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Search results 5481 - 5490 of 22819 matching essays
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5481: J.M Coetzee's "The Harms of Pornography"
J.M Coetzee's "The Harms of Pornography" As the debate over pornography and its place in society grows hotter every day, several authors in particular shed a new light on the subject. Both their intuition and insight involving their beliefs can help the reader a great deal in seeing aspects of this debate that might have otherwise gone without the consideration that they ... often amazed that people have such a hard time talking about sex and sex related topics when it rates second in priority among human drives. Second only to the drive to eat. Pornography is nothing new, in fact prostitution is sometimes called "the world's oldest profession". All that has changed is the degree in which it is used. People become numb to what once was erotic or dangerous and eventually want more. Demac's article illustrates this ...
5482: Great Gatsby - Morals
... In The Great Gatsby, the author F. Scott Fitzgerald shows the destruction of morals in society. The characters in this novel, all lose their morals in attempt to find their desired place in the social world. They trade their beliefs for the hope of being acceptance. Myrtle believes she can scorn her true social class in an attempt to be accepted into Ton's, Jay Gatsby who bases his whole life ... into his class to escape from her own. Her class is that of the middle class. Her husband, Wilson, owns a gas station, making an honest living and trying his best to succeed in a world where everything revolves around material possessions. With her involvement in Tom's class, she only becomes vulgar and corrupt like the rich. She loses all sense of morality by hurting others in her futile attempt ... shoe.'" (Fitzgerald, 39). With the hope of being accepted into an upper social class, Myrtle's morals and prior beliefs are gone, being replaced by the false impression that by betraying her loving husband, this new social world will embrace her. A second character that falls victim to the destruction of their morals, is Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is the supposed hero of this novel "who believes that the riches he ...
5483: Janet Jackson
... group When she was still a very young lady. She wanted to sing like her brothers..but her father who was the directer of the jackson 5 thought hat girls didn,t belong in the world of singing. Just men could resist all the bad temtation and hard emotionnal losts. But she sang by her own.. until she reach the age of 16, a producer overheard her sing.. and decided to ... songs.. well already written songs.. then she began writting her own songs..a nd people helped her produce them. The thing is she was a really shy girl. Always hiding.. and always araid to try new things.. all this because of the family situation. Where females must be dominated.. so even though she was the big boss she acted like if she were a worker.. and not in charge of anything ... higher self-esteem. ---------- In an interview with janet jackson she revealed that she liked being sexy and retroactive. She always wanted to be famous. And she realized her only dream.. singning! Now she is the world most famous black artist. She raised more money than her own brother Miceal jackson who is also very famous! unlike her brother.. Janet is persuing her carreer and still wants to produce new albums ...
5484: Hunger Of Memory 2
... the novels Hunger of Memory and How the Garcia Girls lost their Accent. The novels deal with separation differently. For Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez, the separation allows Richard to move from the private world to the public world. Here, separation is a movement for a solution, which is citizenship. In How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent by Julia Alvarez, the separation is an effect from Antojo. Richard Rodriguez immediately recognizes the separations ... s education. It will give him better opportunities in the United States. Speaking only English at home initiates the movement, instead of speaking Spanish. Ultimately, Richard can have a sense of belonging to the public world. He will become a citizen. Separation causes an uncertain future in How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent. It is the result of Antojo. Julia Alvarez describes Antojo as a mysterious and powerful force. ...
5485: Homosexuals: A Suspect Class?
... as immoral. On that ground, it was never contested that sodomy should remain illegal and unprotected by any legislation-- homosexuals were considered unnatural sexual deviants, and were treated as such. In recent years, however, startling new research has indicated that homosexuality is possibly inherited and determined by chromosomes. A 1992 study directed by neuroscientist Simon LeVay showed that a tiny area believed to control sexual activity known as the hypothalamus was ... or, more often, detested. After a 13th century sermon from Saint Thomas Aquinas, society began to view gays as "not only unnatural but dangerous." A genetic component in sexual orientation would tell homosexuals and the world that homosexuality is not a fault, and not the fault of anyone other than nature. Society's traditional stance on homosexuality has often subjected homosexuals to a horrifying list of "cures" at the hands of ... was that: The law . . . [was] constantly based on notions of morality . . . if all laws representing essentially moral choices are to be invalidated under the Due Process Clause, the courts will be very busy indeed. The new evidence of inherited genes for homosexuality, however, will force the Supreme Court to reexamine the way it looked at Bowers v. Hardwick. In order to determine the legality of discriminating against certain individuals, the ...
5486: Why Should I Be Moral?
... which it naturally strives (i.e. happiness). A morally virtuous person is one who is moderate in his actions. He chooses the mean as opposed to the extremes. Aristotle was more concerned with the real world than with the theological world. His bottom line view point was that we have no answer to the question "Why do you want to be happy?" other than "to be happy." He believed that we must be moral in order ... city longer than a year at a time. As a result of this, I am unable to purchase my dream home because the financial tolls. I am however happier when I first move to a new state. I am not totally convinced that the pursuit of happiness alone is just cause for morality. I do believe that morality has much to do with a theological basis. I believe that there ...
5487: An Overview Of Hacking
... thief's punishment be affected? Usually, information is stolen for the express purpose of making money, either directly, or through the sale of the information obtained, or by blackmail. In today's fast-paced computerized world, knowledge is indeed power. Through the miracle of the Internet, information can be shared and accessed around the globe, instantaneously. At any given time, millions of people's credit card numbers, social security numbers, and ... a few years bleeding money from the Citibank corporation here in the states from his cozy little house in Russia. His labor was rewarded with $10.4 million dollars in several bank accounts around the world. Unfortunately for him, his labor was also rewarded with arrest. (Caryl, par. 2) However, even though he committed the crime many years ago, he is still in Russia, awaiting extradition. Because of the slow response ... as AIDS, which changes form constantly to avoid destruction, some computer viruses, called polymorphic viruses, change slightly so that any previous anti-virus software will no longer detect it. This is why there are constantly new virus protection tools and utilities. Viruses aren't the only threat, though. When a company or organization starts a web page, they must have a wall of some type to keep people on the ...
5488: Tim Paterson
Tim Paterson, also known as the "Father of Dos" is the computer programmer who created the world's most widely used computer program: DOS. Creating DOS at age 24, Paterson claims, "it is an accomplishment that probably can't be repeated by anyone ever." After Paterson graduated from University of Washington in ... dollars a day, they offered him a full time position and Paterson quit his job at the retail store. The first major task Seattle Computer threw at Paterson was building an operation system for their new computer; the CP/M. Paterson was a little hesitant at first in creating such a program but he put up to the challenge. "I had always wanted to write my own operating system. I’ve always hated CP/M and thought I could do it a lot better." Little did he know before he started the project that he was about to create the "the world's most widely used computer program." By the spring of 1980, Paterson had created a program called QDOS.10 (stands for Quick and Dirty). After finding bugs in the program, he fixed the problem ...
5489: Dionysus The Peoples God
... The Peoples God Dionysus was one the most influential of the Greek Gods. Even though he didn't arrive in Greece until approximately 800 BC, the impact from his followers is still felt in the world we live in today. Dionysus was a demi-god meaning that he was only a half god, which makes his rise to Mount Olympus even more amazing. Dionysus represented everything that the people could relate ... Dionysus was that he had multiple births. His first birth was due to the death of Semele, his mother. His second birth was when Zeus removed Dionysus from his leg and exposed him to the world. Due to these events, the Greek people associated Dionysus with birth and revitalization of all living things. In the early days of Dionysian worship, Dionysus was regarded as a Tree God in Thrace, his birthplace ... of Democracy. The Greeks believed this because of his outlook on life and especially his closeness to the everyday man. This is related to being a god of life because he brought life to a new form of culture. A culture where every man has an opportunity and a voice. This is where he contrasts with his relative Apollo. Apollo was a god of the aristocracy who did not have ...
5490: Extra Sensory Perception
... a long time, ESP was considered to be a supernatural phenomenon. That meant that ESP experiments were put on the shelf as far as scientists were concerned. In the middle of the 1940¹s, a new idea was born. It was thought that the three types of ESP were just different examples of the same thing. From that premise came an attempt to relate parapsychology to the other sciences- physics, biology ... not a factor. Furthermore, as in telepathy and clairvoyance, ESP does not depend on distance. However, there is another side of the coin. PK is a type of energy. Physicists study energy. In the past, new elements, new planets, and other physical things have been discovered when scientists found physical phenomena consisting of the gravitational pull on one object by another undiscovered object. The problem was checked out and the unknown object ...

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