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5491: Igor Stravinsky
... him to join his small group of artistic assistants. For the rest of the 1909 season Diaghilev asked Stravinsky to compose various pieces of ballet music. Then, in 1910, Diaghilev commissioned Stravinsky to compose his new ballet, The Firebird. The result of his commission was the first real modern ballet. It set the example of the composer consulting both with the choreographer and the stage/costuming artist during the composition. For the next few years, Stravinsky and Diaghilev worked very closely together. Diaghilev wanted all of Stravinsky s new works to be produced by his company. Stravinsky's next two works for the ballet, Petrouchka (1910-11) and The Rite of Spring (1912-13) are perfectly crafted, powerful pieces, drawing on Stravinsky's rhythmic ... that carried this much premature power. It was almost as though there was a sense of jealousy from his colleagues. The entire musical establishment criticized stravinsky, but he didn t really seem to care. During World War I, Stravinsky lived in Switzerland. There he concentrated on smaller-scale chamber pieces, piano works, and songs. One of these, The Soldier's Tale, was a chamber ensemble, with speaking actors, and one ...
5492: Severan Copy Of Athena Parthenos And 13th Century Virgin And
... century. Marcus Aurelius¹ son Commodus succeeded his father in 180, only to inherit an empire that was becoming increasingly harder to uphold , and imperial order was being threatened. Eventually, he was assassinated , and the Roman world was thrown into civil discord. Septimius Severus emerged as the new emperor in 193 after proclaiming himself to be Marcus Aurelius¹ son. 2 The Severan¹s hometown was called Lepcis Magna, on the coast of what is now Libya. In the early third century the port city used imperial funds to ornament itself with a new forum, basilica , arch, and several monuments and statues. One of these statues may be the Athena Parthenos . 3 Like other heroic statues of second and third century Rome, Athena has a rigid , strong but ...
5493: Homosexuals: A Suspect Class?
... as immoral. On that ground, it was never contested that sodomy should remain illegal and unprotected by any legislation-- homosexuals were considered unnatural sexual deviants, and were treated as such. In recent years, however, startling new research has indicated that homosexuality is possibly inherited and determined by chromosomes. A 1992 study directed by neuroscientist Simon LeVay showed that a tiny area believed to control sexual activity known as the hypothalamus was ... or, more often, detested. After a 13th century sermon from Saint Thomas Aquinas, society began to view gays as "not only unnatural but dangerous." A genetic component in sexual orientation would tell homosexuals and the world that homosexuality is not a fault, and not the fault of anyone other than nature. Society's traditional stance on homosexuality has often subjected homosexuals to a horrifying list of "cures" at the hands of ... was that: The law . . . [was] constantly based on notions of morality . . . if all laws representing essentially moral choices are to be invalidated under the Due Process Clause, the courts will be very busy indeed. The new evidence of inherited genes for homosexuality, however, will force the Supreme Court to reexamine the way it looked at Bowers v. Hardwick. In order to determine the legality of discriminating against certain individuals, the ...
5494: The Role of Women in India and South America
... etc. come to mind. Yet, now there are possibly more Indian women in scientific, medical, and professional areas than many Aliberalized@ Western nations. After all, India boasts of the first woman Prime Minister in the world! However there are no end of reports of wife burning, female infanticide, battery, rape that take place in a democratic India. However it is hardly mentioned that women and men in India are doing something about this situation. The average record of the last decade though is still very disturbing. According to a newspaper in New Delhi, every 6 minutes, a crime is committed against women. Every 7 minutes a woman is raped, every 45 minutes a woman is kidnapped or abducted. 335 of women are subjected to cruelty. 17 dowry ... refuse to take no as an answer. This shows power. She goes against every rule of a widow and takes control of her situation. Women's roles in society are constantly changing and the Third World is no exception. Women must fight for their rights and they must refuse to be treated without respect. Indian women live in a state of confusion because they do not know their position. In ...
5495: Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau
... it (my spirit) had found its proper nursery" (Thoreau 252). About 23 years later, Thoreau moved into the forest to live alone in a small shack, and cut himself off from the rest of the world. It is here that he wrote "Walden" and many of his diary entries that were later published. It is also here, in that forest just outside Concord, that Thoreau seemed to feel the best. He ... nature and its beauty resided everywhere. He found perfection in a single leaf, song in a tiny stream, or a story in a bird's song. To Thoreau, nature remained separate from the technically advanced world, and he was able to find his element wherever he went. "His eye was open to beauty, and his ear to music. He found these, not in rare conditions, but wheresoever he went" (Thoreau 276 ... and later served as a "supply" preacher and junior minister (www.poets.org/LIT/poet/rwemefst.htm). "What is more alive among the works of art than our plain old wooden church...with the ancient New England spire?" (Emerson 28). Though Emerson found his religion in a Bible and a church, he, too, saw a connection between God and nature. "As a plant upon the earth, so a man rests ...
5496: Blacks: A Struggle for Racial Equality
Blacks: A Struggle for Racial Equality Almost everyone would like to have racial equality in the world today. It is often said that all people have been created equally. That is true, however sometimes not everybody is treated equally. In society, blacks are still struggling for racial equality. We should note that ... person on the team but Bullet refused to train with him because he is black. Another quote that shows how blacks are still in a struggle for racial equality is in short commentary, A Fair World for All by Dorothy Canfield Fisher: "Suppose that you are in a market or food shop buying things to eat. Everybody is relaxed and easy, standing around waiting for his turn to buy. All of ... work together, we can put an end to the discrimination that exists today. ENDNOTES 1. The Power of One. Directed by Arnon Milchan, movie, colour. Screenplay by Robert Mark Kamen. 2. Cynthia, Voigt, The Runner (New York: Ballantine Books, 1985), p.57 3. Voigt.p.93 4. "A Fair World for All" in Collier's Junior Classics: Harvest of Holidays, ed. Ruth Weeden Stewart (New York: The Crowell Collier publishing ...
5497: John Wilkes Booth
... stop the civil war. John Wilkes Booth as he was known as a professional actor before the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Today his life is often forgotten and is also overlooked in schools around the world John Wilkes Booth was born on May 10, 1838 in a log house. The family home was on property near Bel Air, Maryland, twenty- five miles south of the Mason- Dixon line. Elder brother Edwin ... touring, star figure. Booth eventually became one the these star figures, with stock companies for one and two week engagements. Often a different play was performed each night, requiring Booth to stay up studying his new role until dawn, when he would rise and make his way to the theater for rehearsal. Booth began his stock theater appearances in 1857 at Weatley's Arch Street Theatre in Philadelphia (the center for ... intently in Philadelphia, but author Gordon Samples writes that Booth's lack of confidence did not help his theatrical career. William S. Fredericks, the acting and stage manager at the Arch Street Theatre, said the new actor did not show promise as a great actor. This negative opinion was also held by other Philadelphia company actors. They said Booth, who was 19, had no future as an actor. In September ...
5498: The Presidency of Gerald Rudolph Ford
... He sought accommodations with the Soviet Union and China, and he helped preserve a tenuous Middle Eastern peace. But public desire for more vigorous leadership led to his defeat in the 1976 presidential election. During World War II, Ford served four years in the Navy as an aviation operations officer, including two years aboard the aircraft carrier USS Monterey. He was discharged as a lieutenant commander. After practicing law again, Ford ... through the impeachment process. Ford was sworn in as president at noon on August 9,1974, by Chief Justice Warren Burger in the East Room of the White House. Ford nominated, and Congress approved, former New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller to be vice president of the United States. Thus for the first time the nation’s two top offices were occupied by men who had not been elected to either office ... of intelligence-gathering activities built around three components: (1) limitations on the domestics activities of U.S. agencies engaged in foreign intelligence; (2) an organizational restructuring of various agencies to bring them into compliance with new restrictions; and (3) better procedures to protect classified information dealing with intelligence sources and methods. Most of the presidents recommendations were put into effect by executive order. In May the Senate created a new ...
5499: Education Gift Or Necessity
... an education, so it is not a gift. There are societal situations where an education is a necessity, but not many globally. Education is a tool to be utilized differently in every part of the world. Knowledge is power, but some knowledge is more powerful depending on your region. If you are part a primitive tribe in New Guinea, a person that is considered to be educated may be illiterate. Whereas in America, an illiterate person would have trouble functioning at all in society. Education is a tool that is to be developed ... that child will have a better chance to obtain an education. The child will see that education and success coincide. A person that is to be educated has to be given many opportunities to learn new things. Some of these opportunities are as simple as letting your four-year-old watch Sesame Street or letting your six-year-old make a sandwich. There are cases, however, when parents are not ...
5500: Prostitution
... see homicides. You see the narcotics. You see the assaults. JOHN STOSSEL: They're talking about things caused not by prostitution itself, but by the law. Because the law drives prostitution underground into the criminal world, where everyone's hiding from the police. 2ND VICE SQUAD OFFICER: We see the black eyes. We see the rapes. We see them crying. JOHN STOSSEL: Such problems occur much less often where sex for ... definition, the woman's own property, a woman should have the right, under the constitution, to not only sell her property, but to do it in privacy. In 1905 during the case of Lochner v. New York Mr. Justice Holmes made a closing statement appropriate to the issue of the constitutionality of Prostitution. [The Constitution] is made for people of fundamentally differing views, and the accident of our finding certain opinions ... and their voices go unheard. Some issues, like prostitution, have been around for thousands of years and will never go away, so it is for this reason that, as Barbara Walter said, "Prostitution is a world that is here to stay, like it or not it is time to make the best of it"7. Endnotes 1. San Francisco Task Force on Prostitution: Report.1994. www.bayswan.org/SFTFP.html ...

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