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5671: Ishmael
A review of... Ishmael In the past few centuries there have been a handful of books written that offer up ideas about humanity that are so completely new to a reader but are so completely convincing that they can force a reader to take a step back and assess all that they know to be true about their life and their purpose. Daniel Quinn has succeeded in creating such a book in Ishmael, a collection of new ideas about man, his evolution, and the “destiny” that keeps him captive. When I began reading Ishmael I was amazed by the ideas offered by Quinn. Like in Rambo and the Dalai Lama by Gordon Fellman I was looking at the world not as it must be but as it could be. I was very suprised and excited, that as a member of “generation X” that tries so hard to create their own destiny, that I ...
5672: Imagination In Keats
... all of his works. "Ode on a Grecian Urn" exhibits signs of imagination through the work with the ideas it speaks about. Since imagination is the highest ideal and the most important thing in the world, Keats brings this idea to life with the descriptions of music, love, and youth. He wants the reader to imagine a world through the urn and not to see what would be present if the urn could act out the apparent scenes it portrays. Keats writes about seeing a man playing the pipes and how sweet the music is. The urn has placed a frozen image in time of people playing music and he writes about how the music is sweeter unheard. "For ever piping songs for ever new." To the speaker, the unheard song is forever new and wishes for the music not to play to the sensual ear for fear of damaging the thoughts of sweet music in his head. He ...
5673: Lesbian Poetry
... their careers as writers because they or their material were lesbian. Sappho was a pioneer in many aspects of Greek culture. One of the great Greek lyrists and little known female poets of the ancient world, Sappho was born soon after 630BC. Aristocratic herself, she married a merchant and had a daughter named Cleis (Robinson 24). Her wealth gave her the chance to live however she chose, and she chose to ... Sappho has remained an important figure in literature and culture. It is not very surprising to find lesbian poetry during the nineteenth century, labeled as being the Romantic Period, since throughout this time there was "new emphases on imagination, on feeling," (Mack 443). Emily Dickinson, a Romantic writer born in Amherst, Massachutteses, attended the Amherst Academy and spent a year at the Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary but left because she disliked ... Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1958. Dickinson, Emily. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Ed. Thomas H. Johnson. 3 vols. Cambride: Harvard University Press, 1955. Grimke, Angelina Weld. Selected Works of Angelina Weld Grimke. Ed. Carolivia Herron. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Hull, Gloria T. Color, Sex, and Poetry: Three Women Writers of the Harlem Renaissance. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Mack, Maynard, et al, eds. The Norton Anthology of World ...
5674: Barbie
... was later given family and friends. Her boyfriend was Ken who was named after Ruth's son. She also had a little sister whose name was Skipper and her friends were from all over the world. Her group of friends keep growing. Barbie isn't only liked by kids. There are today thousands of adult collectors. They don't always play with them. They just collect them. But it isn't only women who collect, men do too. There are clubs, magazines etc for adults who love Barbie. Now that everything has a lot to do with the new technology, such as computers, Barbie is going high tech too. There are programs and discs to buy to the computer where Barbie is the main character. It is also a way to guide the kids in the high tech world that they live in. So Barbie isn't just anyone she is the most famous doll of all times. Here is some useless information about Barbie: Barbies full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts. She ...
5675: Compare And Contrast
Compare and Contrast of two In the story "The General History Of Virginia" by John Smith, was a story on how he made people come to the new world. John Smith style of writing was more poetic than Bradford's, John Smith used lots af adjectives. And William Bradford he was a plain writer he did not use any special words he would use ... to understand what was going on in the story instead of being lost. John Smith's purpose in writing this work was to make himself look like a hero, to make people come to the new world. In John Smith's work he always made fun of the Indians like he was the greatest one then everybody. William Bradford's purpose in writing was to teach people. He directed them ...
5676: Dante 2
... penetrated, by Dante's writings. It effectively pricked the bubble of universal Papal dominion which swept away the foolish arguments on which the Roman Catholic Church had built the imposing structure of Papal rights, opening new and inspiring imperial philosophy(Mandelbaum 356). It is easy to see why Boniface would want Dante to be banished, since he was destroying all the rules for the Pope. Dante believed once he had established ... church, are found in the bolgia, Harmon Page 5 placed upside down in tube like holes, debased equivalents of baptismal fonts, with the soles of their feet on fire. Their confinement is only temporary: as new sinners arrive, the souls drop through the bottom of their holes and disappear eternally into the crevices of the rock. As they made a mockery of holy office, so are they turned upside down(Peterson ... was the prevalence of cupidity, of which he believed simony was by far the most perverted and virulent result, since it produced a clergy that poisoned not only the clerical church but also the whole world"(Mandelbaum 263). Dante, influenced by philosophies, a woman that he loved, and a man he loathed, possessed the ability to incorporate the people and ideas he both adored and despised in his literature. Politics, ...
5677: How Batteries Work
... works similar to the lead-acid battery, but it is much smaller. A disadvantage is that the battery loses a little bit of capacity each time it is charged. In recent years a number of new types of batteries have been designed for use in electric vehicles and other applications. In improving various conventional storage batteries, they have been able to make electric cars and longer lasting batteries. Still there exits some draw backs to these batteries, either short range, high expense, bulkiness, or environmental problems. The U.S Advanced Battery Consortion (USADC) was set up in 1991 to speed up development of new storage batteries. Batteries are being developed that cause no environmental hazards and occupy little space. All this advancement in batteries is wonderful, but we need to see the importance batteries play in the world today. The world is dependent on the battery, from the use in cars to calculators. The battery is one of the few sources of energy that is universal, a Japanese calculator can still work ...
5678: Cash Out (accounting)
Acct. Term Paper "Cash Out" In an October 1998 issue of "Fortune Magazine" in the finance section, an article entitled "Cash Out on Your Own Terms" speaks about a relatively old concept refined for a new market. In the centuries past, wealthy landowners would allow working farmers to live and work on their land and tend the crops and cattle for a portion of the goods and maybe a portion of ... control of their companies after the sale is a novel concept but it s risky. Heritage Partners plan gives cash to owners which usually amounts to about 85% of what their companies are worth, providing new money for growth while leaving them 51% of their firm s stock. Since introducing the plan in 1988, Heritage Partners has invested $250 million in 37 companies whose combined revenues exceed $2 billion. While many ... projections. When you tell people you re going to hit certain numbers, you d better hit them. Nobody wins if you come in too aggressively." This is a prime example of conservatism in the real world. Investors are looking for unique companies in every area "from the educational toy market to a company that manufactures products for industrial cleaning just as long as the family really believes in their company, ...
5679: Rock Music
... Folk-rock and others. Folk-Rock, the most appreciated of this derivation, was first suggested by Bob Dylan. This kind of music brought to folk music a hard beat and amplification; and to Rock, a new poetic style. California was one of the major centers of rock activity and experimentation during the decade. First it was characterized by its surfing music, a very joyful music that reflected the fun people had ... barriers of rock broke into more divisions, like hard rock and mellow rock. Hard Rock was extremely loud and electronically amplified and Mellow Rock was softer and with acoustic instruments. In 1972, in Jamaica, a new style of music was created called Reggae. Reggae is a mixture of rock, soul, calypso and Latin music. The king of Reggae was Bob Marley. Other styles of rock, since Reggae was more Latin than ... Bubble gum rock, a funny playful music directed to the youngest fans, Punk Rock, "a loud, hard rock style derived from acid rock and marked by its extremes of costume and staging" ("Rock Music", The World Book Encyclopaedia, p.383), and Heavy Metal, which continued the approach to Acid Rock but with a simpler musical dimension, relying upon the power of repetitiveness, loud volume, and electronic distortion. One famous group ...
5680: Cloudstreet, Tim Winton
... born novelist Tim Winton is essentially a story revolving around how two rural families have come to live together at number one Cloudstreet. This novel’s themes are about finding one’s place in the world and the search for the meaning of life. As in this instance, Winton has successfully used setting and structure, crucial factors in any prosperous novel to help create a feeling of a real-life type ... to the biblical story of ‘Samson,’ and how he gained his strength through his hair. Meaning that by losing some of their strengths, (like Samson’s hair cut,) both Sam’s where able to gain new insights and opportunities. For Sam Pickles, this meant the move into the city from the outback, brought him his own home and a steady job at the mint. A rather large irony, as Sam is ... able to talk to their pig confirms the aspect of the otherworldly in life. We see water as the most symbolic force in Fish’ life, as water symbolises cleansing, a type of cleaning and a new way of seeing or thinking about something. It is in Fish’s heaven that we see his other-self and his desire to remember this world and too see it again. The spiritual ramifications ...

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