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561: Computers In Society
... computers and modern technology have played an integral part in the way our society operates. Everywhere we turn there is indication of the advancement and innovation streaming in today’s society. The composition of the world surrounding us solely depends on the emulation of the world around us, in order to keep up with the ever-changing way we operate as a whole. The entire world is dependent upon that which we created from our own minds and hands, whose sole purpose is to mimic the way we act, yet do it more effectively and more efficiently. What are the ...
562: How Far Did The Policies Of Ol
... such as Elliott have been far more sympathetic. ‘…the first and the last ruler of Hapsburg Spain who had the breadth of vision to devise plans on a grand scale for the future of a world-wide monarchy: a statesman whose capacity for conceiving great designs was matched only by his consistent incapacity for carrying them through to a successful conclusion.’ Were Olivares’ policies a realistic way out of Spain’s ... comparison with her European neighbours, Spain was industrially, agriculturally and commercially stagnant and wallowing in her old-fashioned militarism. With a vast and newly acquired empire, Spain was rapidly propelled to the front of the world stage, but the costs of maintaining this empire proved crippling. She manufactured very little that her neighbours required, apart from treasure. Yet with the mass influx of gold and silver from the colonies, treasure prices ... 2. What were Olivares’ attempts to curb Spain’s problems, and were they realistic? Inevitably, under the influence of the arbitristas, Olivares saw the desperate need for change in order to preserve Spain as a world power. Reform was generally seen as a means to this end, but if reform threatened to upset the balance of power within Spain it would probably be dropped. It was very easy for Olivares ...
563: Propaganda In Film
... in modern western civilization Ever since Aristotle outlined his principles of persuasion in Rhetoric, these principles of persuasion or compliance have been an important part of human history. However, the word "Propaganda" is a relatively new term and is associated with ideological struggles in the twentieth century. It was originally used by the Vatican to describe the systematic spread of beliefs, values or practices in the seventeenth century and to counteract ... by Thomas Jefferson was the ultimate form of rational propaganda. It was written with the idea of rallying the public around the idea of America as a country and to justify its existence to the world. Examples of literary propaganda include the histories of the French author Voltaire, the pamphlets of the religious reformer Martin Luther, and the works of Karl Marx. During the First World War, the meaning of the word "Propaganda" and its neutrality changed. With the technological advances with respect to warfare, the traditional methods of recruiting men for the military was not sufficient. For governments public ...
564: 1984: Political Statement Against Totalitarianism
... I have written since 1936 has been written directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it" ("George Orwell"). George Orwell has been a major contributor to anticommunist literature around the World War II period. Orwell lived in England during World War II, a time when the totalitarianism state, Nazi Germany, was at war with England and destroyed the city of London. " I know that building' said Winston finally. Its a ruin now. It's in ... a satire describing the leaders of the Soviet Union as animals on an animal farm. The second novel is 1984 a story of dictators who are in complete control of a large part of the world after the Allies lost in World War II . The government in this novel gives no freedoms to its citizens. They live in fear because they are afraid of having bad thoughts about the government ...
565: Women's Suffrage In New Zealand
Women's Suffrage In New Zealand New Zealand is the first country in the world grants the women the vote. This is a major advance towards equality for women, and has an important influence on the worldwide suffrage movement. The achievement of New Zealand women gave a new hope ...
566: Black Legend
The Black Legend During the late 15th and early 16th centuries Catholic Spain was beginning a vast movement in efforts to dominate Europe by conquering lands about the New World. Lands in Mexico and areas near the Yucatan known as New Spain became the focal point of Spain s conquest. Being the first country to distribute their colonies throughout the New World, Spain was ridiculed by neighboring countries like England and France. However this type ...
567: The Use Of Propaganda In The N
... crime, would have certainly done it again (according to the anti-Semitics), and had always rejected his teachings. As the Medieval period came, the Christians’ hatred for Jews further articulated and was brought to a new level. The Christians in the Medieval world saw Jews in twofold opposition to Christianity: they rejected his revelation and were his killers. In addition, church members had much detested the Jews on the basis that they should have accepted Jesus as their ... anti-Semitism being common knowledge, Germans’ obsessive hatred toward Jews, the common belief of Jews being the reason for their collapsing economy, the belief of Jews being evil and a source of great harm. This new type of anti-Semitism was of a savage nature and a logic that it was necessary to rid Germany, along with the rest of the world, of Jews by whatever means necessary. Already having ...
568: Free Trade Agreement and Its Affect on Canadian Business
... radically changed North American and Global atmosphere of easier trading, then it must adapt. Some of the main areas that will have to be addressed is the need for more productive and efficient operations, a new focus by business on the new trading reality, and a change in policies by Government to enable Canada to function better with the FTA. The FTA stands to alter Canadian business which has grown rather relaxed and inefficient behind walls of ... on R&D. Japan spent 5.6% and Germany 4.8% Even the US spend more at 3.1%. Given these statistics, it will be very difficult for Canada to compete in any form of new technology if all parties are on a level field with less protective trade barriers. Another reason for a dire need for an increase in efficiency is the trade relationship we are currently involved in. ...
569: Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was the impetus for the change in United States foreign policy, from isolationist to internationalists; thus we were drawn into two wars of containment and into world affairs. The Truman Doctrine led to a major change in U.S. foreign policy from its inception - aid to Turkey and Greece - to its indirect influence in Korea and Vietnam. The aftermath of World War II inspired the U.S. to issue a proclamation that would stem Communist influence throughout the world. However, our zeal in that achievement sent our soldiers to die in Vietnam and Korea for a seemingly futile cause. It must be the policy of the U.S. to support free peoples. This ...
570: The Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine The Truman Doctrine was the impetus for the change in United States foreign policy, from isolationist to internationalists; thus we were drawn into two wars of containment and into world affairs. The Truman Doctrine led to a major change in U.S. foreign policy from its inception - aid to Turkey and Greece - to its indirect influence in Korea and Vietnam. The aftermath of World War II inspired the U.S. to issue a proclamation that would stem Communist influence throughout the world. However, our zeal in that achievement sent our soldiers to die in Vietnam and Korea for a seemingly futile cause. It must be the policy of the U.S. to support free peoples. This ...

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