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5741: Jesse Louis Jackson
... the best-known living American leader in the United States. Jesse Louis Jackson was born on October 8, 1941 in Greenville, South Carolina. A woman who did other people's laundry brought him into this world. The father was her married next door neighbor. Needless to say, Rev. Jackson wasn't dealt the best hand. But, he overcame the obstacles of a lower middle class family; even though his family was ... University of Illinois. Later, he left U. I. And enrolled in North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in Greensburo. There he became class president and the civil rights activist began to show himself to the world. After graduating in 1964, he attended the Chicago Theological Seminary until he joined the civil rights movement full time in 1965. Before graduating he joined the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), led by Martin Luther ... African Americans, women, and homosexuals. Jesse L. Jackson was the breakthrough in black politics. In 1984, he ran for the Democratic candidate for presidency. He got 3.5 million votes and registered over a million new voters. He also helped the Democratic Party regain control over the Senate in 1986. His 1988 candidacy won seven million votes and registered over two million new voters. Jesse Jackson won a historic victory, ...
5742: Jumping Mouse
... mouse, who hears what others do not. He dares to question what is out of the ordinary, and seeks out the truth instead of dismissing it as nothing. He shows curiosity, which leads him to new ideas. When he has his experience at the river, he is given a new name, which signifies his own personal growth. When he takes his newfound ideas back to the mouse society they don’t believe him because it is far too different than what they already know, and ... out of the ordinary, so they shun it. It happens every day; with racism and conflicts over human sexuality. Most people don’t understand that there is no way to define normal. All around the world things are different, and one needs to be open minded enough to understand it. Now look what being open minded did for the mouse. His willingness to listen and his faith in the frog ...
5743: Lucent Technologies
Lucent Technologies BACKGROUND In 1996, AT&T decided to split into three different companies. These new companies were the new AT&T, NCR, and Lucent Technologies. Lucent Technologies is one of the leading designers, developers, and manufacturers of telecommunications systems, software, and products.1 They are beginning to emerge as a Fortune 40 company. Lucent ... These units are designed to work together to provide innovative and cost-efficient solutions for customers. Bell Laboratories supports each group.9 Bell Laboratories is a research and development organization that is recognized throughout the world for its achievements in science and technology. Currently, Bell Laboratories is focusing on developing: Digital signal processor algorithms, Lightwave communications (photonics), Networking, Silicon chips, Software, and Wireless communications.10 Business Communications Systems design, manufacture, ...
5744: The Effects of the Great War
... so many different ways culturally, economically. The Great War was predicted to be a short war, but waged on for four long and bloody years, destroying and reshaping the map of Europe. The war the world powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy known as the central powers. Also known, as the Allies were Great Britain, France, and Russia. The U.S. had many battles to fight before its involvement into ... Socialists Party. Wilson also used the booming prosperity of the country to defeat the opposition. Wilson knew that the involvement of the U.S. in the Great War was soon coming with Germany announcing a new policy of unrestricted submarine warfare with no warning, against all neutral and belligerent shipping. Knowing that it might bring the U.S. into the war. On April 2, Wilson reviewed the escalation of submarine warfare ... major themes: America as a unified moral community; the war was an idealistic crusade for peace and freedom; and the image of the despicable enemy. The CPI also urged ethnic groups to abandon their Old World ties and the Americans for freedom. Along with pulling the country together, organizing the economy became very important. In 1917 Congress was battling not only the war oversees, but also the war of the ...
5745: Net Censorship
... for people interested in S&M along with other fetishes. Usenet newsgroups account for 11.5% of total Internet traffic and is a major distribution of smut pictures.11 The WWW also known as the World Wide Web is today’s largest portion of the Internet as well as the fastest growing with well over 12 million pages accessible. Despite its gargantuan proportions, it still remains fairly clean from hardcore smut ... is a safe space in which to explore the forbidden and taboo. It offers the possibility for genuine, unembarrassed conversations about accurate as well as fantasy images of sex," said Carlin Meyer, a professor at New York Law School.27 "It is clearly a violation of free speech and it’s a violation of the rights of adults to communicate with each other," House speaker Newt Gingrich shared.28 In a ... at home. The Cox-Wyden proposal would make individuals responsible for censorship, this would prohibit the governments interaction. Based on a poll takes in Black Enterprises 32% of those in the poll think the a new Internet governing body should control online services while another 32% say the users should followed by 16% saying a private enterprise should, and 15% saying none should, then lastly 6% believe the government is ...
5746: John Dryden
... it’s indecency because the Restoration was a time of change. He was also a master of writing the heroic rhymed couplets. They were extravagant and full of pageantry. One of his later tragedies, the World Well Lost, was written in blank verse and was considered one of his greatest plays and one of the masterpieces of the Restoration tragedy. Throughout his career he wrote several "occasional poems," which celebrated particular ... that accused him of opportunism. As a result of he was to lose his offices and their much –needed stipends. He then wrote The Hind and the Panther, a metrical allegory in defense of his new faith, in 1687. After the succession of the Protestant King William III, Dryden did not change his religious views. As a result he lost his laureteship and his pension. He then returned to writing plays, but this was quickly proved unsuccessful. Nearing the end of his career he began a new career as a translator. His most important translation was The Works of Virgil. During this same period he wrote his greatest ode, "Alexander’s Feast," which was written for a London musical society and ...
5747: D-day
D-day One of the most important days during World War II was D-day, it became a “day” so important it changed a continent. Don't be mistaken by the word D-day it did not all happens in just one day but many ... on the top of it. The helmet will have “The Final Tribute” engraved at the top. In conclusion I would have to say that D-day was one of the most important days in history. World War II was not just about the Holocaust and Hitler. It was about D-day, the day where many lost their lives to keep the rights that we have today, and showed the importance of getting involved, and helping one’s neighbor. Works Cited Cappa, Robert. Encyclopedia Briannica Online. 1998 Version. Patrick, Stephen A. The Normandy Campaign. New York: Gallery Books, 1986. “World War II”. Microsoft Encarta. Microsoft Publishing. 1998 Version. Tute, Warren. D-Day. New York: Nautic Presentations LTD, 1974 “50th Anniversery of D-Day”. Patch American High School. Online. 3 ...
5748: Money Laundering
... because although he/she will want to get as much back as possible, what he/she really wants is the money back clean. Money Laundering is said to be the third biggest industry by value world-wide. Research in the USA has shown that 90% of currency bills in circulation are contaminated with narcotics. In the UK, similar research showed 40% to be contaminated. In 1994, about 15,000 suspicious transactions ... a blind eye for the commission they will earn. Many advisers will be representing clients who appear to be running perfectly respectable businesses but are not. The dirty proceeds of drugs trafficking alone throughout the world are estimated to be around £500bn annually. £2bn each year is thought to be laundered through Britain. Businesses must know their legal obligations and in particular providers of financial services must be aware of the new rules they must obey. Even though you can take effective steps to prevent hackers breaking into your computers, financial crime often involves insiders. Even using the unique features of a computer security system, you ...
5749: The Great Depression
... was like for farmers during the time of the Depression, as portrayed in John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, and tells what the government did to end the Depression. In the 1920's, after World War 1, danger signals were apparent that a great Depression was coming. A major cause of the Depression was that the pay of workers did not increase at all. Because of this, they couldn't ... to well because they were producing more crops and farm products than could be sold at high prices. Therefore, they made a very small profit. This insufficient profit wouldn't allow the farmers to purchase new machinery and because of this they couldn't produce goods quick enough (Drewry and O'connor 559). A new plan was created called the installment plan. This plan was established because many Americans didn't have enough money to buy goods and services that were needed or wanted. The installment plan stated that ...
5750: Atomism: Democritus and Epicurus
Atomism: Democritus and Epicurus In the Atomists, we see pluralism taken as far as it could possibly go. We see Democritus and Epicurus divide all the world, as well as the universe, into two categories; atoms and empty space. Everything else is merely thought to exist. The atoms are eternal, infinite in size and number and they are moving through the empty ... was impossible in a plenum, but it is here that their theories diverge. In the cause of the motion, we begin to see a variety of opinions. Both Democritus and Epicurus agreed that the “qualitative world of sense perception arises from the motion of qualitatively neutral atoms. They believe that the immense qualitative variety results from the ‘jostling' of atoms...as they collide and bounce apart, and so, constantly form new groupings” (Jones 84). They believe it to be a mechanical process occurring completely by chance. Furthermore, although new groupings are constantly being formed, only the few that can survive are considered the “right” combinations. ...

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