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5591: America Is In The Heart
... out that the girl deceived Leon, they tied them on a tree and started beating them. Allos’ dad stopped them and when it was over, Leon left the town with his bride and started a new life. Amado, the youngest of his four brothers, who was attending grade school in town living with his mother and their baby sister. His father brought him to the village to help them on their ... I knew that I was going away from everything I had loved and known. I knew that if I ever returned the first sight of that horizon would be the most beautiful sight in the world.” Allos thought of this quote when he was leaving his country. It means that he will leave everything he had known, he loved and he grew up with, his family, friends, and all his memories ... he reach America. He reached Seattle one June day. He felt a great relief from a long voyage and glad that felt he was home, but yet, he doesn’t have a home on this new, big and strange land. Allos and a few other men rented a room in a hotel in Chinatown. One of the men, Marcelo, promised that he would telegraph his brother on California for money ...
5592: For Whom The Bell Tolls - Summ
... place in Guadarrama Mountains, during the Spanish civil war. Robert Jordan, is an American teacher who has volunteered his services to the Loyalists in their fight against the Fascist rebels. He becomes torn between his new found love, Maria, and a life threatening mission. His love of Maria and the realization of his possible death is crucial to the action forthcoming during the story. Characters: Robert Jordan,was the protagonist of ... men of the camp, demanding absolute respect, and becomes the leader of the group. In nearly every occasion she commands the utmost respect from the various members of the group. Pablo in contrast, once a brave leader and a proud man, who turns into a dangerous and unreliable coward. In his prime, Pablo led a group of enraged villagers to kill multiple Fascist soldiers and twenty known fascists. However, in the ... Tolls was written in the third person taking place in present tense. It is narrated by an omniscient. The book could be looked at as autobiographical, showing Hemingway s struggle with life. While being a world traveler Hemingway spent most of his time writing his novels, about his experiences. Symbolism: This has the most symbols and themes in one books I have ever read. Every subject touched in the story ...
5593: Achilles And Socrates
... of Achilles. Socrates accepts the community's unjust actions. He believed that, "acting unjustly, returning injustice, and harming someone in self defense is never right." This belief is completely foreign to Achilles view of the world, because the majority of his actions in The Iliad are centered on his pride, anger and revenge. Similarly, The Iliad and the Trial and Death of Socrates both have heroic characters that stray from the ... inquiry lead to his ultimate rebellion against the King and all social norms. Achilles' actions were uncommon because honor within the community was vital to Homer's concept of a hero. The hero's whole world revolved around his relationship to his family and the city. If this personal honor awarded to him by the community was compromised, he felt life had lost its meaning. For example, Achilles felt he had ... around his physical attributes, but rather his philosophical ideologies. Socrates had revolutionary ideas about religion, human nature, and the afterlife. His heroism was not awarded because of his physical accomplishments, but rather his introduction of new ideas and freethinking, along with his esteemed loyalty to the community. The concept of heroism is a central theme in both The Iliad and The Trial and Death of Socrates. Achilles on the one ...
5594: Bolt's "A Man For All Seasons": Reasons for A Person's Actions
... accustomed to the actions of the play's characters. Though, it is important to figure out and understand why the character reacts or acts as he/she does. This enables the reader to have a new or modified outlook on his/her own actions. If one turns the kaleidoscope of his/her life just a little, the world becomes a different place. Sir Thomas More lived the type of life that is foreign to many readers. More's actions were all based upon two things, his conscience and God. When More is being ... More learns that Rich was appointed Attorney-General for Wales, he is full of disgust and disbelief when he says, " For Wales? Why, Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the world.....But for Wales!"(92). Rich can be portrayed as the lowest of life forms. More implies that Rich abandoned his conscience to have a title, which in the whole scheme of things is really ...
5595: The Roswell Incident
... such individual was Major Jesse Marcel, the Intelligence Officer of the 509th Bomb Group and one of the first military officers at the scene. On January 12, 1994, United States Congressman Steven Schiff of Albuquerque, New Mexico, announced to the press that he had been stonewalled by the Defense Department when requesting information on the 1947 Roswell event on behalf of constituents and witnesses. Indicating that he was seeking further investigation ... positive effect of setting the record straight once and for all. Years of controversy and suspicion would be ended, both in the eyes of the United States' own citizens and in the eyes of the world. If, on the other hand, the Roswell witnesses are telling the truth and information on extraterrestrial intelligence does exist, it is not something to which a privileged few in the United States Government should have exclusive rights. It is knowledge of profound importance to which all people throughout the world should have an inalienable right. Its release would unquestionably be universally acknowledged as an historic act of honesty and goodwill. I support the request, as outlined above, for an Executive Order declassifying any U. ...
5596: A Raisin In The Sun: The Propagation Of Pride And Dignity
... is a major theme in the play. As the play begins a husband, Walter, and wife, Ruth, are seen having a fight over Walter's dream to become a 'mover and shaker' in the business world by using an incoming insurance check for his mother as a downpayment on a capitalistic adventure. Walter tells his wife that, "I'm trying to talk to you 'bout myself and all you can say ... structure. Beneatha, although believing to be bettering herself is leaving an important part of herself and her heritage behind. Beneatha's speech about God is her attempt to show her independence and uniqueness in the world, but when she asserts her self in an area that is extremely sensitive to the family heritage and structure, she threatens to wean herself from the only guaranteed support group in life, the family. Once ... can surmount any obstacle and keep the pride of the family alive. Once the insurance money is received by Mama, Leana Younger, she believes that the best thing to do with it is buy a new house for her family and help to pay for the cost of Beneatha's schooling. At first she is very adamant against giving any of the insurance money to Walter because she believes that ...
5597: Madame Bovary: Destiny
... likes, overcome obstacles and savor the most exotic pleasures.” (p.76) The baby was a girl. Emma “turned her head away and fainted” (p. 77) upon hearing this news. She felt let down by the world, as she saw her hopes and dreams shatter before her eyes. Yet again we are faced with a dilemma: why did she chose to have a baby? Was it only for selfish reasons? And yes ... will have. Emma, on the other hand, not only does she not consider the consequences of her actions, but she does not learn from her mistakes either. She is an idealist who lives in the world of novels and fantasies and tries to compensate for the monotony of her life by making ‘of the wall' decisions that only hurt her in the end. Throughout the novel Emma is faced with moments where her decision is needed, and rarely does she make the right one. Bibliography 1. Flaubert, G. Madame Bovary. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1972. 2. Guralnik, David B. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language. New York: Warner Books, 1982.
5598: Jane Eyre: Analysis of Bronte's Work
... her own destiny. During her courtship, she refutes Rochester's need to "clasp... bracelets on her wrists" and "fasten a diamond chain around her neck." These become symbols of female enslavement within a male dominated world. Jane's will power and integrity prevent her from succumbing to Rochester and becoming just another of his possessions. For if she can not preserve her individuality, she "shall not be ... Jane Eyre any longer ... in her decision to not marry St. John that Jane finally liberates herself from the bonds of male suppression. All this has been in effort to maintain some semblance of self-worth. "Who in the world cares for you?" "I care for myself. The more friendless ... the more I will respect myself." Even in her ultimate marriage to Rochester, she is in no way surrendering to convention, for she has entered ... to gain resolution with her passion and successfully created a balance in her emotions. Bronte attempts to dispel the notion of women being emotionally unstable. Ultimately, Jane Eyre presented for the readers of that time new insight into relationships of the 19th century. Jane's belief that "marriage without love is sacrilege" and should be based on the "mutual respect of two people entirely compatible" was quite a radical concept ...
5599: Napoleon 3
... was a man with many sides. He started many of his challenging voyages and defeats as a young child and they continued throughout his life. He had many accomplishments and many defeats that affect the world in which we live. Napoleon plays a very big part in history. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, at Ajaccio, in Corsica. His parents were Charles Marie Bonaparte and Marie-Letizia Ramolino who ... he divorced her to look for a younger bride. In 1810 he met and married Archduchess, Marie Louise the eighteen-year-old daughter of Emperor Francis I of Austria. During their marriage Napoleon and his new wife conceived one child, a boy also named Napoleon. Napoleon was a man known for his greatest powers and successes as a leader. One of the many successful things Napoleon did early in his life ... 11, 1814, Napoleon gave up his power as emperor of France. He was then sent away to Elba in Italy where he began planning his return to France. In February 1815 he returned with many new followers from Elba. When he arrived in Paris his old followers began to hail him again as emperor. After his return Napoleon said that he would not make war, but the allied leaders considered ...
5600: Barbie 2
... was later given family and friends. Her boyfriend was Ken who was named after Ruth's son. She also had a little sister whose name was Skipper and her friends were from all over the world. Her group of friends keep growing. Barbie isn't only liked by kids. There are today thousands of adult collectors. They don't always play with them. They just collect them. But it isn't only women who collect, men do too. There are clubs, magazines etc for adults who love Barbie. Now that everything has a lot to do with the new technology, such as computers, Barbie is going high tech too. There are programs and discs to buy to the computer where Barbie is the main character. It is also a way to guide the kids in the high tech world that they live in. So Barbie isn't just anyone she is the most famous doll of all times. Here is some useless information about Barbie: Barbies full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts. She ...

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