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Search results 5731 - 5740 of 22819 matching essays
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5731: Twilight's Last Gleaming & Wag the Dog: Politics In Films
... principles and didn’t care. Chief General was represented the United States muscle that was ready to strike where it necessary. The Afro-American was the realistic sound between both colonel and Chief General and new that both of them are willing to do extreme actions to promote their ideas. In “Wag The Dog” the people didn’t have a sound. The director played by Dustin Huphman fed them with endless ... main issues, to set aside and reach some kind of agreement on nuclear weapons. Since 1945, after few nations joined U.S. and Russia with their nuclear capabilities, there is a real dilemma for the world how to deal with this threat. There is no global agreement to protect nations from nuclear attacks and every nation tries to reach nuclear capabilities beside convential weapons. This is a race no one will ... think he shows some similarities in techniques for convincing the people that “Nuriaga” is a dictator and needed to be replace. The atmosphere he creates is that America is hurt in few places in the world and some evil force is going to destroy the peace and democracy. The stability of the world is in danger. Conclusion Personally I don’t thing that presidential environment is not so corrupted because, ...
5732: Evolution 2
... a species creates genes that increase its ability to survive and reproduce in its habitat. Natural selection consists of three types of selections. One, directional selection. Two, stabilizing selection. Finally, sexual selection. Direction selection creates new features that aid a species to adapt to its environment. Directional selection produces a never ending change in the species toward the more complex characteristic. Under the circumstance that a species is already greatly adapted ... and even create errors during the replication of DNA during cell division. Nearing the end of cell division, the gene has changed and duplicates itself in the altered form. Only a mutated gene can introduce new hereditary characteristics. Mutations are not only the building blocks of evolutionary change, but also, are the building blocks of the development of new species. The majority of mutations tend to create adverse traits, such as, albinism. Albinism is a mutation that contains mutant genes, which lack the ability to generate normal skin pigment. Animals and plants, which ...
5733: Linux Against Microsoft Windows
... are available on Linux,too.(Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours) Java programming language is also available on Linux.One of the biggest advantage of the Java is that you can use it on the World Wide Web.Java programs can be used to create animated graphics, play games, present text in new ways.Java was developed by Sun Microsystems developer James Gosling.He was unhappy with the way that the C++ language was working on a project he was doing, so he created a new language that is better.Java has a large number of user because it is a major part of the Internet s future.(Teach Yourself Java 1.1 Programming In 24 Hours) Linux has compilers ...
5734: Character Change in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House
Character Change in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll House examines a woman’s struggle for independence in her marriage and social world. Through the use of character change, Ibsen conveys his theme that by breaking away from all social expectations, we can be true to ourselves. When Ibsen presents Nora Helmer, we see a “perfect” wife, who ... husband and children. The Helmer children have a nanny that raises them. By having the nanny, Nora has the freedom to come and go as she pleases. Torvald Helmer, Nora’s husband, will begin a new job as bank manager, so they will be rich, which will make her “perfect” life even better. Torvald even calls Nora pet names like “my sweet little lark” (Ibsen 1567) and “my squirrel” (Ibsen 1565 ... and that is how she borrows it. Torvald eventually gets well and Nora is left with paying the loan back. She finds ways to save money. As Nora herself states, “Torvald gives me money for new clothes and such, I never used more than half” (Ibsen 1572). Nora finds other ways to make money. She finds a job where she is lucky enough to get a lot of copying to ...
5735: Macbeth: Symbolism of Blood
Macbeth: Symbolism of Blood Since the 1600’s, the arrival of Shakespeare, we have taken a closer look as to what the English language really is. Shakespeare took the romantic language to a new level. He made his words into pure poetry that even now no one can duplicate. But what made his plays truly spectacular was not only his poetic nature, but also the extraordinary metaphors that he ... throughout the play, is to follow the character changes in the man Macbeth. The actual meaning of the word follows Macbeth’s changes, from honor to treachery and treason, to guilt. First he is a brave honored soldier who saves his country by killing the enemy who committed treason (how ironic). But as the play progresses, he matures into a treacherous person who soon becomes identified with death and bloodshed even ... himself . The first reference of blood is one of honor, and occurs when Duncan sees the injured sergeant in Act 1 scene 2, and says, "What bloody man is that?". This is symbolic of the brave fighter who been injured in a valiant battle for his country. In the next passage, the sergeant says, "Which smok'd with bloody execution." He is referring to Macbeth's courage in which his ...
5736: Igor Stravinsky
... him to join his small group of artistic assistants. For the rest of the 1909 season Diaghilev asked Stravinsky to compose various pieces of ballet music. Then, in 1910, Diaghilev commissioned Stravinsky to compose his new ballet, The Firebird. The result of his commission was the first real modern ballet. It set the example of the composer consulting both with the choreographer and the stage/costuming artist during the composition. For the next few years, Stravinsky and Diaghilev worked very closely together. Diaghilev wanted all of Stravinsky’s new works to be produced by his company. Stravinsky's next two works for the ballet, Petrouchka (1910-11) and The Rite of Spring (1912-13) are perfectly crafted, powerful pieces, drawing on Stravinsky's rhythmic ... that carried this much premature power. It was almost as though there was a sense of jealousy from his colleagues. The entire musical establishment criticized stravinsky, but he didn’t really seem to care. During World War I, Stravinsky lived in Switzerland. There he concentrated on smaller-scale chamber pieces, piano works, and songs. One of these, The Soldier's Tale, was a chamber ensemble, with speaking actors, and one ...
5737: Easter
... As a child Easter was so magical to me and all though I have gotten older the warmth and love that were experienced are still fresh like a fragrant flower in my mind. The fresh new dresses that smell as if they had been dried in the sun and wrapped in a tie of roses, the pungent smell of vinegar to dye your Easter eggs and the spring air sneaking through ... our lives depended on their perfection. My Dad and Mom would always be called in to view our creations and after we were done it was time to get a shower and put on our new Sunday clothes. My Mom always picked out the perfect dress for me, a light color of pink that had lots of white lace and smelled of her perfume and love. Even as a girl I ... the perfect dress. My d always pick me up and tell me how beautiful I was, complain that I was getting to big and make a comment that if any boys saw me in my new dress that we would be at my wedding next Easter. When my brother and I ran the dash back down stairs we knew my Dad had hidden those delicately painted eggs in the crevices ...
5738: The Road To Independence
... s father is a very controlling parent. Growing up, she was restricted in her actions and dialog. As she grew to the age of marriage, because of her upbringing she knew nothing of the outside world. The only man she had been accustomed to was her father, which led her to believe every decision her father made was correct. Nora's attitude toward males and her perception of society were very ... no independence of her own (Hurt 438). Nora was bound to be seen and treated as a child her entire life. Her first home was with her father. There she was trapped inside of a world, where she was treated as an object. She was treated as a doll. Although she eventually grew old enough to leave her home and father's mistreatment, she walked into an identical home when she ... entire life is completely dependent on a predominant male figure. She begins to grab control of her life, along with finding independence, the moment she makes the decision to leave her family and start a new life. Nora's Victorian upbringing is responsible for her attitude toward life and her acceptance of a dominating mate because she was never given any independence and responsibility. Nora's new independent personality causes ...
5739: Birth Order 2
... children (Leman, Birth Order 46). There are at least two good reasons first borns usually come in such down-right upright (and sometimes a little uptight) packages. Those two reasons are Mom and Dad. Brand-new parents tend to be a paradox when it comes to their first born child. One side of them is overprotective, anxious, tentative, and inconsistent. The other side can be strict in discipline, demanding, always pushing ... others. What they say they will do, they usually do. Only children are very reliable (Leman, Birth Order 51). Only children have their downsides too. Too often these downsides come from their parents. For instance, new parents tend to jump in too early to help with everything he tries. They can't sit back and let the child struggle (Leman, Birth Order 50). What they don't realize is that frustration ... case that psychologists have coined as the "quasi-only" child. This case appears when the last child in the family comes along a good five or more years after the others. He starts a whole new birth order level (Leman, Birth Order 15). Later borns are more inclined to take risks when compared with first borns. Later borns are more likely to rate themselves as "physically daring." They are more ...
5740: Jeffrey Dalhmer
... shy, distant, nearly uncommunicative." Lionel suspected that the move from Iowa to Ohio was the causative factor and Jeff's behaviour was a normal reaction to being uprooted from familiar settings and placed into entirely new ones. Lionel, too, had suffered from shyness, introversion and insecurity as a child and had learned to overcome these problems. He figured his son would learn to overcome them too. What he didn't realise was that Jeff's boyhood condition was far graver than his and that "Jeff had begun to suffer from near isolation." In April of 1967, they bought a new house. Jeff seemed to adjust better to this move and developed a close friendship with a boy named Lee. He was also very fond of one of his teachers and took her a bowl of ... was with dead creatures. Jeff, age 14, swimming   Jeff grew more passive and isolated -- "his conversation narrowing to the practice of answering questions with barely audible one-word responses. He was drifting into a nightmare world of unimaginable fantasies. In coming years those fantasies would begin to overwhelm him. The dead in their stillness would become the primary object of his growing sexual desire. His inability to speak about such ...

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