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5531: Greenhouse Effect
... unbalanced, the atmosphere will receive too much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Once these gases form in the atmosphere, they act as barriers trapping in heat and warming the earth. This process is not new. In fact, without the greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature of the earth would be about 59 Fahrenheit degrees lower than it is today. "Long before civilization intervened , the thin blanket of gases that surround ... Plains or prairies of North America as a region in which crops may be grown, for example. Also, melting of parts of the Antarctic ice sheet will cause flooding of coastal cities such as London , New York, Beijing, Amsterdam, St. John’s, Halifax, Vancouver , even Montreal and of entire countries, such as Bangladesh" (Johnson, 1990). The greenhouse effect is not limited to certain countries or states. The entire world will suffer if it is allowed to grow. "Some scientists think that from the late 1990’s to the late 2000’s the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could double. If this ...
5532: Cloning
... cloning could have for the future of mankind, but still recognizes peoples concerns. One aspect of cloning that Nash doesn't necessarily address is the ethical issue. In his first paragraph, Nash writes of a world where humans can be cured of diseases that are currently life threatening. Where cells can be "cultivated in lab dishes" to help preserve human life. In the following paragraphs, he goes on to write about ... in dishes to be used to fight against that particular disease. Nash sites that this could be helpful in such instances as leukemia and in burn patients. Leukemia patients could have the opportunity to grow new bone marrow and burn patients would be able to grow new skin to replace the burnt skin. Cloning could help Parkinson's disease patients by providing the with neural tissue that is genetically identical to their own. Cloning could make it possible to eliminate the ...
5533: Ragged Dick
... struggles through the hardships of city life, trying to achieve the American Dream . As a child, Dick is nothing more than a poor city boy who is trying to earn money on the streets of New York City. He spends his time shining shoes for working men, making only about ten cents a pair. Although he works and struggles to remain an honest, hardworking boy, he also gets caught up with ... being a boy of good trust, he never cheats anyone. As time goes on, Dick eventually meets a young boy named Frank, who is of a wealthy family, but is not at all familiar with New York City. Dick makes a very intelligent proposal; he offers to show Frank all around the city, and take him to all the famous places. Young Frank accepts the proposal, and in exchange, his uncle buys Dick a new suit, and helps him clean himself up. This was the real turning point in Richard Hunter s life because Frank s family was able to help young Dick. They did this by providing shelter ...
5534: To Kill A Mockingbird: Innocence to Experience
... hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird," he is referring to the notion that a mockingbird is a harmless creature and does nothing but sing and bring happiness to the world. Harper Lee takes the title for her novel from this passage because the imagery of the mockingbird is comparable to the characters of both Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. These two characters are "harmless songbirds ... the gun was empty." Throughout the novel, Atticus Finch personifies justice, and acts rationally as the voice of reason. Through Atticus, Jem and Scout are able to realize that they are growing up in a world where they are at a disadvantage although they don’t fully understand the reasons for the way people treat them. As they get older they will realize that they are living in a world where some people fear and choose to harm what is unknown to them. The most difficult matter for Jem and Scout to understand is the trial. They have been faced with ignorant people calling ...
5535: Hedda Gabler
... to the setting, the time period in which Hedda Gabler was written is key to the background of Hedda’s manipulations. The late nineteenth century was a time for change for the women of the world. The women’s suffrage movement brought forth the concept of the importance woman’s rights (Women’s 1). Regarded by many as a feminist play, Hedda Gabler investigates the consequences of excessive feminism (Mazer 1). Hedda Gabler is portrayed as an extremely strong-willed woman. During the times in which this play is set, numerous women’s rights and suffrage movements were occurring across the world. It can be inferred that Hedda’s assertive attitude is characteristic of the time period. To Hedda, it is preposterous that she would have to be under the power of a man. When Judge Brock ... Lövborg if Hedda becomes "subject to [his] will and demands" (Ibsen 262). She states, "No longer free! No! That’s a thought that I’ll never endure!" (Ibsen 262). At this time women across the world were adopting new ideas on their place in society. The atmosphere of the era provides an explanation of the source of Hedda’s manipulations. The three aspects that explain Hedda’s motivations for manipulation ...
5536: Essay On Kierkegaard
... broader reading of the Postscript Direct volitionalism, the view that we can decide what to believe, is a doctrine that would to be most appropriately held by a metaphysical idealist, a solipsist, or perhaps a New Age convert--thinkers that deny, in some sense, the hard reality of the objective world. Pojman views willed belief and faith as problematic because he sees it as forcing ourselves to believe something, even though objective evidence would guide us in the opposite direction. If Christianity is without objective evidence, faith must just be created, in a way analogous to a solipsist's concepts which are unconstrained by the realities of the external world. Pojman reasons, if we are to believe it, we must somehow just force ourselves to believe it. Ironically, a very similar description of the leap, but intended as a caricature, can be found in ...
5537: Charles Dickens
... was unsatisfactory in all, partly because Dickens was rapidly developing his craft as a novelist while doing it. This style of writing in a first novel, made his name know literally overnight, but created a new tradition of literature and was made one of the best know novel's of the world. After The Pickwick Papers were published in 1837, he put together another novel, Oliver Twist. Though his artistic talent is very much evident, he refrained from using the successful formula used in The Pickwick Papers ... them regularly at his home. Though financially well off, he generally avoided high society, he hated to be idolized or patronized. He was extremely proud of his work, and strived on improving it with every new venture, yet his work, never employed all of his energies. He became the founder (editor) in 1846 of the Daily News, (soon to become the leading liberal newspaper). His journalistic backgrounds, his political knowledge ...
5538: The vast cyber-frontier is being threatend with censorship from the government
... for people interested in S&M along with other fetishes. Usenet newsgroups account for 11.5% of total Internet traffic and is a major distribution of smut pictures.11 The WWW also known as the World Wide Web is today's largest portion of the Internet as well as the fastest growing with well over 12 million pages accessible. Despite its gargantuan proportions, it still remains fairly clean from hardcore smut ... is a safe space in which to explore the forbidden and taboo. It offers the possibility for genuine, unembarrassed conversations about accurate as well as fantasy images of sex," said Carlin Meyer, a professor at New York Law School.27 "It is clearly a violation of free speech and it's a violation of the rights of adults to communicate with each other," House speaker Newt Gingrich shared.28 In a ... at home. The Cox-Wyden proposal would make individuals responsible for censorship, this would prohibit the governments interaction. Based on a poll takes in Black Enterprises 32% of those in the poll think the a new Internet governing body should control online services while another 32% say the users should followed by 16% saying a private enterprise should, and 15% saying none should, then lastly 6% believe the government is ...
5539: Bella
... list was always I. As soon as I was taken off from mother’s chest, I have started having conversations with the teacher – an aged rat with a nickname Mavr. He told me about the world in which we live, about the people who become a ruling race on the ground, about our antagonism with human civilization and at the same time - our relation to it. His stories, as I now realize, were rather poor, because, being pulled out from a cellar, I have seen so much interesting, new and mysterious, that the Mavr’s lessons seemed miserable abstracts of genuine life on ground. Nevertheless I am grateful to him for everything. Mavr was in his own way wise and independent, deferring from many ... flat there was a special odors, sounds and things, its unique atmosphere. Sometimes watching whole day long the life of a human in an apartment, from a ventilation shaft, I found out a lot of new things, I listened to conversations of the people among themselves, their quarrels or their love for each other. I read the newspapers and books, watched TV, together with them. I opened a whole, huge ...
5540: Doublethink In 1984
... different then what you thought before. An example of changing ones mind would believe the earth is flat and then after seeing sufficient evidence that it is not flat but actually round. Due to the new evidence you would change your mind and now believe the earth is round as you previously thought it was flat. This is clearly different from doublethink because you are not believing in two ideas at ... affirmative action, because employers will have to hire a certain number of minorities even if they are not as qualified as you. This is to justify for generations of discrimination towards minorities by creating a new era of discrimination toward non-minorities. This is a clear example of doublethink in that one is led to believe that by discriminating you can justify for discrimination. Interestingly enough, this idea has gained a ... taken away when trying to put someone on trial. This form of doublethink is a big necessity however in society because there is a need for a trial by peers in our society. Unless a new form of trial is going to be instituted jury duty is still going to be needed. The fact if jury duty is virtuous to modern American society is hard to decide. For the people ...

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