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5561: Bolt's "A Man For All Seasons": Reasons for A Person's Actions
... accustomed to the actions of the play's characters. Though, it is important to figure out and understand why the character reacts or acts as he/she does. This enables the reader to have a new or modified outlook on his/her own actions. If one turns the kaleidoscope of his/her life just a little, the world becomes a different place. Sir Thomas More lived the type of life that is foreign to many readers. More's actions were all based upon two things, his conscience and God. When More is being ... More learns that Rich was appointed Attorney- General for Wales, he is full of disgust and disbelief when he says, " For Wales? Why, Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the world.....But for Wales!"(92). Rich can be portrayed as the lowest of life forms. More implies that Rich abandoned his conscience to have a title, which in the whole scheme of things is really ...
5562: Computer Simulation
... from battalion through theater-level as well as to support training events in educational institutions. Designed and built using modern computer technology, modern software engineering techniques, and validated algorithms and databases, it will allow units world-wide to train using their organizational equipment. A key feature of the system will be its use of technology to minimize the total Army's overhead associated with supporting training. The system will be designed ... threats across the operational continuum. WARSIM 2000 must provide an environment that presents problems to stress and stimulate commanders and their battle staff to assess the situation, determine courses of action, and plan and issue new orders in a timely manner, all while using their organizational equipment and procedures. d. Logistical support for WARSIM 2000 will be based on a government- owned contractor-supported system. The government will own necessary hardware ... proliferating them throughout the Army and the international community. While these systems have shortcomings that must be fixed, they provide a training environment and representations of combat that have been accepted by the training community world-wide. The WARSIM 2000 acquisition must allow the confederation of simulations structure to evolve in a manner that allows current users (Army and international) to maintain access to the confederation without having to make ...
5563: Things Fall Apart 3
... write the novel from a poem written by an Englishman by the name of William Butler Yeats. The title of the poem is The Second Coming. The poem talks about anarchy that is upon the world during the present time and how things will change with the second coming." During this second coming the chaos that is prevalent will end finally after two thousand years. Achebe uses this poems basic idea by creating the story of Okonkwo who lives in a chaotic and barbaric world. To outsiders who are observing Okonkwo s people, they may certainly seem uncivilized in many ways. Achebe symbolizes the end of this anarchy in Okonkwo s society by the introduction of Christian missionaries who pacify ... it we can clearly see why it would seem to be chaotic. When I use the term chaos or anarchy I don t mean it in the literal sense but in comparison to the modern world or in particular England. Anarchy or chaos in my usage is meant to be the lack of morals and/or certain values, which we as westerners would agree to be good. There are many ...
5564: Analysis Of A Streetcar Named
Analysis of A Streetcar Named Desire Every person in this world feels the necessity of been loved at least one time in their life. Blanche feels this necessity and she tried to make herself loved but she has failed. Blanche arrives in New Orleans in a streetcar with only one desire; to find someone who would love her. Her sister, Stella, was her only family member left; and Blanche goes to her in order to find a solution for her problems. Blanche lives in a world of illusions that she uses to hide from the real world. In the first scene we notice Blanche is very nervous and drinking alcohol to elude her reality. Then she tells her sister about ...
5565: A Young Hero
... s way down the left of Gregory's cheeks. Nervously he tightened the grip around the documents he was holding in his left hand. The documents were the research-results and the drawings of the new weapon Hitler's technicians were working on. As a result of the Axis Powers were about to lose the war, Hitler was furious and had given orders to Wernher von Braun, an outstanding German Scientist, to commence the design of two new terrifying weapons. The weapons were designed and produced in the purpose of revenging Hitler's losses of soldiers and power. They were called V1 and V2, short for Vergeltungswaffe 1 and 2, or Vengeance Weapon ... the V1 and V2 into code before sending them to London by radio. "The hip bone is connected to the leg bone..." After the completion of this very important transmission to London, Gregory was given new orders; get into the research station once more, and destroy the prototypes, as well as any unfinished or finished rockets there might be. This was not part of the original mission. In the original ...
5566: A Tale Of Two Cities
... Lucie, Sydney Carton is "Recalled to Life." Carton's death is an example of spiritual resurrection and it related to the Christian Sacrifice and love. When Carton makes his decision to die for Lucie, the New Testament verse "I am the Resurrection and the Life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die ... he had caused. Dickens used Carton as an example of a turnaround in the revolution. After all the bloodshed and gore that the characters have gone through, this gives the novel a sad, but yet new beginning to a new world rising through the ashes of the revolution. Carton saw, before his death, how the world was going to change and he also viewed a long life for Lucie and her family that was ...
5567: Gandhi: A Man with Virtues
... Africa made important concessions to Gandhi's demands. They included recognition of Indian marriages and abolition of the poll tax for them. When his work is South Africa was complete he returned to India. Following World War I, Gandhi launched his movement of passive resistance to Great Britain. In 1919, the British Parliament passed the Rowlatt Acts, giving authorities the rights to use emergency powers to deal with revolutionary activities, Gandhi ... of his civil-disobedience method and ended it. The British government once again arrested and imprisoned him in 1922. When Gandhi was released in 1924 he concentrated on communal unity. In 1930, Gandhi announced a new method of civil disobedience, refusing to pay taxes, especially taxes on salt. This method created the “Salt March.” Thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from Ahmadabad to the Arabian Sea, where they made salt by evaporating seawater. Once more Gandhi was arrested but was released in 1931, stopping his methods after the British government agreed to some of his demands. In 1932, Gandhi began a new civil disobedience method against Britain. Gandhi was arrested twice, then fasted for long periods of time. These fasts were effective against the British because if Gandhi dies all of India would have revolted against ...
5568: A Rose For Emily: Emily’s Disbelief in the Truth
... two generations. And lastly, the old generation of townspeople represented the simplemindedness of the past and the fact that they were okay with the Colonel’s decision. The present was expressed through the narrator, the new generation of townspeople, and Homer Barron. The narrator was representative of the pas mainly through their words and description of what was going on. Homer Barron along with the townspeople represented the “next generation, with ... past and not only took refuge there but also took Homer with her in the only way she knew how, death. Homer and Emily were too different to be together. He was part of the new generation that held a contrasting belief to the old generations views. When Homer, whom lived in the present, wanted to take his pleasure and move on, Emily was hurt. “Breaking up is hard for almost ... to the problem of time is explanatory in her scene of the funeral when the old soldiers show up in their uniforms. It is here that the two roads merge the old generation and the new. The soldiers represent tradition and the past as “not a diminishing road but instead, as a huge meadow which no winter ever quiet touches,” (p.129). The younger generation, which includes Homer Barron, represents ...
5569: Aeneus Emotional Rollercoaster
... heart follow false dreams, he ignores the decent being within when "He sank his blade in fury in Turnus' chest." (A, XII, 1295-97). A life worth respecting and honoring disappears in favor of a new one. Aeneus loses everything that he once treasured and followed by. His moral values from the time of Troy are taken over by the values of a ruthless leader. He lost himself in the process ... Virgil derived his work from the earlier works of Homer, the Odyssey and Iliad. First, the first six books are basically a rewrite of the Odyssey, telling how Aeneus loses his home and finds a new one. If you read the Odyssey you basically have read the Aeneid. It follows the same story line and ideas. Both Aeneus and Odysseus take journeys to the underworld, a battle with the high seas ... be. The obstacles that Aeneus faces are heartbreaking and tough. It requires him to become something he isn't. The way Aeneus handled the explanation to Dido turned him into the cruelest man in the world and when Aeneus spared no mercy on Turnus, he became the saddest man in the world. His transformation withdraws emotion from the reader of pity and hate. In the world of Homer and Virgil' ...
5570: Cfcs Cause Deterioration of the Ozone Layer
... molecules are being hit, they absorb the ray's energy and break apart, leaving behind an oxygen molecule and a single oxygen molecule, O3>O2-O. At this time, the entire process repeats itself making new molecules that are separated which combine to make new molecules, over and again (Rowland and Molin 1991 p. 42). As a result of this cycle, about the same amount of ozone is produced as is broken down in the stratosphere. Therefore, the amount of ... when British scientists, working at Halley Bay, using a Dobson spectrometer, discovered the whole in the ozone layer over the Anartic coast(Farman, Gardiner, and Shaklin, p.207). In 1985, the British scientists told the world about their findings, subsequently in 1995 Rowland and Molina were awarded the Nobel Peace prize. Furthermore, currently scientists are certain of the damage done by Cfcs. However, Cfcs themselves do not destroy the ozone, ...

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