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5711: Cash Out (Accounting)
Acct. Term Paper "Cash Out" In an October 1998 issue of "Fortune Magazine" in the finance section, an article entitled "Cash Out on Your Own Terms" speaks about a relatively old concept refined for a new market. In the centuries past, wealthy landowners would allow working farmers to live and work on their land and tend the crops and cattle for a portion of the goods and maybe a portion of ... control of their companies after the sale is a novel concept but it’s risky. Heritage Partners plan gives cash to owners which usually amounts to about 85% of what their companies are worth, providing new money for growth while leaving them 51% of their firm’s stock. Since introducing the plan in 1988, Heritage Partners has invested $250 million in 37 companies whose combined revenues exceed $2 billion. While many ... projections. When you tell people you’re going to hit certain numbers, you’d better hit them. Nobody wins if you come in too aggressively." This is a prime example of conservatism in the real world. Investors are looking for unique companies in every area "from the educational toy market to a company that manufactures products for industrial cleaning just as long as the family really believes in their company, ...
5712: Macbeth
... King of Norway, Macdonwald, Lord of the Western Isles of Scotland, and the Thane of Cawdor who has proved to be disloyal to King Duncan. The reports all stress the heroism of Macbeth (eg "For brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name" - Line 16), who is one of Duncan's generals, in ensuring a victory for the King. Duncan announces that Macbeth is to be given the title of Thane of ... of Cumberland. When Duncan voices his intention to travel to Macbeth's castle, Macbeth sets out to take the news to his wife and to prepare a welcome for the King. Macbeth realises that the new Prince of Cumberland is an obstacle to his ambitions and decides to act quickly. IMPORTANT TERMS: 1. in commission: ordered to conduct an execution 6. wanton: unrestrained 2. liege: lord 7. harbinger: messenger 3. safe ... the best knowledge 2. deliver thee: report to you 3. metaphysical: supernatural 4. compunctions ... of nature: natural feelings of pity 5. wait on nature's mischief: attend on the disasters and evil possible in the world 6. hereafter: of the future IMPORTANT QUOTE FROM THE SCENE: "Only look up clear; To alter favour ever is to fear. Leave all the rest to me." (Lines 69-71). Act 1 Scene 6: ...
5713: The Origin Of Basketball And I
Over the years since basketball was invented, its popularity has gotten very big. The game is played all over the world and has made a lot of people rich through its many professional leagues. The National Basketball Association is, by far, the most popular league in the world, but a lot of people like to watch college, high school, and recreational basketball as much. The game of basketball is one of the most popular and exciting games to watch or play on any ... around them to keep the fans from just walking on the court at will. This is the origin of the term "Cagers" which referred to the players on the court (Anderson, 10). In 1906, a new type of goal, the metal hoop, was introduced. A bag of "braided cord netting" was attached to the bottom of the hoop. By pulling this cord, the ball would pop out of the net. ...
5714: Impact Of The Renaissance
The impact of the Renaissance on Europe Jacob Burckhardt best describes the renaissance as the prototype of the modern world, for it was the period between the fourteenth and fifteenth century in Italy, when the base of modern civilisation was formed. It was mainly through the revival of ancient learning that new scientific values first began to overthrow traditional religious beliefs. People started to accept a new rational and objective approach to reality and most important of all to rediscover the importance of the individual. The result in Burckhardt words, was the release of the’ full whole nature of man’. However ...
5715: The Mongol Invasion of China
... they distrusted. The chief designer of the Mongol conversion to the Chinese administrative method was Yeh-lό Chu-ts'ai. On the accession of Ogodei in 1229, Yeh-lό Chu-ts'ai demonstrated to the new sovereign the usefulness of a regular fiscal system (he reckoned that requisitions and taxes could bring in annually 500,000 ounces of silver, 80,000 rolls of silk and over 20,000 tons of cereals) and he was appointed general administrator of North China. After a time, the harshness of the Mongols softened under the influence of the Chinese people and Chinese institutions like Postal relays, new granaries, and the issuing of paper money were instituted in Mongol China. Translation offices were also opened in order to translate Chinese literary works into Mongol and also to create official histories. However, it would ... plotted and in melodramatic four or five act plays. Increasingly the plays would be written in a mixture of the classical and vernacular forms of Chinese. Cultural transmission between China and the rest of the world also increased during the Mongol occupation. Since most of the Chinese elite were excluded from participating in running the Empire, most of those in government were of foreign birth. One of the most notable ...
5716: Civil Disobedience
... the ballot." We are determined to have the ballot, and we are determined to have it now.6 After protests and non-violent action, Martin Luther King Jr. met with President Johnson to discuss a new Voting Rights Act. An act allowing blacks to vote for the first time ever. That day in 1965 was the high point of the entire civil rights movement. It was achieved because an oppressed people ... term passive resistance was a misnomer. What he believed was on the contrary, nonviolent resistance is active and provocative. Through peaceful marches and campaigns, people began to become aware, and Gandhi was known throughout he world, and he gained worldwide support. The continuous fighting between the Hindus and the Muslims was of great distress to Gandhi, and he feared that if the neighboring countries of India and Pakistan could not come together, there was no hope for world peace. On September 18, 1924, Gandhi started a twenty-one day fast for Hindu-Moslem friendship. For Gandhi, an act had to be right and true. Service meant sacrifice, renunciation, and detachment. You detach ...
5717: The Zulues in South Africa
... In general the natur is everybodys, but nothing happends witout the chiefs promission. Daily Life And Religion Newcomers can settle inside the tribes teritory if one of the tribe members goes good for them. The new family lives together with their friend until the other tribe members has decided if the newcomers are accsepted or not. In the present of the chief or his representativ, the newcomers friend points out a piece of land for his friend. As soon as the new settlers have marked where their land is and payed a little tax to the chief, they are no longer just paying visiters. They are just as much members of the tribe as the others, and ... good growth, more cattle and healthy children.. The Zulues turns to the " First Beeing" only when a catastrophe or something bad is near. Normaly " The first being" and the " Princess of heaven" live above the world, and they don`t interfear in the Zulues daily life. The ancestors, the spirits of the dead, who live "under" are allways standing by their people. Now that everything goes the right way, the ...
5718: Gender Issue
Discovery of New Species Remember how boys and girls used to separate at each ends of the dance floor? That was the time when everyone was tentative of the first dance experience and was uncomfortable with the existence ... stealing glances of the opposite ends. Mysterious, yet annoying group seemed to be foreign, and no one dared to cross the dividing line. For a while the floor remained opened and empty, but suddenly some brave souls stepped acrossed the platform and joined the opposite side. Slowly imitating the others, two groups began to occupy the dance floor. That dance floor was filled with enjoyment at that time, but the real ... came to an understanding. Perhaps a step to approach unity is to start at the very beginning. Rules of being a boy and a girl divided the commonality from the day babies came into the world, when the babies were separated and classified by pink and blue. Later on in life before they develop a sense of personal interest, girls are given Barbie's and kitchenware to play with, while ...
5719: The Story of an Hour: Irony
... detected is in the way that Louise reacts to the news of the death of her husband, Brently Mallard. Before Louise's reaction is revealed, Chopin alludes to how the widow feels by describing the world according to her perception of it after the "horrible" news. Louise is said to "not hear the story as many women have heard the same." Rather, she accepts it and goes to her room to be alone. Now the reader starts to see the world through Louise's eyes, a world full of new and pure life. In her room, Louise sinks into a comfortable chair and looks out her window. Immediately the image of comfort seems to strike a odd note. One reading this ...
5720: Japanese Arts
... followed the example of the Buddhist architecture of China exemplified by the Tang style. This style included multiple hipped-gabled roofs of ceramic tile. The Kondo (Golden Hall), one of the oldest buildings in the world dating back to 670, is of the Tang style, but it also had Greek influence as seen in the entasis of the wooden columns (Tansey, Kleiner 534). The Chinese influence continued through the eleventh century ... style, begins with a mass of soldiers and horses heading to a burning building and ends quietly with a single archer (Tansey, Kleiner 538-539). The arts flourished in the Ashikaga period through 1573 when new painting styles were imported from China (Tansey, Kleiner 540). Conventional Buddhist pictures and Yamato-e style paintings, along with a monochrome landscape style were all produced under the influence of the Zen religion of the ... major style realism is portrayed by Maruyama, Okyo who combines a Western style with an unusual style of the brush to depict his studies of animals, insects, and plants (Tansey, Kleiner 548). About 1600 a new style of genre painting called ukiyo-e developed in Kyoto which influenced Western art in the nineteenth century. Ukiyo-e, inspired by the kabuki theater drama of Edo, means pictures of the floating (or ...

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