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Search results 5471 - 5480 of 22819 matching essays
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5471: Security, Commerce And The Int
Security, Commerce and the Internet As the internet/world wide web (www), gradually became more available to ordinary computer users, it was obvious that it would become a target market for commercial retailers, financial services, etc. The benefits to seller and buyer are readily ... what you can afford in terms of security breaches. All of this paints a gloomy picture. However, as fast as hackers are coming up with ways to circumvent or nullify security systems, cryptographers are developing new and better ones. One of these is the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) public key (asymmetric) algorithm. The basis of this is that you use one key (approaching 100 digits long) to encrypt a message or ... body of information. Cryptographic hash functions are another form of encryption, typically producing hash values of over 128 bits, in all probability more than the number of different messages likely to be exchanged around the world. Of course the complexity of the algorithm determines how easy it will be to work out, with the difficulty increasing exponentially with the length of the key. All of the above is an overview ...
5472: Dreams Life
Dream Life One of the brain's most astonishing capacities is its ability to create its own images-dreams-without any visual input from the outside world. Whether your sleeping or awake, your brain is constantly at work,communicating messages to you in the form of dreams. Dreams are a communication of body, mind and spirit in a symbolic communicative environmental state ... It has also been suggested that dreams are an attempt by the brain to make sense of stray thoughts. Essentially, dreams are our method of relaxing and letting our minds drift away into a different world. Your brain, mind and spirit, while at rest "review" and analysis in its own way long term, short term and spirit memory. It kicks around emotions, thoughts, ideas, actions and interactions of the short term ... Freud, Jung analyzed the dreams of his patients in order to explore the otherwise inaccessible regions of the unconscious mind, and he too believed that dreams are largely symbolic (Americana 115). He added to Freuds new approach by saying that dreams are a tool for learning more about ourselves and for achieving our full potential (Moffett 6). Laboratory studies have shown that we experience our most vivid dreams during a ...
5473: Hedda Gabler By Ibsen
... to the setting, the time period in which Hedda Gabler was written is key to the background of Hedda s manipulations. The late nineteenth century was a time for change for the women of the world. The women s suffrage movement brought forth the concept of the importance woman s rights (Women s 1). Regarded by many as a feminist play, Hedda Gabler investigates the consequences of excessive feminism (Mazer 1). Hedda Gabler is portrayed as an extremely strong-willed woman. During the times in which this play is set, numerous women s rights and suffrage movements were occurring across the world. It can be inferred that Hedda s assertive attitude is characteristic of the time period. To Hedda, it is preposterous that she would have to be under the power of a man. When Judge Brock ... Lφvborg if Hedda becomes subject to [his] will and demands (Ibsen 262). She states, No longer free! No! That s a thought that I ll never endure! (Ibsen 262). At this time women across the world were adopting new ideas on their place in society. The atmosphere of the era provides an explanation of the source of Hedda s manipulations. The three aspects that explain Hedda s motivations for manipulation ...
5474: History Of Jazz And Classical Music
... needed to perform or compose these kinds of music. Let's begin with a look at the histories of the two. The music called classical, found in stores and performed regularly by symphonies around the world, spans a length of time from 1600 up to the present. This time frame includes the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods. The classical period of music actually spans a time from of 1750 ... blues. Early exponents of this dance music were Jelly Roll Martin (a blues player) and Scott Joplin (ragtime). The terms "Jazz" and "Jazz Band" first surfaced in the year 1900. Some say this occurred in New Orleans, although similar music was played at the same time in other places. The most prominent exponents of this early music, called Dixieland Jazz, included Louis Armstrong and Sidney Bechet. After World War I, Jazz music had evolved and was aided by the development of the recording industry. The small dance band ensemble grew into the larger orchestra known as the "Big Band". The music of ...
5475: Anaximander
Anaximander About 530 AD the Neoplatonist Simplicius wrote an extensive commentary on Aristotle's Physics. In it he reproduced the Anaximander fragment, thus preserving it for the western world. He copied it from Theophrastus. From the time Anaximander pronounced his saying--we do not know where or when or to whom--to the moment Simplicius jotted it down in his commentary more than a ... of two thousand five hundred years, still say something to us? (Heidegger 16) Anaximander, it is widely believed, was responsible for constructing one of philosophy's first complete sentences and, coincidentally, one of the early world's most profound thoughts. The man was reportedly born, the son of Praxiades, in the seaport of Miletus in 610 B.C. He spent his life philosophizing on the Greek island of Samos until his ... retribution -- seem to show that he was also concerned with natural laws; he is trying to tell why things flower and fall. It seems to this writer as though Anaximander is attempting, in a way new to humans at the time the fragment was written, to apply the strict rules of sciences to natural systems. He is denying any and all demarcation between the lines of thought and disciplines! It ...
5476: Fried Green Tomatoes
... but Idgie knows that Ruth is her love, and Ruth knows that Idgie is her love. They just stood there, looking at each other, and in that moment Ruth wished more than anything in the world that she could grab her and hold her as tight as she could; but if she had, she knew she would never let go. (FGT 91). Idgie had already lost the first love in life ... Ruth. One can understand being upset at having a friend leave, but to get as upset as Idgie gets, shows that they are much more than friends. Idgie loves Ruth more than anything in the world. So much in fact, that she travels all the way to Georgia once a month just to see her; not talk to her, just to see if she is all right. Then, one day, she ... suddenly come to mind, and she would want to see her so bad that the pain of longing for her sometimes took her breath away. (FGT 194). Idgie loves Ruth more than anything in the world, and Ruth feels the same way about Idgie. However, the most overwhelming proof of Idgie and Ruth s homosexual relationship came when Ruth finally makes it back from Georgia. It happens when Ruth is ...
5477: Telecommunication
... however, was very susceptible to noise interference. 3.4. Hey Bell! I Can Hang Myself Up! After the breakup of the AT&T empire that controlled the modem industry, many other companies started to create new designs of modems. Hayes Microcomputer Products, took the lead in the PC modem business. Hayes pioneered the use of microprocessor chips inside the modem itself. The Hayes Smartmodem, introduced in 1981, used a Zilog Z ... computers that they were connected to. The next advancement was the invention of the 2400 bits per second modem. The specifications came from the CCITT, an industry standard setting organization composed of hundreds of companies world wide. The new standard was designated as V.22bis and is still in use today. Other CCITT standards that followed were the V.32 (9600 bps), the V.32bis (14400 bps), the V42 (error control), and the ...
5478: Intimacy
... step is initiating which is making contact with the other person and showing that you are the kind of person worth talking to. Our relationship was initiated as soon as I was brought into this world and facilitated by the fact that we were brother and sister. The next step is experimenting which is deciding whether we want to pursue a relationship further by using small talk and the like. Since ... been with me. My sister was not always a sister and definitely changed when I became her brother. Bonding is the next step which is when the parties make symbolic public gestures to show the world that a relationship exists. My sister and I have always been very public about our relationship. Next is the differentiating stage where the parties separate somewhat. We are always going through this at this point ... quality. Again, this seems to come and go in our relationship. The stagnating stage is when the relationship becomes overly familiar and loses the feeling. We have not hit this. We can always find a new way to keep the relationship exciting. Avoiding is the stage in which the parties create distance between one another. We have not reached this stage either. We are still as close as we have ...
5479: History of Computers
History of Computers ENG 121 The volume and use of computers in the world are so great, they have become difficult to ignore anymore. Computers appear to us in so many ways that many times, we fail to see them as they actually are. People associated with a computer ... the national response to nuclear threats and attacks. The Internet developed as a direct result of this communication system. In the 1990's, there were literally thousands of these communication computers scattered all over the world and they served as the communication traffic managers for the entire Internet. One source stated it best concerning the volume of Internet computers by revealing, "... the number of hosts on the Internet began an explosive ... just to name a few. They are also a great form of enjoyment as many games have been developed to play on these types of computers. These computers are the most numerous types in the world due to there relatively small cost and size. The internal workings and mechanics of personal computers primarily consisted of a central processing unit, a keyboard, a video monitor and possibly a printer unit. The ...
5480: Herman Melville: His Life and Works
... figure whose exploration of psychological and metaphysical themes foreshadowed 20th-century literary concerns but whose works remained in obscurity until the 1920s, when his genius was finally recognized.  Melville was born August 1, 1819, in New York City, into a family that had declined in the world. “The Gansevoorts were solid, stable, eminent, prosperous people; the (Herman's Father's side) Melvilles were somewhat less successful materially, possessing an unpredictable. erratic, mercurial strain.” (Edinger 6). This difference between the Melville's and ... a seaman on the U.S. Navy frigate United States. After his discharge in 1844 he began to create novels out of his experiences and to take part in the literary life of Boston and New York City.  Melville's first five novels all achieved quick popularity. Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life (1846), Omoo, a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas (1847), and Mardi (1849) were romances of ...

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