing repressed thoughts and memories, especially sexual ideas. The central discovery of this approach was the unconscious shift of feelings associated with persons in the patients past to the therapist. A comprehensive exposition of the new science of psychoanalysis, The Interpretations of Dreams, was regarded by Freud as his greatest book. At first the book was ignored; gradually however, a number of persons gathered around Freud to study and apply his ... infantile sexuality as vital. Freud's creativity would continue almost undiminished for almost four decades, during which he developed the technique for psychoanalytic treatment of neuroses and established the guiding principles of psychoanalysis. Shortly after World War I, Freud learned he had cancer of the jaw, to which he would give in after 17 years of pain and disability and 33 operations. When the Nazi occupation of Austria threatened his ...
5752: John Rocker
... next to some dude who got out of jail for the fourth time, right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing. "The biggest thing I don't like about New York are the foreigners," the 25-year-old Georgia native said. "You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians ... with what Mr. Rocker is saying, however he is being treated is fair. In order to fully understand where Mr. Rocker was coming from, we have to go back to the MLB Playoffs. The Cinderella New York Mets take the Braves into extra innings in the 5th game of the National League Playoffs. In comes John Rocker, bursting with energy to try and shut the Mets down and take the Braves to the World Series. The Mets had other ideas and laced a couple base hits off Rocker, which eventually lead to the homerun that ended the game. Then when the Braves made it to the World Series, ...
5753: Clusters In Business
... cluster may have more to do with the output of the “cluster” industries. Clusters may also be defined by complementary or interdependent industries: one may produce what another needs. It has been demonstrated throughout the world that strong clusters ensure sustainable competitive advantage and that this strength has managed to help countries improve drastically on their global competitiveness. One region that is currently developing a very attractive multimedia cluster is San ... are developing and employing multimedia technologies at all instructional levels. In addition, the combination of multimedia and telecommunications technologies has enabled the expansion of the classroom to include remote locations miles away and has offered new interactive learning opportunities for students. Distance learning relies heavily on video conferencing capabilities, and is therefore reliant on the development of multimedia software. Business communications - The business market has several areas where multimedia technology is applied. Video conferencing and document sharing, training, and sales presentations are potentially significant applications of multimedia. Entertainment - The entertainment market is driving the development of new multimedia and related technology, especially computer-generated graphics. As can be clearly seen today, most motion pictures use multimedia applications in some form or another to amplify an effect or to create an imaginary ...
5754: Joseph Hyden
... Haydn's birthday, but official records disprove this. It is rumored that his brother, Michael, was the source of this inaccuracy. Supposedly, Michael didn't want it said that his big brother came into this world as an April Fool. At age seven, young Joseph entered the choir school at St. Steven's Cathedral in Vienna, where he was to remain for the next nine years. During his early years, he ... highly talented, younger assistant. The orchestra was expanded, and Haydn composed four to five symphonies a year. He also continued to compose operas. In 1768, Haydn and the Esterhazy orchestra moved to Eszterhaza, a beautiful new palace built by Prince Nicholas. During this time, Haydn did not maintain his usual volume of symphony production, as he composed less than ten between 1766 and 1770. However, Haydn experienced a renewed interest in ... as "Sturm und Drang", or "Storm and Stress", where emotional themes became increasingly important in literature. This movement had an effect on Haydn and his music, and he was particularly inventive in his search for new styles and forms. There are emotional and tragic elements in several of the symphonies that he wrote during this period, the most widely known of these being symphony No. 45, named Abschiedssinfonie (Farewell Symphony). ...
5755: Lysistrata Of Aristophanes
... cooking food, spinning clothes, and supervising slaves. In Lysistrata, Lysistrata defies the system of the oikos as represented as sex and attacks the attacks the privilege of war. Because of the sex strike, the male world is forced to end the war. Therefore, Lysistrata is defined as a woman who enters the world of the man and conquers it. The Lysistrata presents women acting bravely and aggressively against men who seem entangled in destroying their family life with their absence and the prolonging of a pointless war. The ... the war would be so easy that women could complete the task. Aristophanes is not one of the most profound or exalted of Greek poets, but he is the most creative. Others deal with the world as it is, glorifying it or justifying its flaws, discovering hidden values in it and suggesting how they may be realized. Aristophanes erases the present and constructs another. He rids history and its constraints. ...
5756: The Ecology of a Rain Forest
The Ecology of a Rain Forest In 1980, the estimated amount of rain forests in the world was 40,000 square miles. This number decreases each year by roughly 1,000 square miles due to construction and the resources being used for profit. It is too bad, because the rain forest is ... around the equator that covers all the area from Mexico and the northern area of South America, to Africa, to India, streching out to Indonesia, the northern tip of Australia and all the way to New Guinea. This area is heavily covered with flora and fauna, and it abounds with life. In a rain forest, it is very wet and it rains every day or every other day very heavily. There ... poisonous alkaloids to protect against insects, and insects develop complex digestive chemistry to overcome these poisons. Some of these plant alkaloids give native indians great poisons for darts, and to cancer researchers hope for a new medicine. The rain forest root systems are so efficient that almost all of the nutrients in decaying plants are recycled into new ones. Most roots are found within three inches of the surface in ...
5757: Juan Gris
... and Braque, appeared in 1912. He spent the next summer in C?et, France, with Picasso, and while there adopted the use of papier coll? shapes cut from paper and glued to the canvas. During World War I (1914-1918) he worked in Paris he had his first one-man exhibition in Paris in 1919. From 1922 to 1924 he designed settings for two ballets of the Russian producer Sergey Diaghilev ... any information at all about the table has been provided. This opposition, long central to Picasso's still lives, Gris adapted to good effect in The Table, although in doing so he gave it a new burden of meaning: the metaphorical opposition between a realm of shadows and a realm filled with light. In 1921 The Open Window was created and today is part of the M.Meyer collection in Zurich ... before a window did not exist in the history of the window motif in art, although it was hinted at in allegories of the senses. The interior, characterized by music, is evocative of the human world of art and intellect. The landscape has direct, visual, and sensuous qualities typical of nature. There is perhaps implicit a yearning for that natural simplicity. Potential for a merger is shown by the rhythmic ...
5758: The Great Depression
... business invest too heavily in buying. The expanded role of the federal government came to be accepted by most all Americans by the end of the 1930's. Even republicans who had bitterly opposed the new deal shifted there stance. Wendle Wilkie the republican president nominee in 1940 declared that he couldn't oppose reform such as regulation of the security markets and the utility holding companies, the legal recognition of ... president Roosevelt declared "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." The great depression was the worst economic slump ever in the U.S History, and one which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. ( show second paragraph of overhead) However, the main causes for the depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distributions of wealth throughout the 1920's, and the extensive stock market speculation that took place ... suggested that government should do what the people were not: start spending. He called this "priming the pump" of the economy. Indeed, most economists believe that only massive U.S. defense spending in preparation for World War II cured the Great Depression. (Show overhead of Chart) 3.20 % Hoover era, Great Depression begins 24.9 FDR, New Deal begins; contraction ends, March 19. Recession begins, May As you can see, ...
5759: Three Gorges Dam
... symbol of China's self-sufficiency and ability to develop without western aid. The state media has reported only the rosy side of the Three Gorges project, presenting it as a powerful symbol of a new, prosperous China. Outgoing Premier Li Peng said the Three Gorges Dam would ''demonstrate to the world that the Chinese people have the ability to build the biggest and most beneficial irrigation and hydro-electric project in the world''. The Three Gorges refers to a 120-mile stretch of limestone cliffs along the upper reaches of the Yangzi River where the water drops precipitously through the Qutang, Wu, and Xiling gorges. The region ...
5760: Anabolic Steroids Just The Facts
... used anabolic steroids. A recent Sports Illustrated article has stated that 90% of professional athletes have taken some form of illegal performance enhancing drugs. This is amidst a vast array of scare tactics, steroid testing, new anti anabolic steroid legislation, and education programs which have been designed to directly put an end to their usage. The efforts that have been made to halt the usage of these drugs so far has been ineffective. The fact is that anabolic steroid use in this country is still growing and will continue to do so unless a new solution is devised. The vast popularity of anabolic steroids is due to their powerful strength and muscle building properties. Strength and portrayed strength (a large muscular physique) are two factors that are directly related to ... the late 1950’s most of the anabolic steroids that are used today had already been invented. Their usage has since spread and they are now used and manufactured in virtually every country in the world. In addition to the aforementioned cosmetic and physical benefits of these drugs, anabolic steroids have also gained some valuable use in the medical community. Their most beneficial use is in the treatment of wasting ...

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