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5581: The Chlorine Debate: How White Do You Want It?
The Chlorine Debate: How White Do You Want It? Chlorine is one of the world's most widely used chemicals, the building element vital to almost every United States industry. We use chlorine and chlorine-based products whenever we drink a glass of water, buy food wrapped in plastic, purchase ... organized campaign that has as its objective nothing less than a total, worldwide ban on chlorine. With the public health and billions of dollars at stake, the debate over chlorine has become one of the world's most contentious and controversial issues. "Is a chlorine-free future possible?" asked Bonnie Rice, a spokesperson for Greenpeace's Chlorine Free Campaign. "Yes, it can be done without massive disruption of the economy and ... economic well-being of this country," Anziano charged. Greenpeace is also well-armed with statistics. Their spokesmen argue that, if implemented with careful planning, the transition to a chlorine-free economy could save money, create new jobs, and be "economically and socially just." Greenpeace puts the savings from phasing-out chlorine at $80 to $160 billion annually. The phase out of chlorine would take place over a 30-year period ...
5582: Acid Rain
Acid Rain INTRODUCTION: Acid rain is a great problem in our world. It causes fish and plants to die in our waters. As well it causes harm to our own race as well, because we eat these fish, drink this water and eat these plants. It is ... of the lake. Scientists now see acid, aluminum and shortages of calcium as the three determining factors in the extinction of fish. As well there is the problem of chlorine. In many parts of the world it is commonly found in the soil. If it enters the fish's environment it can be deadly. It affects many of the fish's organisms and causes it to die. As well it interferes ... at the pH of 5.9 they were totally wiped out. Within a year the minnow died because it could no longer reproduce it's self. At this time the pH was of 5.8. New trout were failing to be produced because many smaller organisms that served as food to it had been wiped out earlier. With not enough food the older fish did not have the energy to ...
5583: Dune
... enemy the Harkonnen's, were also on Dune. These two families mining the precious spice on the same plant would lead to great troubles and wars. Soon after that, I was introduced to a very brave and insightful young man. The young man is Paul Atreides. Paul is medium height with short, black hair. His mother Jessica is a Bene Gesserit that means she knows the “weirding way.” This means Jessica ... very strong and even feared by the Emperor himself because he knew that Paul was the prophet who was destined to stop all violence, hunger, spice mining, armies and fighting. He was to bring a new era along with his leadership. This frightened the Emperor that forced him to act against the Atreides family. The Harkonnen's seemed a bit too uninteresting and average to me. They were evil and hated ... was good. The author should of added a bit more “ spice” to their characters. This would of made the story more enjoyable. Otherwise, this science fiction novel is like it says on the cover, “A world beyond your experience, beyond your imagination.” The emperor sent the Atreides to Dune for one purpose only. Their destruction. He joined forces with the Harkonnens and attacked the Atreides. The Harkonnen spy, Dr. Yeuh ...
5584: Imagine Being A Swinger Of Bir
... can be seen by the end of the trip down on earth. The word "truth" has to be defined to understand what Frost is really saying about the choices he has to make. Webster's New World Dictionary defines truth as "being true" but in one of the more specific meaning that defines truth is "reality." This is the earth's truth that Frost describes in the beginning of "Birches." Another way ... Each part of his poem symbolizes the ideas of heaven's truth and earth's truth, and what choice to make. Frost begins the journey with a cold winter day out in the forest of New England where he looks out to the woods to observe that: When I see birches bend to left and right Across the lines of straighter darker trees, I like to think some boy's ...
5585: Heart of Darkness: The Journey into the Soul
... heart." Conrad 54 Marlow begins his journey by meeting the crew of the ship. He meets and becomes friends with them. "Going up that river was like travelling back to the earliest beginnings of the world, when vegetation rioted on the earth and the big trees were kings." Conrad 55 His experiences with them are significant in finding himself but no one really knows where they are. The entrance into the ... are and how we treat everyone surrounding our presence. In this universe people live and die but a soul is immortal and will undertake an eternity. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph.Heart of Darkness.Bantam Books:New York,1981. Resources for the Study of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.1998. Simon & Schuster.Webster's New World Dictionary.Macmillian:New York,1996.
5586: The Handmaids Tale
... over themselves, and reducing the womens role in society to that of a silent birthing machine. One handmaid describes what happened and how it came about as she, too, is forced to comply with the new order. Before the new order, known as the Sons of Jacob, took over, women had a lot to be afraid of. They had freedom to do whatever they wanted, but this freedom was severely inhibited by maniacs who could ... women, known as the Aunts, they could tell the women that they understood and knew what it was like, and that all this was for their own good, to keep them safe and make their world a better place. There were many of these training facilities, but we learn the most about the red centers, where the women are trained to be handmaidens. In other words, mistresses, to bear children ...
5587: The Day Of The Jackal
Frederick Forsythe, master storyteller and suspense-novelist, retired in 1997, and that was a damn shame. Since 1971, Forsythe has fabricated some of the best intrigue and espionage novels in the world, and many of his books have become films, among them The Odessa File, The Dogs of War, and The Fourth Protocol. Perhaps best-known of his novels is his first, The Day of the Jackal ... have now read every one of Forsythe's novels, and most more than once. I was saddened when he announced his retirement, because his skill as a storyteller, his ability to describe locales around the world in the finest particulars, and his use of red herrings and plot twists, have given me hours and hours of pleasure. So when a studio decides to make another version of The Day of the ... the De Gaulle cabinet with little possibility for reward or recognition, because, unlike the government's pencil-pushing civil servants, it is this humble detective who succeeds in finding the most elusive man in the world, identifying him, and trailing him throughout France. If there is any antagonist in the film, it is the members of De Gaulle's cabinet, all of whom play a neat game of "cover your ...
5588: The Prospect Of Cold Fusion
... mechanism, such as electricity or even acoustic energy, is required to provoke the "cold fusion" effects. Both ordinary hydrogen and deuterium are abundant in ordinary water so the process would likely end many of the world's energy concerns, if it can be developed commercially. One of the biggest reasons that cold fusion is so difficult to replicate is that it is not easy to supersaturate a metal with hydrogen or ... It is not yet clear whether the helium, tritium and other nuclear ash from cold fusion is sufficient to account for all of the heat generated. If it is not, then perhaps this is a new source of energy never observed before, which occasionally produces nuclear reactions as a side effect. There are many differences between hot fusion and cold fusion. Cold fusion releases enormous quantities of energy in the form ... which are already beginning to enter the field in the U.S. Cold fusion does, however, require the talents of top scientists and engineers, combined with sophisticated analytical instrumentation. Federal laboratories, in search of a new mission, are well equipped to support cold fusion research. Cold fusion research could well become a major mission for scientists at these laboratories. Cold fusion energy development, however, will dominantly be the territory for ...
5589: Influence Of Influenza
... have been 31 very severe pandemics (epedemics that sweep many countries) that have occurred since 1510. The Most devestating of these pandemics occurred in 1918; it led the death of twenty million people around the world. Rarely is death directly attributable to the influenza virus itself, but rather to complicating bacterial pneumonia or to the failure of vital organs previously weakened by chronic disesase. There are three main types of the ... C virus for life Anyone who has been infected with a certain strand of the type A or B viruse acquires immunity to that strain. Both A- and B-type viruses occasionally alter to prouduce new strains that may be able to dodge or overcome immunity built up from a previous attack, Thus leading to an new infection. The type B virus is fairly stable, but it occasionly alters sufficiently to overcome resistance. The newe strain often cause small outbreaks of infection. The type A virus is highly unstable; new strains ...
5590: Analysis Of The Chosen By Chai
... Danny hit him in the eye. The event is able to bring them closer together. After many visits to the hospital to visit Reuven, Danny totally changes him: "Somehow everything had changed...it was another world."(p.96) Danny opens his eyes to a new culture and people that Reuven hardly understands. They hang out together a lot and Danny brings him to his home. Here is where Reuven sees a different world just a few blocks away from his own house: "The liquid streams of racing children, the noisy chatter of long-sleeved women, the worn buildings and blotched banisters, the garbage cans...gave me the ...

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