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Search results 5461 - 5470 of 22819 matching essays
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5461: Immigrants Coming Over To America
Immigrants Coming Over To America They are our grandparents, our relatives, our friends. They are the immigrants. They came from all over the world for many reasons, such as, religious persecution and racial tension, but the largest reason for coming to America was for freedom. The freedom to live where we want, to own property, to take part in ... promised by our forefathers. One of the nationalities traveling to America were Jews. They were treated somewhat differently. This was probably because many of their countries would not accept them. The first Jews in the new world were Morranos from Spain. They fled their homeland because of the inquisition. They traveled from Spain to South America, and then to New Amsterdam. They, at first were rejected by Peter Stuyvesant, but petitioned ...
5462: Blacks: A Struggle for Racial Equality
Blacks: A Struggle for Racial Equality Almost everyone would like to have racial equality in the world today. It is often said that all people have been created equally. That is true, however sometimes not everybody is treated equally. In society, blacks are still struggling for racial equality. We should note that ... person on the team but Bullet refused to train with him because he is black. Another quote that shows how blacks are still in a struggle for racial equality is in short commentary, A Fair World for All by Dorothy Canfield Fisher: "Suppose that you are in a market or food shop buying things to eat. Everybody is relaxed and easy, standing around waiting for his turn to buy. All of ... work together, we can put an end to the discrimination that exists today. ENDNOTES 1. The Power of One. Directed by Arnon Milchan, movie, colour. Screenplay by Robert Mark Kamen. 2. Cynthia, Voigt, The Runner (New York: Ballantine Books, 1985), p.57 3. Voigt.p.93 4. "A Fair World for All" in Collier's Junior Classics: Harvest of Holidays, ed. Ruth Weeden Stewart (New York: The Crowell Collier publishing ...
5463: Angelas Ashes Summary
... So begins the luminous memoir Angela s Ashes of author Frank McCourt. Born in Depression-era Brooklyn to recent Irish immigrants and raised in the slums of Limerick, Ireland. This novel was the number one New York Times Bestseller and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Also, this book is now a major motion picture. The sequel to Mr. McCourt s memoir has also been released and is entitled Tis. My father ... there are many things which bring the feeling of sadness to the reader s mind. First of all, there are many deaths in this novel. In the beginning there are six family members. Suddenly, a new girl is born Margaret. Margaret excites the entire family because she is the only girl with brothers Francis, Malachy, Oliver, and Eugene. Soon Margaret is not well and dies unexpectedly. This tears at Frank s ... day comes when the children receive meals like meat and potatoes, it is given to them from someone else out of pity. This novel is set in Brooklyn in the beginning, prior to the first World War. In the next part of the novel, the family gets up and moves back to Ireland where they are originally from. Soon they are back in Limerick and the river Shannon where Frank ...
5464: Birthing Cermonies of Other Cultures
... the same as well for example every culture has some form of the family. This is what helps most cultures understand other cultures. In the Indian culture their view of bringing a child into the world is much different then the American culture's view. In the Indian culture there are a lot of preparations that go into getting the parents and the community ready for the new member. Their culture does more work with the child before they are even born. First of all plans are made for them so they know who is going to be there to witness the child ... did before the baby is born. They say that this shows the child the importance of work in their culture. During the pregnancy, around the seventh month, the mother introduces the baby to the natural world. She does this by taking walks in the fields and over the hills. They believe that the baby is consciously taking all of this in to prepare him/her for life within that culture. ...
5465: Television Violence
... and 55% said that they didn't think it effected the way people acted(14). As seen in the survey the problem of television violence is being made more aware to the people of the world. The problem has also grown over the years to a more serious dilemma making the government start to try and solve the problem by initiating laws in which television stations must limit violence on T ... not enough though the problem must be taken care of promptly before it changes society as a whole. If the problem is not taken care of swiftly then it could effect the future of the world by having violence rampage the streets of our towns. In the past when television was first invented it was a much happier time. people could walk on our streets without having to care if they ... recovering , and gave one student a fractured collar bone and multiple fractured ribs(15). Because of these two incidents and many more television violence has been brought to the attention of the citizens of the world. It has also grabbed the attention of the United States government. Since these occurrences the government has strengthened there hold on the collar of the television stations around the U.S. by making stricter ...
5466: Muhammad Ali: The Greatest
... two National Golden Glove Tournaments and two National AAU titles. It took Cassius only six years to win the Heavyweight Gold Medal at the Rome Olympics and 10 years to become Heavyweight Champion of the world. During Cassius’s early boxing career, he declared himself a Black Muslim and changed his name to Muhammad Ali. Because of his religious beliefs, Ali took a controversial stand against the Vietnam War. Consequently, the New York State Athletic Committee suspended Muhammad Ali’s boxing license. Muhammad’s recognition as a champion was withdrawn and he was also suspended from the Nation of Islam because he planned to return to boxing. After being barred from the ring, Muhammad displayed his tenacity by touring colleges and giving lectures to earn money while filing suit against the New York State Athletic Commission for violating his 14th amendment rights. When Ali won his lawsuit and his boxing license was reinstated, Ali fought Joe Frazier for the heavyweight title at Madison Square Garden and ...
5467: William Faulkner
... in his writings. William Faulkner’s background is a very important detail that will help his readers understand the psychological implications of what he wrote and to appreciate his work. William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi, on September 25, 1897. His parents were Murry and Maud Faulkner. He married Estelle Franklin in 1929. They had two children together, both daughters. The first daughter was named Alabama, and she died ... 26), as described in the story. At this point, it is unclear who is actually telling the story about Miss Emily. Ray B. West believes that “[w]hen, as in ‘A Rose for Emily’, the world depicted is a confusion between the past and present, the atmosphere is one o distortion-of unreality” (192). The narrator recounts different stories about Miss Emily. The stories about Miss Emily are told out of ... Faulkner presents the South in comparison from past to present and his ability to make the reader wonder about the point of view. Faulkner’s writings are enjoyable and open the reader up to a world of interpretation and intellectual challenge. All of the qualities make William Faulkner’s stories literature. However, it is how these qualities are shown to the reader that make William Faulkner fit to be included ...
5468: Margaret Thatcher
... in the flat above her parents small grocery store. Margaret's father was the greatest influence in Margaret's life, politically as well as religiously and socially. Alfred Roberts came to Grantham during the First World War where he met and married Beatrice Stevenson. "The young couple worked hard and saved money with a passion. Before long Alfred opened his own grocery shop, and eventually he came to own two." (Mayer ... Margaret moved out of the flat above the grocery store and went off to university." (Mayer, 1979) Margaret's life at the university revolved around her work in the chemistry lab, and the lively political world that Oxford had to offer. The organization Margaret most wanted to join was the Oxford University Conservative Association. Her membership in OUCA marked her first formal association with the Conservative party. "It has been suggested ... speaches given at the time to References Lewis, R. (1975). Margaret Thatcher: A personal and Political Biography. Southampton: The Camelot Press Ltd.. Mayer, A. (1979). Madam Prime Minister: Margaret Thatcher and her Rise to Power. New York: Newsweek Books. Minogue, K. & Biddiss, M (1987). Thatcherism: Personality and Politics. New York: S. Martin's Press, Inc.. Thatcher, M. (1995). The Path to Power. New York: Harper Collins. Young, H. (1989). The ...
5469: Paul Ehrlich
Paul Ehrlich The German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich made important advances to the world of medicine. He is best remembered for his development of the arsenic compound number 606, which was used as a treatment of syphilis. As a Nobel Prize Winner and an honored scientist, fellow scientists and ... He graduated at in 1872. After his graduation, he attended the University of Breslau for a semester then transferred to the University of Strassburg. With help from his tutor, he was able to discover a new variety of mastcells through his staining experiments. Paul then returned to the University of Breslau in 1874. He continued to experiment with dyes in Leipzig, where his university studies continued. In 1877, Paul Ehrlich published ... not paid. Ehrlich contracted tuberculosis because of his laboratory work. He and his wife went to Egypt so he could recover and they returned three years later in 1890. With the discovery of Koch's new tuberculin treatment Ehrlich never had a recurrence. In the same year, Robert Koch appointed Ehrlich as one of his assistants at the Institute for Infectious Diseases. Here, Ehrlich begins the immunological studies that make ...
5470: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
... a smart student and skipped two grades before entering an ivy league college at only the age of 15. He was the class valedictorian with an A average. King paraded his graduation present in a new green Chevrolet before his fellow graduates. He was raised in the perfect environment where dreams and love were generated. King and X’s childhoods are "a study in polarity." (pg. 254, Reflecting Black) Whereas, Malcolm ... Even though they were different in addressing their messages about black respect and pride, they both had the same goal in mind. That goal was to achieve equality between all races. Returning from the second world war, black Americans, just as those three decades prior, expected to find America a land of equality for all people and specifically a land endowed with increased black civil rights. Although the late 1940's and 1950's are not generally considered a period social advancement for blacks due to the volatility and revolution of the 1960's, the decade and a half after World War II ultimately proved to be a very significant chapter in the history of black civil rights and a pivotal stepping stone for the drastic social uproar of the next decade. In 1950, America ...

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